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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Everyone here is owning me right now. I have the worst PC on SW possibly
  2. The only blessing of them blowing it this past gen is that they realized they have another platform that's actually successful and went all in on it. Now, us we would kindly like them to start making awesome games again. 😊
  3. lol.. indeed.. we shall. I don't even know where you got on that idea anyway.
  4. It's not releasing on Switch before PC... it either happened as a surprise at this event... or it's not happening at all. And it didn't happen. So it's a day 1 on both release.
  5. Jesus... If it didn't release first on Switch at this Nintendo event... it's not going to. I even say in my damn post... "It's either first on PC, or day 1 on both" ....
  6. So the PC version is coming 9 months later, and Capcom can announce it after 6 months. Nintendo paid $2 million for the exclusivity. https://www.dsogaming.com/news/monster-hunter-rise-coming-to-pc-nine-months-after-nintendo-switch-first-pc-tech-details/
  7. It was confirmed for PC before Switch... if it didn't happen at this little Nintendo event, it's not happening. It's either first on PC or day 1 on both
  8. You don't understand... I've already confirmed it for PC
  9. I'll fix it again.... "The best game for PS4" I dont care how old it is lmao TCWBFR
  10. It will be... when it releases.... Not now though.. I know that sheep are desperate
  11. Old ass PS4 games .... cows say it to me all the time . The difference is that when games come to PC... they are BEST on PC
  12. This hurts the sheep hard because they were hoping for some more games to play this year...
  13. On PC i will simply mod this game with the original SMB music
  14. Hollow Knight is bordering on too long almost anyway.
  15. Well, I was just recently perm'd there for my behavior lmao.. but yea, it's quite clear that certain people would have everything controlled and no free speech there whatsoever... just agree with us or GTFO... So it's funny to see them attacking each other... and the forum is still so young lmao. That said.. yeah, I dunno... some people don't have a very thick skin and can't take much "abuse"... and lots of them fuckers don't realize how abusive they are in the name of "political correctness"... That group can start another new forum... and the same thing wi
  16. Yea, it shouldn't take long for their wheels to be supported in the game on PS consoles. Like you said, at least the PS5 support the wheel. GT7 could be coming sooner than people think too.. so you'll have lots to play with your new setup
  17. Yeah..it seems like their focus for the next 2 months at least will be getting the last gen versions somewhat acceptable... next gen versions are likely 1 or 2 months after that.. if you're lucky.. so yeah..bit could be a while
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