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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's a standard that Nintendo has set with Switch. Don't get mad at me because Sony's games don't have the same impact... despite the fact that they should on a console with 2x the userbase WILD EXPECTATIONS REM
  2. LOL ok ok guys.. TLOU2 is amazing!... just don't compare it to old Nintendo games, or other big 3rd party games... Don't do that REM... it's not fair. It's not fair that Sony's games aren't outselling Nintendo games on a monthly basis with a console with 2x the user base
  3. Nope. You're the one that posted that shit in the first place.. lmao. It's meaningless to me. Your stance is that TLOU2 shouldn't be higher on the list because OTHER Sony games dropped too... My stance is that it should be higher.. and it should be maintaining it's sales better. Nintendo games can do it. The games I compared it to are months and months old at this point... and they are still selling strong. bubut it's AC and COD... Yea no shit.. TLOU2 should be outselling AC monthly at this point... and COD is from last y
  4. Nintendo games don't count or something? Sony should be held to a different standard or something? Why can Nintendo games hold their positions for MONTHS and yet it's so wrong for me to expect Sony's magnum opus to not hold it for even a few months?
  5. Yea... 3 year old games at full price. Who's buying TLOU2 with those PS4s being sold?
  6. Ok, now post TLOU2 vs GoT. TLOU2 Month 1: 1st Month 2: 4th Month 3: 12th GoT Month 1: 1st Month 2: 4th Month 3:
  7. Animal Crossing BOTW Mario Kart 8D Still selling the monthly units they are is absolutely ridiculous.. and THEY ARE ALL FULL PRICE STILL.... So you're telling me... that Sony's BIGGEST GAME... just 3 months after launch... not selling better than GoT isn't disappointing? lmao
  8. Why wouldn't it be? If games like BOTW can still be in the top sales YEARS later...
  9. Let me say it again for YOU slowly. The. Last. of. Us. 2. should. be. outselling. COD:MW (last years COD GAME). monthly. at. this. point.
  10. And TLOU2's 3rd... Are you telling me a Sucker Punch game should ever sell more in a month just 3 measly months after Sony's BIGGEST GAME from their most popular and beloved studio?
  11. This isn't being compared to this years COD... this is being compared to monthly sales of LAST YEARS COD... and for fuck sakes stop posting AC like as if it was always some massive franchise on the level of COD.... The Switch retardation effect is in full swing where every game they release sells bajillions I would absolutely expect TLOU2 to continually outsell LAST YEARS COD monthly.. just 3 months after it's release...
  12. Weird that GoT is outselling it monthly just 2 months later then
  13. Last years COD game? This should have been the first one... easily.
  14. Really? God damn why? You'd think they'd have regulations in place to put an end to that.
  15. Because it's Naughty Dogs magnum opus? lmao apparently I have higher expectations for top tier Naughty Dog games than you guys do
  16. You'll get one. I wouldn't worry about that lol But I would expect them to nudge it in that direction for sure. Thing is... with the Backwards compatibility of these next gen consoles, you'd expect people to still purchase the standard editions over the Digital only ones for the most part. In Sony's case, if there's only $50 difference between them, I'd expect the vast majority to be disc editions.. but if there's somehow a $100 between them then you know they're serious about pushing people to digital only.
  17. I never said it had to outsell every game every month.. lmao Not in the top 20 on PSN... dropped to 5th best selling game of the month just months later... Acting like TLOU2 being Sony's best selling game of the year should be a shock No shit it should be their best selling game of the year... it also shouldn't be being beaten by GoT just 2 months later...
  18. No. I never called anything a flop. BOTW still being on the charts is a testament to the retardation of the Sheep... that's all. Full price still too
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