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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That's a lot of tears because an old PC game nobody cares about is Switch's best game... and beat TLOU2 Idiot
  2. No... because if nobody cared about it on PC... then it stands to reason that other GOTY caliber titles are being ignored that are released right now. Like I said... you wouldn't know until those games release on Switch... and regardless of all that... that old PC game also beat out The Laughs at Us 2 and every Sony+Nintendo game too The Nominees were also 2 Xbox Game Studios games, 2 Playstation Studios games... and 0 Nintendo games
  3. Nope... because you wont know how good those PC games are until they come to Switch... if they ever do All you know right now is that Switch's best 2020 game didn't even blip on PC years ago when it first released
  4. LMAO you won't know that for another 2 years
  5. Ok, so nobody cared until it released on Switch... which means... Switch's best game in 2020... is an old PC game nobody cared about 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Admitting Sheep make big deals about old PC games nobody cares about!!
  7. TSHBR too... LMAO this 2 year old PC game beating out anything they released this year https://www.sxsw.com/news/2021/2021-gaming-awards-winners-across-12-categories-announced/ LOL and Jehurey specific rapage: HL:A wins VR GOTY And MS (and PC) wins the excellence in technical achievement of the year with MS Flight Sim... TLOU2HBR
  8. PS5 is actually completely terrible in tons of games, because the PS5 runs in an always on HDR container.. It causes many SDR games to be a lot brighter than they should be. Sony has the right idea, they just need to put in the work to create and adjust an algorithm that corrects it on a per game basis. MS is already doing that. Problem is is that I'm not sure if PS5 has the hardware support to do it properly. I'm pretty sure MS is going to do this for Windows. Have Windows run in an HDR container, always on, and then using ML, correctly tonemap SDR content for ever
  9. 'legitimate criticism'.... rofl. You couldn't even take me saying "just say it's awesome"... you already did... but you had to add some bullshit to it. BOOM got triggered and spaz'd out LOL... bubu PS5 an and Spidy.. and and wait™ lmao shut the fuck up.. It's obvious you can't just say you like it... because when you say something positive about MS and do it enough.. you get put on a list here
  10. "bubu AAA nothing else maturz " "I don't care about what games I played last month " I don't care about playing Sony's sad dad movie games day and date either. I don't care about owning a Playstation... and your entire argument is that I should...like some fucking kid who has nothing better do to
  11. LMAO Lynux IMMEDIATELY on my dick... yes it's constantly in form
  12. Like me giving a fuck? I played it at launch... and wished I never had
  13. Yes it was. There's lots of great fucking games on Game Pass... but you simply couldn't say it was great... without adding in a jab. Gotta add the jab or the retarded sheep on this forum might start to argue with you
  14. lmao dude, it's forgotten... barely made a blip. No shit it's a great game....... one that I played back when it launched on PS3... And No.. it's not the best visuals on any system ever lmfao... And sure, my comments did. I argued that it wasn't a big PS5 game and that it didn't sell as well as the PS4 game did... and it didn't... and wont. You haven't been telling me for forever that Sony will put it's games on PC to bring them to PS5. Because that's NOT what they are doing at all.. lmao. I love how your response... is to tell me... YES all
  15. No.. madmal bought a Game Pass subscription because Sony didn't have enough "good games" coming out quick enough
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