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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So I guess Trump is never heading back to Michigan
  2. No shit. Here's the game running better in 8K on a PC emulator on an 8700K... lmao LMAO BOTW2 is gonna be best on PC within the first 3 months Sheep suck
  3. You really don't think so? I can't understand that. The real time cinematics are some of the best I've ever seen.. and I've played all of Sony's big games, as well as Horizon and Detroit on PC maxed out in native 5K. Gears 5 is easily up there with the best of them. But to each their own I guess.
  4. Oh give me a break.. Gears 5 looks amazing graphically.
  5. $100 is a lot of money for some people.. especially those who don't have 4K tvs or give a shit about 4K to begin with.
  6. 1080p with RT is respectable. You guys are too hellbent on hating on MS for whatever reason lmao
  7. Great post The 3rd time you've said the same thing is really helping drive your point home
  8. The irony of him continuing to quote posts telling him to shut the fuck up. LMAO.. the funny thing, is when he quotes THIS post... he'll be doing my job for me... again
  9. Well, to be fair, there's not really any next gen games to play... so you can basically just use your existing external drive for your XO games with your Series S
  10. You're just blabbing now. Like a whiny brat... a brat who was told NO and just wont shut the fuck up
  11. It could... if it was running the same visual settings as last gen. Like I said in another thread... higher settings drastically increase rendering load.. and sometimes don't give the same visual returns.
  12. Same energy with the 1440p Series S indie games then retardhury GOT'EM AGAIN
  13. I believe the gentleman asked you why you can never take your L and shut the fuck up...?
  14. Since you seem to be so sure... I'll throw this back in your face when there's a single 1440p Series S game... See how easy that was for me to own you
  15. Nope. Not a single one. And lmao and don't try to "gotcha" me with some indie shit
  16. Well, there was always going to be concessions... that was the entire point of the console. I'm not sure what you want me to say? The console is meant to be a budget console... kinda like how a low spec PC doesn't run RT either... But besides all that.. it's early. None of these games.. and especially MS' games.. are built yet to take advantage of the new hardware architecture. There's so many optimizations and improvements made in the hardware that can't and wont be exposed until engines are updated to support them. When games start utilizing mesh shaders and Sampler Feedback
  17. Right... I said 900p. And you're talking about 720p.... except your post said that I said it was a 1440p machine. Looks like... you posted proof to the contrary. Owned
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