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Everything posted by Remij

  1. ~PS4 level experience. And yea, I think that's pretty good. Some of these games look amazing on the portable.. like, I can't believe it's running this shit, type shit.
  2. It can play the vast majority of new games. I mean the AAA games you're talking about... you get a few of them a year.. lmao. Most 3rd party games will run just fine... assuming you have reasonably expectations for a handheld device. And there will continue to be games for years and years which release and work on the device. There's still like 4 more years left in this gen.. the requirements aren't going to be getting higher any time soon.
  3. Still should not be even close to that far down the list. It's seriously concerning. MS has completely failed this game, the studio, and the IP. Either people really seriously don't give a shit about it..... or it's the literal non-existent marketing, and the trailers for the game not really revealing anything interesting about the game at all.
  4. Personally don't think it really means anything. What's more worrying that any of that... is where it ranks on Steam's Global Top Sellers list considering it releases in a couple days... It's currently #102 It's actually embarrassing how little, and pathetically, MS has pushed and marketed this game. Just fucking close the studio right now if you're not going to support them ffs... I'm actually kinda pissed at MS about this game, because the IP is great, the character is good, there's tons of awesome marketing they could have done with this game..
  5. Cows before "OMFG God of War only managed a pathetic 72K concurrent players.. these games are selling like shit.. Sony needs to stop" Cows now "OMG the plan is working to perfection! They're lapping it up big time! Amazing results!"
  6. That's pretty awesome considering how little the game was marketed, and that they just came off of the HD2 controversy.
  7. Bloodborne is indeed overrated to an extent. I was calling that out back after DS3 released and cows kept coming at me that BB was better lol 1. DS1 2. Demon's 3. DS3 4. Bloodborne 5. Elden Ring 6. Sekiro 7. DS2
  8. Nah, just stating facts. You've never ever talked about playing any of these games here.. ever.. nor have you ever talked about playing any of the souls-likes out there either. Your opinion simply means nothing.. and coming in here and trying to act like as if anyone was ever trying to sell you specifically on these games, and that you're somehow smart for "seeing through the hype".... is just pure bullshit. You were never going to play Elden Ring. Never Bloodborne. Never Dark Souls 1, 2, or 3. Never Sekiro.. It's not because you saw through the hype... it's because you don'
  9. lmfao nobody gives a shit what you think of these games or not
  10. I had made a thread about this earlier, but Alex made a video covering it. This is truly awesome for preservation and simply to be able to play these older games in a much better and accurate way. So much awesome shit is going to come from this in the future
  11. Good. Just imagine all the sick shit that fucker has done throughout his lifetime..
  12. He's a real character, and has tons of potential for a cool story.. This is exactly the type of thing that should be encouraged instead of swapping races/genders of established characters for the hell of it. I have a good feeling about this game.
  13. I could see them doing some shit like that. If you think about it.. their goal would ideally be to have people subscribe for their own first party games and not rely on 3rd party deals at all. Imagine some shit like an "Activision package", "Bethesda package", and "MS Studios package" and you could create a bundle you wanted or some shit? lmfao I think they might try something like that when the ultimate tier becomes too costly that nobody buys it.
  14. What if it's a cheaper COD only tier for $7
  15. Those things have always been more important than visuals man. I love PC gaming so much because the best games that actually do new and different shit.. all come from PC The hybrid platform is far more interesting right now, from both a gaming and technological improvement standpoint. It's where there's still room for innovation and competition, so it's more exciting.
  16. Sure some of them will... and some might just think... hey.. Xbox now owns COD, Diablo, Overwatch, Fallout, Elder Scrolls... and I can play them all on Gamepass... and play with my friends on PS consoles.... I'll just go with that. These people don't care as much as you think they do. The console is a means to an end for them... to play one or two single games..
  17. Nah, that's irrelevant. COD is cross-play and cross progression. It literally doesn't matter to these new generations man. They play on what they have first and foremost.. and if not that, then what's cheapest. These are people who haven't bought into anything Sony has been selling for PS5 thus far.... I don't think they care as much about the difference between the consoles as you think. They just care if they can play COD on it or not.
  18. That goes for every single PS5 gamer out there, and they're lying if they pretend otherwise. It's been a POS, lets be honest. It has barely anything that differentiates itself from the PS4 generation so far. There's a reason why Jerry never plays his. Why Madmal is basically done with gaming for the most part, why Aza is more interested in Switch 2 than PS5, why half these other guys never talk about playing these games... Sony's literally out here remaking games from last generation... which work in Backwards Compatibility ffs It's been a joke. Truly next gen ga
  19. Those players aren't as heavily invested in any platform. They have maybe a couple games they bought the console for. Any platform to play those specific games is up for grabs. Not saying EVERYONE will buy an Xbox... but it will definitely entice those already on Xbox, and potentially those who bought a PS4, to just get a cheap console to keep playing COD.
  20. 60/40 And the PS5 version only sold what it did because of PC hype Jesus... PC is worth it alone just to get Sony's own fanbase to play their games
  21. Oh yea... continuing the PS4 is really going to get those people to go out..... and buy another PS4
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