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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Because much like me... they didn't know how the PS5/PC versions were in comparison... LMAO I LOVE how you keep forgetting about that little detail... as you try desperately to make something out of that preview
  2. Those were VASTLY different... these are just a bit different in ISA.
  3. Yea, lmfao, a 12TF machine dropping to 900p is hilarious. As for the latter.. not for long I'll give you credit though... unlike Voidler and Jehurey, you never did say it was a hardware issue. Those other clowns are going to be owned though
  4. You can't even fully quote me.... because the parts where I'm making you look pathetic hurt too much... so just like you're doing with regards to LOGIC, PROBABILITY, and REASON... you're choosing to ignore it
  5. Nope. I haven't played games on that account since 2014. You saying I've not played any PS4 games since 2014 is wrong, and I'm not giving you my profile just to prove you wrong. I'm simply making you look retarded by still claiming it... despite me having bought GoW in 2018... having spoken about buying it and playing it in 2018... spoken about having to buy a PRO to continue to play that specific game as well... all in 2018... far before you got on this "you haven't played any PS4 games since 2014" bullshit you're on.... You see, I'm using LOGIC
  6. I established how fucking retarded you are... and how much you're willing to ignore logic and probability, just to try to get me to post my new profile for you Sorry dude... you're not getting it... and yet I'm going to continue to have a field day with yours... your ONLY one
  7. Nope. Sorry. I did something better than prove what you wanted me to prove.... I proved to everyone else how fucking stupid you are... by showing them the mental gymnastics you're trying to do while ignoring the obvious
  8. Nope... sorry. The only thing you can prove about your claim... because it's your CLAIM... is that I haven't played that profile since 2014. Now while you repeatedly do that... I just proved that I have the console and the game... When GoW released, I made a thread about getting the game.. and having to get a Pro as well. Now here's the kicker Jehurey... you're THE ONLY ONE... who would think that I'd buy GoW... in 2018.... and not have played it... and at a time FAR BEFORE YOU'D EVER SEEN MY OLD PROFILE... that I would make up buying it, my PS4 breaking, a
  9. And it's exactly how ridiculous and desperate your posts are... that I never will show you... despite clearly showing you that at any point I could Now please... keep begging for me to show you my new profile.. that's not going to happen... while every other person who isn't you on this forum laughs at how fucking mental you are
  10. lol the framerate tanks so hard in some cases. How are you all liking the game?
  11. Nope. You JUST said I don't have a PS4.. since 2014. I just posted a pic that proves I do. Also proves I have GoW. I don't need to prove anything else to you. I have the game, I have the system, and you're not getting my profile no matter how hard you try... you look so pathetic at this point Watch as you try to claim.. that despite me having the game right there... that I haven't played it
  12. Oh I don't have a PS4 since 2014 eh? Here, I'll give you a pic of my PS4 that wont play discs anymore I also have a PS4 Pro that replaced that system.. So I could play God of War. Jehurey
  13. I don't care what you do, just like you don't care what I do... but Sony becoming multiplat regardless of WHEN they release... is ownage... and just wait doesn't hold weight.. because nobody ever expected them
  14. It's nothing to do with cost... its simply not wanting to own useless shit that shits around 90% of the time. Like... duh, I'll just play it when it comes. Got tons of other shit to play in the meantime. I learnt my lesson with the PS4. I'm not going to buy a PS5 to play 3-5 games and have it sit around for 6-7 years
  15. Nobody is buying a PC for the chance to get PS5 games... they're just coming People don't want to buy a console that's going to get 2-3 Sony games a year and be sitting useless for the rest of the time while they play every other game on their platform of choice... durr yea those people are SO owned that they have to wait for some games that they weren't willing to spend $500 on for a console
  16. He's talking it up... because he's talking to MS you stupid fuck
  17. I don't care about waiting. If I didn't want to wait, I'd have a PS5. The point is not wasting money on a PS5... and yet STILL getting their FP games
  18. No. There's literally no ownage in getting a game later on a platform that should have never got the game in the first place You keep thinking the ownage is "waiting" but PC gamers were never expecting to get Sony games... they just ARE now. And you already know it's going to get close and close to day and date... until it is. You think I'm going to care about buying a PS5 when there's a good chance many of it's games will likely come at some point anyway? LOL.. how old are you guys
  19. Yea Horizon ZD wont come to PC... the PSNow version.. THERE'S your PC version of the game™ - DualSense wont be supported on PC™ - You keep swinging and missing
  20. LMAO you fucking clown... yes... when SPEAKING TO MS he brought up how good their tools are What the fuck do you think he's going to say? Well ackshually I'm having a really hard tiem because they aren't where they should be
  21. Yea.. like Horizon ZD wont come to PC... the PSNow version.. THERE'S your PC version of the game™
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