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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes we do. The fact that Sony's biggest and fastest selling game ever... sold best on PC SOLD BEST ON PC! Playstation's own game!
  2. If Sony releases a device that plays PS4 games through some kind of BC... but doesn't play PS5 games... it's DOA. If Sony try fucking around and spending resources to create games specifically for the portable... they're just going to piss off their own PS5 fanbase which is desperate enough for new PS5 games to come from their big publishers... They don't have the studios which could properly support this device on its own like they did in the past with all the Japanese Studios and smaller western devs.
  3. Of course, because they wouldn't make an Xbox One version lmao.
  4. Maybe the smart move from MS is to continue to release a last gen version on PS4 only, not giving them any reason to upgrade to a PS5
  5. GTA5 you fucking retard https://www.gamespot.com/articles/gta-6-is-scheduled-for-2025-but-rockstar-has-a-history-of-delays/1100-6519700/ OMFG you're completely clueless
  6. Yawn. A classic example of how you take what I say... and spin it and add your own bullshit on top. GTFO And LOL Rockstar doesn't do delays huh?
  7. Eh, you underestimate COD. If they actually released a great COD game... it has the power to do crazy things. Not saying this is going to save MS.. but it definitely is a title to convert last gen players into current gen players. Also GTA6 is supposedly going to release late Fall next year... and could likely see a delay until 2026.. That's a long time yet.
  8. Also, another thing to consider, is that while perhaps this iteration of COD might not be available on Switch, the future ones will be on Switch 2... which should give them access to another large part of the market they didn't really have before. There's still a ton of players out there that will be paying $70 for it. It's cross platform lol
  9. I agree with Jeff Grubb's take on it. Put COD on GamePass, don't release it on PS4/XO, and convert those casual players who haven't jumped in into the new generation yet over to Xbox. If that doesn't work to get those people to adopt Xbox and Gamepass... then nothing will and they should cut their losses. Like Mat Piscatella was saying, there's a reason why last gen gamers aren't switching over yet, and it's because all those casual players and live service games are available on the platforms they already own.. There's literally no reason for them to buy a PS5 or Xbo
  10. Wait.. wasn't there also a rumor that they were remaking the original Horizon Zero Dawn? So, they're wasting their time doing this fucking bullshit... Jesus
  11. This is COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT and you know it. They were expecting $900M from their "other software" segment and only made $720M.... That's not PC only revenue they were expecting. LOL stupid fuck... you're trying to tell me they expected Helldivers 2 to be a huge breakout hit and sell ~7M copies on PC within the first 3 months... and PC still hasn't met their expectations??? Sony's ACTUAL estimate for 2023 from their previous report was... $450M for PC specifically.. and I'm damn sure they're going to hit that. PC specific info for th
  12. LMFAO So.... you can't post where I say it's gameplay...... and instead you post a thread where I say "It's indicative of a cutscene" Great L there bud. And then you bring up me saying they made something that looks better than Ghost of Tsushima............ when the actual game we're seeing now STILL ABSOLUTELY SHITS ON Ghost of Tsushima visually Also, just because the guy said "the trailer was all they had" when they announced it doesn't mean that what was there.... wasn't actually created for the game... and being rendered by the engine. Again, where
  13. Yeah yeah... pull up the threads where I supposedly said this shit clowns
  14. -Nothing mindblowing about it... it's a cheap game... selling on 2 platforms.. -bubut it absolutely doesn't make an argument for Sony releasing their big SP AAA games on PC -bubu Xbox
  15. Maybe I should put it in terms they'll understand. Helldivers 2 is the girl, and PS5 is the cuck who just watched PC aka Tyrone fuck his girl better than him
  16. What? I never compared Hellblade 2's trailer to Forbidden West in any fashion... much less claiming they were both gameplay
  17. Jesus christ.. that's just hilariously bad optics "bubu Xbox " yea yea... we get it losers... but this is still hilarious as fuck A little game that came from a small studio, with a small budget which Sony probably had little expectations for.... released on PC day 1... and within the span of 12 weeks became Sony's fastest selling game ever.. beating God of War and Spider-Man LOL
  18. The fuck I post negative AND positive shit about Playstation and every other company. And LOL Cell, why do you keep your mouth shut about Firetard constantly posting every little negative thing about Xbox here with his retarded over sized meme pictures and TLHBFR!!!@ at the end of every topic title? You come here just to whine about "lemmings"?
  19. We've known this for a long time ffs And I never EVER once said it was actual gameplay.. you're such a fucking liar
  20. It's more expensive, has worse battery life, worse ergonomics, barely performs better under the same power envelope.... and you have to use shitty Windows which isn't meant for it. It's simply a worse experience overall... and you self admittedly barely even use yours.
  21. You could argue he killed Xbox.. and you could argue he saved Xbox. You've got to remember that for most of those years, Xbox within Microsoft did not have the freedom to do what they wanted within the company. I do absolutely agree that Phil has failed as leader of Xbox to right the wrong.. however you've also got to look at the company structure and how they force Xbox to run their business. I have no doubt in my mind that Phil would want things to be better as they are, but it's apparent that the way MS forces them to run the various studios (such as using contractors, and dealing with h
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