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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Not really Can't believe they fucked up Halo On the plus side, hopefully the game gets reworked and fixed. Halo MCC on PC is godlike right now. This will also give them time to bring Halo 5 over too before Infinite
  2. Well... I guess things happen for a reason. Nvidia fucked up by not having any cards available. I'm going to give AMD a chance. I'm getting a 6900XT. For $500 less than a 3090.. it's a no brainer. Nvidi-out with the old, Rade-in with the new RDNA2
  3. This was the guy that I said "if he was the one leaving then I'd be worried" after one other person had left the team. I guess you could say I'm worried now I can't believe MS fucked this up
  4. That's true, but AMD isn't really helping things by releasing them both so close together. Sites are going to be absolutely swamped between the CPUs and both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. The 5900X is apparently at 680+ single core. 700+ with overclocking is definitely possible. That is absolutely crazy.
  5. Let's see what you got AMD I hope we hear about their implementation of GPU I/O decompression and more about DirectStorage. This is the perfect opportunity for AMD to not fuck up and actually have cards available to purchase.
  6. Yea. To me, it seems like MS didn't want to invest much in the controller and just decided to roll with what they have again. I don't think that they "it wouldn't be supported on past controllers" is a good excuse though. Series X/S controllers work on the XO consoles and vice versa.. so they could have done it and put a requirement on the game box that it requires the new controller for full functionality. As long as the controller is backward and forwards compatible with both systems, there really should be no problem. They could even have discontinued the XO controllers and
  7. Yes... a last gen game not designed to take advantage of the new architecture Again... sheep talking about graphics
  8. Yes.. this entire forum And of course the Series S is a gimped system... it was designed to be that way... The entire point is that IT will be the gimped system.. and not the Series X
  9. You're laughing because a console can't do current gen games with RT... when many of those same current gen games bring a 2080/2080ti to it's knees with Ray tracing.. which is why Nvidia has DLSS to help compesate.. but yea... keep laughing .. and this is after the forum was going on and on for forever about how useless RT was to begin with God I love all this walking back
  10. Yea... well, you don't understand ray-tracing... that much is clear. Again... sheep talking about graphics
  11. I still can't believe they really didn't do anything to the controller. They really blew it IMO. The impulse triggers in the XO controller were a great addition and added nice immersion and feedback to games that supported it. Why they didn't bother to take it further and try to improve other areas is beyond me. Haptics was such a no brainer move. I think the Dual Sense is going to be awesome. Just using the Steam controller opened my eyes to the amount of possibilities that are there with haptic feedback. The feedback can be so soooo minute.. all the way to full b
  12. Nvidia botched the fuck out of this launch ngl I tried, a reasonable amount, to get a 3090, but always just missed it. That said.. I'm kinda glad. I'm holding off till next year now. I've got plenty of GPU power for the games coming within the next year.
  13. Jesus christ... you're really fucking stupid. I don't care what you WANT me to think you're saying... I'm attacking what you SAID. You said I was owned... Why am I owned because Series S isn't doing ray tracing in one game? Oh, that's right... because YOU and others on this forum have been peddling HARD that Series S will hold back Series X. So, since you say it's SO GIMPED... and it's "not a good sign" what exactly are you meaning.. other than "it will hold Series X back"? I bring up the fact that despite it being gimped... it didn't hold the Series X from bei
  14. Shit looks like the plastic got too hot and warped What a fucking retarded ass console design
  15. You literally just said that Series S "can't even do this" imagine how will hold back next gen games... god you're fucking DUMB Sheep talking about graphics and "holding things back"
  16. Glad we have an understanding. Now you run along and come back when you have something other than your opinion Idiot sheep: Look... Series S can't even do this! It's going to hold back next gen Me: But... that's the point... they simply will gimp the Series S version Idiot sheep
  17. Hey Retard... you're the one who should try to keep up for a bit. Series S isn't holding back Series X with DMC5... and it's not going to with next gen games either. Again... you let me know when you have an instance of a PS5 version of a game supporting visuals that aren't supported on Series X.. because it's being held back by Series S
  18. LOL idiots like you running your mouth saying that Series X would be held back by Series S and pointing to THIS as proof... when what it really does is show exactly that it's NOT holding Series X back. They're literally gimping the game for the weaker console... this is what I said would happen You run along and let me know when a PS5 game supports RT that the Series X version doesn't... because it was held back by Series S Oh, and yes... run your mouth some more about cross gen games which aren't programmed around taking advantage of the new architectural capabili
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