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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Keep talking about things you know nothing about "bubu they should really put a d-pad on there" lmao you fucking IDIOT
  2. It's not meant to be a dualshock idiot. They go symmetric with the buttons because that's intuitive and natural.
  3. It's literally the Oculus controller And lmao Jehurey talking about other people not knowing what they are talking about when they have VASTLY more experience in everything VR than him.. LOL. They obviously modeled it after the Oculus touch controllers.. which is a smart idea. They're good and have the most compatibility with most VR games out there. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony allows the PSVR2 to connect to PC and they start releasing their VR games on PC as well. Valve's controller is better though.
  4. I don't give a shit about who publishes what... I care about the games with the best visuals.. and them being best on my platform. LOL
  5. Noooo. You post my profile. You claimed something... now post your proof. That's not my profile that you posted.
  6. MORE from the list are on PC than are on PS... retard
  7. Yes... I do. Because they are on my platform... and BEST... on my platform. LOL.. and Sony doesn't even have the most on the list.. .they are TIED with MS
  8. Post my profile proving I haven't played them. I'll wait. Then I'll post yours.. proving you haven't.
  9. Sweetie... PC wins any way you slice it... and LMAO YOU TRIED SLICING IT EVERY WAY POSSIBLE IN THIS THREAD And Phil is the boss of DOOM now bitch... now go on and display your butthurt
  10. I have.. and we can talk about them. I'm checking your profile though... and you haven't played them yet... so...
  11. What it does... is shows how PS got BUTTFUCKED hard by PC. Take it up with DF sweetie... their list ain't changing because you're busy crying And DOOM is now a MS IP. Deal with it
  12. You should spend more time playing games instead of arguing stupid things like.... this^
  13. I don't care who the developers and publishers are... I care about the games being on my Platform... and 6 out of 9 are on PC LOL I love how you literally tried to make this about publishers.. where MS still beats Sony
  14. Funny thing is that even if I did that... I would have still played and experienced them more than you
  15. There's not even 10 spots you fucking idiot and PC takes 6 of the top 9.... Sony couldn't even WIN #1 with TLOU2, PS5 exclusive Demon's Souls... NOR Miles Morales with RT That's last gen... next gen... and RT... they lost in EVERY category
  16. I like how he's saying "TLOU2... is the winner... of last generation visual techniques" Then when you add "next generation visual techniques"... TLOU2 gets obliterated... and MM loses to CP2077 Like I said... he loses every way
  17. And new gfx techniques resulting in BETTER GFX... are not gimmicks The desperation.... the hilarious thing is that he's ruling out RT.... VR.... and AI.... from future PS5 games.... He's doing it to himself
  18. Literally every gymnastic move you could think of... resulted in you losing... by a MS developed PC exclusive game
  19. He's lost his fucking mind... because he's lost every argument he tried to start today No... I've told you you should leave. You already admitted to being far past "that point"... confirming that I haven't spoiled anything for you. Any attempt from you to stay in this thread with open TLOU2 spoilers... will be your own fault
  20. Yes it is. It's about JOEL AND ELLIE being in a game they deserve.... which means that I'm free to talk about TLOU2 NOT being the game they deserved... dipshit. Now run along... before you get spoiled some more... because you haven't played the game through to the end (like most games you "play")
  21. No... this is a thread about Ellie and Joel... I'm free to talk about TLOU2 in this thread all I want. If you don't like it.. because you haven't played it... fuck off
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