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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes it does make sense. Series X has a ton of new features which aren't being utilized yet... of course, just like PS5 has.. but Series X is the stronger machine. Sony's tools are simply farther ahead. MS... in their infinite wisdom, decided now was the time to change their dev kit from XDK to GDK using Game Core. Thus many developers essentially had to start from scratch to get things up and running. MS took a chance and waited longer for AMD's latest hardware, and thus tools and pipelines are behind. Sony on the other hand have built off of what they had with PS
  2. Some of these memes are just fucking hilarious
  3. You and your bro got duped.. you bought multiple xboxes.... Phil fucking owned you
  4. You're the one talking about how stupid people like yourself are... and now you're so mad that I brought it up... bitch mode activated in one single post
  5. In every single instance you're looking at a last gen game.... games which ran better on the base PS hardware than the Xbox hardware. You can stop acting like last gen games.. which are not taking advantage of the hardware.. are any kind of barometer. It's far too early to say anything yet.. though I do completely understand cows rubbing this in lemmings faces at the moment.
  6. Don't get carried away Voidler... it'll come back to bite you.
  7. It's not a good look for MS. They better fix their shit pronto
  8. 1440p on a last gen game... LMAO I'd say both have issues
  9. LOL about the section of bugs in this game though. I've had some hilarious ones. I was performing a raid, and there's buildings with doors that are closed and you have to "force" them open by calling an NPC raider to help you bash open the door. So I got to the door, held Y to call another raider to help me and while I'm waiting for the other guy to get there my character is doing a bashing the door animation, that's fine... that's normal... but then the other guy gets there and my character stops bashing the door as he starts bashing it.... so I release Y and try to do it again and I start
  10. I play this game at native 4K with gsync.. the fuck you laughing at sheep ass bitch... Sheep waiting for the streaming version
  11. Bahahaha Gouko Dude was acting like this game was going to save Nintendo's absolutely shit year I'm sure it will sell though.. so Gouko can look forward to THAT thread
  12. On phone so no link.. but just believe me And some people thought AMDs RT solution was going to "obsolete" Nvidia's...
  13. That's crazy that it's Ubi's biggest PC launch ever. Epic Game Store and Ubisoft Connect is working out well for them. It proves that Steam doesn't need to be the only place in town. They're also making more money off of every sale this way too. Good stuff though. It's kinda surprising that after so many games, they still continue to sell like they do.
  14. Yea.. I have a feeling Sony has already bought them. They probably just haven't announced anything yet. It'll come for sure. And yea they're technical ability is impressive. The ONLY thing I would ask them to improve.. is some of their animation work. I know I'm being picky, but there's instances where certain animations (not all!) are stiff and not quite as expressive as I'd like them to be. But for things like cinematics and stuff, they really nail it. But you can look at a team like Naughty Dog, and easily say they are on another level from Bluepoint as far as animation is
  15. Yea honestly, the amount of 60fps games even now is a huge jump. It seems like a lot of devs are going to be offering performance modes like that, so that's a big jump right there. It all adds up for sure. I'm gonna try it as soon as I can. My province is on lockdown due to out Covid numbers skyrocketing.. so we haven't been able to visit our friends who have a PS5 yet. I'll definitely be giving some impressions after I try it.
  16. One kind of interesting thing I'll comment on is that during John's interview with the developers at Bluepoint.. they mentioned that Demon's Souls can stream in at 2-3GB/s at times. When you think about that... it's incredible. They mention that they keep a smaller footprint of the level in memory at any given time since they can obviously stream in the next chunks of the level at super high speeds.. that allows them the ability to up the quality and visual fidelity of the "chunk" of level that's actually in memory. This is of course what Epic has said about their Unreal Engine 5 tech as we
  17. I feel like it's more QoL than anything else right now. But that will change. I haven't experienced the haptics on the controller yet, so that's one way where it can definitely feel like more of a jump on PS5.
  18. Yea. I watched the DF vid. Performance mode really doesn't lose too much other than a bit of resolution.. which really isn't terribly noticeable due to a great temporal upscaling implementation. What makes the game look incredible is everything else. And yea, I spent many a night getting punished to hell in that game... and I cherish it to this day The world tendency and character tendency can really affect the gameplay lol. Like you said.. at least now you're not waiting 30sec between deaths to play again. Tons of dynamic lights and volumetric effects give t
  19. Really? It was DMC5:SE's RT that did it for you? Oh well.. another converted
  20. It's a beautiful game for sure. The lighting is just incredible.
  21. Being honest though, it's the type of shit that Phil Spencer really needs to be hearing right now. This whole thing absolutely has been a complete failure by the management team, which Phil is responsible for. Releasing a next gen console without any new game or games to show off the hardware is a failure of management. I know you know it, and Phil needs to stop hearing "it's ok.. stuff is coming" ... he needs to hear that it's fucking ridiculous that there's nothing NOW. Which also ties into what Cooke said just above.. It does. Completely on MS' side...
  22. Yea, I can play those too... and nobody waits for Nintendo games... those games get PC versions whether Nintendo likes it or not... and I know that makes you SO mad... Watch as you now demonstrate how MAD that makes you
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