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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Uh... No. Jesus christ.. you don't even know what MSRP means... which is hilarious considering you're trying to buy a GPU right now.. And YES lmao Store DID raise prices of Ringfit
  2. Yep. They really fucked up the whole thing. Halo should have been amazing and day 1. They were really banking on that it seems. I kind of respect them for delaying it though. That must have been a tough decision hoenstly... but the right one. They should have had multiple games ready for the launch window.. but all their games seem quite far out yet. I think they're banking on the Gamepass value thing now to get them through the first year until some of this new stuff can be shown and released.
  3. The MSRP doesn't have to change for Switch. Developers could do what they want... If developers wanted to make a game for Switch with the biggest cart they have, and charge $10 more for it, because of the added value it brings... they can do that. Why are you so MAD about the fact that I said it's a possibility? LOL
  4. Clearly you're mad dude. I've been calling you out in this thread and you're MAD about it. You're mad because you saw some oder freds whur jawnb wus attacing Switchipoo and you just HAD to come in here and set him straight. NO WAY you were gonna stand for him asking about Switch games... no SIR!
  5. It's a suggested price you fuckwit.... They can do WHATEVER they want.
  6. Look how mad you're getting at the simple concept that it's a possibility. You're LITERALLY MAD about it... and are willing to spend your entire night arguing about it. This is where the forum is at with you... and then your little sidekick Gouko eggs it on as well. Because you two simply can't enter a thread and stick to a subject without going full sjw and wanting to cancel Lemmings
  7. They can charge whatever they want for their games.
  8. The simple fact is that Nintendo CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT. Which in itself means it's uncertain. Bigger games require bigger carts... to produce those carts.. they could charge more... Sorry bro.. that's the truth. We'll have to wait and see what they do.
  9. Uh WHAT? lol... Nintendo does NOT control the price 3rd parties charge for their games... LMAO
  10. Yes.. it's uncertain. The fact that Sony and MS and 3rd parties will be raising their prices... means that Nintendo COULD do the same. Look how mad you're getting. Wonder if you're going to go out of your way to take everything as an attack from me in other threads now. Seems certain.. there's precedence after all.
  11. Yes.. it's uncertain what they will do. We don't know.
  12. Ah, at least now you're admitting you came into this thread to put him in his place... because you were mad about those other threads. See.. wasn't that easy? And no.. there's no need to lecture him. You can make all the Xbox threads you want... no issues there. But when you make another thread asking a genuine question in an attempt to have a conversation.. you'll expect people to not come in and shit up your thread either will you?
  13. I'm saying it's uncertain at this point. Did you read my words? Why are you taking that as an attack? Are you mad or something dude? LOL
  14. That's up to Sony and MS. We already know in Sony's case they're making you buy the game again... so
  15. Nope. Dude.. you came into this thread looking to hate on Xbox... Just fucking admit it dude.. I'd respect you more if you did lmao. You guy simply can't stay on topic.. .and yes I'm referring to you sheep... because you take everything as an attack.. even when a person makes a semi-serious thread. It's pathetic.
  16. It's uncertain at this point... you have a good reason to suspect it wont... but it's not certain.
  17. I already explained why he brought up Switch games... Look at the amount of text you're writing to try to explain yourself... lmao. You're literally going out of your way to say "he he he attacked me" kinda like the Karens that you just tried to accuse me of being like. Except unlike me...you DEFINITELY fit the bill here.
  18. No, he didn't. You came into this thread with a chip on your shoulder... couldn't just talk about $70 games. Jon asking about Switch is a genuine question, because it's uncertain what Nintendo will do at this point. Games are games... and if they feel they can charge $10 more to keep up with "industry trends" then they may just do that.. Not his fault you're going out of your way to take everything he says as some attack bro. Trust me.. it REALLY shows that you do.
  19. No he didn't. He didn't say anything about graphics. Sorry dude... but it's YOU guys that saw a JonB thread... and wanted to shit post. You're not convincing anyone dude. Thread started off fine... until the the Sheep came in... and you were the first sheep.. and you HAD to talk shit about Xbox. It's all right there.
  20. Jon didn't take a swipe at Switch. He asked how much the games cost and whether any of us thought they'd go up $10 too.. You actually took the first swipe.. with Halo. Him mentioning Gamepass is relevant because it's another, cheaper way to pay for games. Anyway.. the difference is that Cooke also didn't say anything relevant to the topic... just shitted on Xbox.
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