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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, that's too much imo.. considering it's essentially just a PCIe Gen 3 SSD. Should have been $150 max. The one very nice thing about it is that it's hot swappable. The console can be on and you can just pull it out and put in a different one or whatever and it'll be instantly accessible. PS5 on the other hand will likely require you to shut down the system, open up the console, and screw it down just like any other NVMe SSD. MS would almost be smart to introduce a $99 500GB version. At that price, people would probably buy multiple of them throughout the generati
  2. Helllllll yea. Pure game design/puzzle mastercraft. Could you imagine how hard it would have been to design that game?
  3. Yep. My DS4 and Switch controllers work excellently with BT, as do my 8bitdo controllers. The only controllers I have that drop inputs/connection over BT are the Xbox ones.. and I have enough of them to know it's not a specific controller issue. It's a shitty RT radio. Even the expensive ass Elite V2 still has a shitty RT radio and will drop inputs. With the wireless adapter.. 100% perfect. Any Xbox One controllers and Series S/X controllers will work with MS's Xbox wireless adapter. You can buy a new Series S/X controller that comes with the adapter,
  4. Funny how Bluetooth was an issue and nobody uses it on PC when it was about emulation... but now.. your motherboard has it and you want the controller to have Bluetooth! lmao, The Elite V2 supports bluetooth, but I would NOT recommend it with Xbox controllers. I don't know if the BT radio inside the controllers are just shit or what, but Xbox controllers can sometimes drop inputs over BT. ALWAYS use the 2.4GHz wireless adapter. If you don't have one, then buy a controller that does. You'll thank me. I'm getting a Robot White Series S controller when they're a
  5. Been lots of good indie titles lately.
  6. Yea, they've fixed most of the issues it had. Horizon isn't a first person game though... but yea, if you're used to m/kb then you'll be better with it.
  7. Celeste INSIDE Undertale Baba Is You Disco Elysium
  8. Jehurey accidentally purchased and Xbox One..... oh no, wait a minute... that was on purpose. He made a thread about it and everything
  9. Yep.. you know they all are when they do
  10. Dude's losing his shit and kicking the Jerry go round into high gear because I didn't buy any consoles this time around.... He's willing to do this all night boys... Jonb was last night... tonight it's me Not pathetic at all
  11. Look at him regurgitating the same shit over and over... trying to argue. Yea, not pathetic at all. Fuck consoles... didn't pre-order any of them shits
  12. I dunno, is this the same forum you came and asked people to buy their Xboxes on? Oh, it is that forum isn't it? LMAO fucking lame ass consoles... like I give a FUCK
  13. I don't care about consoles - Remij "He know's he fucked up" - Jerry Keep trying... you don't look pathetic or anything
  14. Put some more notches on fatass I don't give a fuck about consoles anymore... which is why I didn't pre-order a single one
  15. No.. I don't care about consoles. At all.
  16. Idgaf what Xbox does on the console side. I've already told you before what I think they should do. Xbox hasn't abandoned anything LMFAO... You guys said Scorpio might be their last console... but here they are with TWO next gen consoles... Xbox = brand, Console and PC = platforms, Live and Gamepass = ecosystem None of that is going away... but hey... Gamepass is a failure right... numbers will go down right.. now that people are paying full price.. right?
  17. That's true. Of course, but I believe MS is positioning themselves to be set up favorably for the future that's coming in gaming. It's not about a single box anymore. MS knows that.. and so does Sony.
  18. Xbox is a brand. Xbox is a platform. Xbox is an ecosystem. And I'm pretty sure I told you before that all consoles are dead. That hardware is going the way of the dodo.. and MS... which Phil Spencer's leadership, is leading that focus... and Sony will eventually follow suit. Yay... Sony held out the longest on hardware that loses them money? congrats?
  19. Nope. Phil Spencer saved the Xbox brand at MS. Whatever Phil does with it... it's to make it successful. And MS is opening the war chest to make that happen... something which you said MS wasn't going to do because Phil was costing them too much money and Xbox was dead weight. And yes.. I know you enjoy Xbox games.
  20. LMAO the two sheep want MS games so badly
  21. Xbox is Microsoft's gaming division. You said Phil would be fired and Xbox was dead.... seems like Phil resurrected it. Papa Phil
  22. You have a fucked up definition of what "Xbox" is
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