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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Imagine games not being an important part of your life... and yet still being on SW complaining constantly about other people
  2. This might be the best thing to happen to MS... if it lowers CDPR's market value and MS picks them up because of it. IDGAF what anyone says... if MS had TW4, TES6, and Starfield all exclusive... that would drive TONS of people to Xbox/Gamepass. Gamers are idiots anyway... they can say never again all they want... but when CDPR shows TW4 for the first time... people will immediately forgive and forget about CP2077 CDPR was born on PC... and the PC gaming community is still with them
  3. It looks sooo nice. I've only played 40min so far, but it's good. I'll take some pics
  4. Sony in-fighting to see which one of their samey cinematic open world games is best Completely depends on which aesthetic you prefer more
  5. I clearly said MS should buy them. I never suggested they should just not support PS as a 3rd party lmao
  6. It IS best on PC.. and they just announced a new update
  7. They would be smart to limit the amount of platforms they support and focus on making their games as best as they can be for the ones they do. The game had ~61% of pre-orders on PC with the rest on consoles... So probably another ~15% Xbox... which leaves PS4 with about 24% with PS. That's 76% of pre-orders on PC/Xbox alone.
  8. If MS had The Witcher 4 as an Xbox exclusive... that would be a massive blow to Sony. They should try and buy them at this point. Now would be the time. Only focusing on S/X and PC would be best for them anyway lol
  9. LMFAO... they focused on PC so hard... the console versions sucked so bad.... they literally had to stop selling the game
  10. You don't... at all..... And yet you bought a PCVR instead of a PSVR anyway
  11. LMFAO the haters have been so owned Not only is HL:A the official SystemWars GOTY (because we go by Gamespot here) .... it's also a PC exclusive And to top it off... you have cows begging for it in this very thread LMAO
  12. So fucking true man. These cows overestimate how much many Hermits give a shit about another Sony cinematic action open world game. I'd have been happier not wasting my time with TLOU2. That's why I no longer care about owning the console.. even just the chance of their games coming owns them into oblivion... and I'll support Sony on PC just to facilitate that
  13. The only game I can think of that Oculus still has coming is Lone Echo 2... but that was supposed to release at the beginning of 2020.. and there's been no word of it since. Who the fuck even knows any more?
  14. That video is how I imagine XO and PS4 owners getting out of their cars when driving back to Gamestop/EBGames to return their copies of CP2077
  15. Yeah.. it's clear they wanted their Christmas bonuses this year lmao
  16. Lmao the sw money police Who gives a shit what he spends his money on... We all buy shit and spend more on certain things than others would.
  17. That's better than my PC. You have the portable factor. You can take it in the bathroom and have a shit while you game.. I can't do that with mine. I accept the loss
  18. Yeah but not for long. He's going to buy a new GPU soon and I'll have the worst PC
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