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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea lol.. I'm hoping to God that this mahfucka don't break on me But... if it happened, and I had absolutely no other choice.. I'd just throw the cash down. It's basically just an arbitrary limit that I've set for myself being the reason I don't have one right now. I've had multiple chances... I'm just not going to pay $2500+ for a GPU.. when the GPU I have is still extremely good lol. I'm not THAT hard up just yet.
  2. Yea, it goes down, then climbs back up all the time as new content and patches and info comes out. Gamepass undoubtedly helps people test the waters, and then if they really like the game, they either keep playing it there, or grab it on Steam. When the game goes on discount, it shoots right up to the top of the list almost every time.
  3. Yea, I dunno. I just hope he keeps his shit cleaner than he did before. I wouldn't be bragging about owning any video card until I had a presentable setup in other regards
  4. Except regardless of that...the game has sold millions on Steam, it sold millions on console... it probably even sold well on Windows Store. It's consistently one of the top played games Gamepass just augments that and brings in new players all the time... many which stay and play, and even go buy the game Now Shitny Sad dad games are the one and done type shit... I call them "active viewers"
  5. You never gave the game a proper chance. Luckily a lot of people did The clowns on this site will lose their shit over this too
  6. Yea. But somehow this gen is even worse. Obviously covid fucked up a lot of shit.. but even then, these consoles came in hot. It's just been messy. With cross gen games that have issues... the hardware having some quirks like Sony not having expandable storage ready, as well as general system issues. They are more "PC like" than ever... except their just closed ecosystem PCs. It only further solidifies the fact that I made the correct choice to dump them completely. PS3/360 gen was the turning point... the PS4/XO gen was the lead-in... and the PS5/XSX gen is just f
  7. Remij


    Fucking incredible tech. Now think of how tech like this could be applied to games. The AI could generate frames for cases where the framerate drops or there's a stutter, being one very obvious use case, making games run smoother. But being tied directly into the engine, they could create more realistic looking assets while using vastly reduced amount of resources. Think of something like POM (Parallax Occlusion Mapping) where you get that real depth looking effect to materials.. That's all done in shaders and isn't actual geometric detail. This AI tech could simulate these materials thro
  8. Sony knows that nobody gives a shit about games for a console you can't go and buy... So even the shit they had planned is getting pushed back... and it will all come to PC anyway Agent Ryan is performing admirably
  9. Word is getting out Sony's following MS' lead in every regard.
  10. Yea, I really like the Corsair. Looks SO nice in person. And yea I know tons of people have them.. but it works so nicely. I went with the 98'' countertop because I wanted to have my PC up on top... it's MASSIVE haha. What LG monitor is that? I have the 38GL950G-B.. lmao that's hilarious if we have the same monitor too It's a fucking godly monitor.. I love the shit out of it. I have some audio equipment coming in and will need some room for that, plus some other stuff. I love your setup so far. Nice, clean, and simple. Yea you could get
  11. I went with the Corsair 5000D Airflow myself personally. Just did it last weekend. I LOVE this case... and it's really easy to build in. Here's a couple pics I took while in the midst of redoing my entire setup. Next week I have a big surprise coming But anyway.. to answer your question... I'm partial to Corsair.
  12. JerryHBR Secret Agent Ryan is going to be following in Phil Spencer's footsteps
  13. You're.... the DUMBEST motherfucker period I never ONCE said Oculus does finger tracking with capacitive sensors.. And no sweetie... finger detection ISN'T finger tracking... Oculus' controllers DETECT where your fingers are... through the capacitive sensors.. just like Sony's controller here. Notice the language they use.... there's a reason why they say "finger-touch detection" and not "finger tracking" Moron
  14. I'm relying on what Sony is saying RIGHT NOW... You're depending on an old prototype video and LOL
  15. Yes.. because the point is how people interpret the meaning.. And you... are wrong... and basing it purely off a prototype LOL
  16. Nope... they say... what SONY are telling them.. YOU are saying what Sony prototyped... They also prototyped split controllers you know
  17. I love how stupid you are while trying to act so confident The controllers can also detect players’ fingers without any pressing in the areas where you place your thumb, index, or middle fingers, similar to modern VR controllers from Valve, HTC and Oculus. Yep... it's RIGHT THERE... they feature the same "detection" as Oculus controllers. You can put your finger OVER the button.. and it detects your fingers are there...
  18. I never assumed it made their top VR list...lmao.. The reason I'm laughing at you in the first place is because you RUN to them.. LMAO Jerry Gerstmann And sweetie... they spell it right out for you.... LOL
  19. Nobody gives a shit about GiantBitch's VR GOTY idiot... LOL nice try. And no... clearly Sony is NOT following their prototype video... and the controller relies on capacitive sensors for thumb, index and middle finger... JUST like the Oculus controllers. LOL Now.... "Move" along kid
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