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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's a PS5 controller... and I'm using it. With more games than you ever will on your PS5 And you don't have a 3090. You don't have a 3090 you can use. So hilariously, while you're trying to own me for owning something you say I can't even use.... you own something 15x more expensive.. and you can't even use it AT ALL If you could... you'd benchmark it against me right now and have me banned. But you wont... cause you can't. I can't believe this idiot thinks that owning a GPU sitting in a box unused is some kind of ownage...
  2. Yes, I am using it. You DON'T have access to a PS5 right now... nor any time soon. LOL liar. And you don't have a 3090. You don't seem to realize how fucking retarded you are either way If you DO have a 3090... you're retarded because you're not using it. If you don't... then you're a retarded liar. I have a PS5 controller, and I'm using it already, before you ever had one. And you're stuck waiting 2 weeks at least for your PS5 just to be able to use it Only one of us here has ANY experience with the DualSense Jerry... and that's me
  3. Yes. It's a PS5 controller... and I'm using it. LOL you're not getting around that. So, you've bought a 3090 and haven't used it for a month already? LMAO... that's HILARIOUS... and proves one of two things. You have no plans to actually use it and want to resell it... in which case that means that you don't have a 3090 to use... or that you're just an idiot who spent $1500 on a GPU that he hasn't even used for a month JFC this idiot thinks he's hot shit right now
  4. Yes, it will. And I'm not waiting... I'm using it RIGHT NOW And no... you don't have a 3090. If you did, you'd take a picture of it right now. And if you DO have one.... you're an idiot because it's been sitting behind you for one month already being unused. LOL and you're laughing about me buying a controller that I'm actually using
  5. It will be fully supported on PC. I wont ever NEED one LOL So no, it doesn't make this thread silly. It makes your butthurt about me making a thread silly... that's what it does. LOL It's funny.. that I'm USING THE CONTROLLER RIGHT NOW... and it will be fully supported on PC within the first 6 months.. guaranteed. I'm bookmarking your post And you don't have a 3090
  6. Yea, you'll understand later. You can't test it's unique functions either. You have a 3090? It's funny you're bragging about a GPU you haven't even used for a month now LOL
  7. 2nd day with the DualSense. It's just perfect. I wish you cows could understand what I was talking about, but you can't.. as I'm the only one with DualSense experience here. Just a couple more weeks for yous I suppose
  8. It works as well as it does on your PS5 at the moment, I can confirm.
  9. You're literally the one WANTING to be a hermit... begging for people to list their PC parts so you can try to buy one that's more powerful You're an imaginary hermit... You can imagine yourself trying to buy a better PC than users here... but the reality is you're a dumbfuck Xbrick lemtard who thinks a 12TF Series X with RT performance equivalent of a 2060, is as powerful as a 17TF 2080ti
  10. You're delusional... and dumb. DumblusionalB1
  11. No.. It's not. And that's a 2 year old GPU
  12. You said that last time dumbo But by all means... own me
  13. Two dumb console idiots arguing about who's going to own the better PC PCPC #1
  14. Jehurey off topic in my thread.. who could have imagined? God, I love how it immediately turns to hermit orange
  15. See... look at this post. Then look a Jehurey in this thread... acting like a kid who's just been offended and is lashing out
  16. I bet Jehurey bought a PS5 controller SPECIFICALLY to try with his PC... which is why he wants it tomorrow so badly Hypocrithurey
  17. Jeez... who would have thought the cows would be more sensitive than their new controller is?
  18. Yes I have. I'm playing it right now. over 2x the fps, at over 2x the resolution... controls perfect with the DualSense.
  19. That's a lot of words... none of which have anything to do with me having and using a PS5 controller.. which is what this thread is about. And you say I'm melting down
  20. Imagine being a fgt PS5 owner, but having to own and buy a PC which he uses for gaming anyway You're literally MAD because having a PS5 alone isn't enough for you.... yet me, with my PC, can do away with those shitty fucking consoles once and for all
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