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Everything posted by Remij

  2. On paper it was only 20% faster to begin with, but I was expecting ~15% on average real world performance. I'm going to wait for reviews, because other leaks are putting it around 20% faster...but if that's the case, then I'll just get a 3080, overclock it and be done with it. If the reviews show better overclockablity with a higher power limit, then I'll still consider it.
  3. I guess? Ifgaf about xbox consoles though lol
  4. It looks worse and also drops frames. LOL console versions of Ori 2
  5. Watching the trailer again and again, and I got to say it's growing on me. I pray this is good
  6. I've never ever heard someone say "I should have got the coolermaster" before for anything
  7. That's what you get for buying a brick to put inside your PC
  8. No kidding. It's why I laugh so much at all this "waiting" shit some posters go on about There's literally a bajillion games out there to play at any given time... who gives a shit lmao
  9. Buying poorly designed shit.. lmao what a loser
  10. One of the analysts covering SquareEnix said it's PS5 exclusive for 6 months, then releasing on PC.. then 6 more month after that until the Xbox version. So, color me surprised if this actually does release within the first year. While it's not quite what I expected or even wanted, I think it'll be pretty good too.
  11. YOU WERE ALREADY TOLD THAT THE SIZE OF THE TEXTURES IN SERIES S GAMES WOULD BE REDUCED BECAUSE IT'S NOT A 4K MACHINE Games texture texel density will be optimized for 1440p/1080p resolutions.. there's absolutely no need for 4K and 8K textures in Series S games. Hope that helps you understand.
  12. No.. it doesn't work like that. It's essentially working like a PC and the CPU us decompressing the assets... and just like many games... its not using many cores to do it.
  13. That's a backwards compatible game.. not a game designed to take advantage of an SSD.
  14. Lmao you're so dumb. As he said.. if they knew why.. it could be fixed already... Lmao you thinking devs know why everything is happening and the only issue being how to fix it... Omfg... if you know WHY the issue is happening..fixing it....isn't an issue. Lmao Cluelesssan
  15. God you're dumb.. lmao. Devs understand why they have every issue they have... Bubu the debugger maybe you should watch some dev talks dude
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