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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No... I play PC games... and games just keep coming out. You're the one buying 3 systems because your main system doesn't get any games... and even if it did, they'd run and look like shit Funny thing is that you BARELY played your PS4... and you'll barely play your PS5 too..
  2. I didn't have to run out and buy 2 new systems to play a couple games this year... like you... if you ever even play Demon's Souls Pretty clear that you're mad about that... because this game isn't on Switch.... but hey, maybe there will be a cloud streaming version?
  3. The fact that you use the phrase "churn out multiplats" speaks volumes of how terrible Ubisoft games are known for their ports.. .because that's what they do... they shit the same stuff out with the same issues throughout the gen. LOL And again... 2 games with proprietary engines don't even come close to speaking for everyone... The fact that you're LITERALLY trying to claim this in a thread where I'm defending not making blanket statements about development is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS TO ME...
  4. Nope. Look... if you're using the work "insinuating"... it's because you can't provide an instance where I ACTUALLY SAY those words. That's on you... because you two are butthurt bitches about me anytime I say anything negative about PS5... because again.. you take it as me saying Xbox is the opposite. That's the english language for you Jerry... you assume a lot of things... because you're a butthurt bitch.
  5. No... his claims don't. The devs he's quoting.... CAPCOM... clearly DO make multiplats on that level. RE... Monster Hunter... and literally everything else But JUST because it's CAPCOM... doesn't mean every team inside Capcom is having issues... It's like you idiots don't understand that each of these teams and games tailor the engines to their game design... are constantly adding and changing things.. are utilizing different aspects of the hardware in different ways... And Jerry... I do get to dictate which games are good for comparisons... just as muc
  6. I never said across the board ffs lmao there's never any such thing as across the board in game development... Oh yea... Capcom having issues means that Sony Santa Monic is too right? There's no chance that SSM could have a better engine developed around the hardware... more internal access to information and updated SDKs earlier... no not possible... right? You idiots are claiming what you want to claim... and it's bullshit.
  7. Dusk Golem never spoke about Ubisoft shithead... And nobody needs your permission to give an opinion about anything, so shut the fuck up clown I can use the PC version to directly compare specs and performance to determine just how good ubisoft codes a game for next gen consoles in fact. And no sweetie... last gen games are not a good comparison for next gen hardware... and I'm smart enough to know that dev kits evolve and that the current state of Sony's and MS's dev kits can easily explain the performance difference we're seeing. Jehurey... i
  8. Where did I say "I didn't believe it" and then now say that I do? I've continually believed in the same things... and like I've said... COD and an UBI game running better on PS5 doesn't mean anything has changed
  9. I wasn't talking to you clown so pipe down Or do you speak for Gouko?
  10. No he hasn't you stupid fuck God fucking damn. Ok you go tell other teams that if they are having issues on PS5... that it's bullshit because COD and Ubisoft coded a game that ran a bit better on PS5 than XSX..... and see what they say... LMAO you fucking clown.
  11. Gouko, real talk for a sec homie.. You're fucking unbearable like Jehurey these days Game dev and tech isn't so cut and dry... I know this and so do you. There's tons of factors at play here... and just because I believe Dusk Golem about RE8 team having issues, doesn't mean that I think every dev is having issues. Same with Jeff Grubb... I'm sure some devs ARE having trouble... as devs do when learning a new generation of tech... The fact that you're trying so fucking hard to try to have me commit to one thing or another... is why I can't even take you seriously.
  12. 2 launch games running barely better on PS5 means that statement is wrong? A 1080p 120fps mode and uh? what else? LOL
  13. I posted multiple sources that it was having issues... What exactly did I say that was a lie? Me mentioning that more sources have stated they are having issues doesn't mean ALL are. Did I not ask "what to believe?"... since the sources were conflicting? Man you guys are trying SO hard...
  14. No, Dusk hasn't been proven wrong. Multiple devs does not mean Capcom and COD devs... you fuckwit. He hasn't been proven wrong AT ALL. And the fact that you're trying to use the fact that 2 launch games perform marginally better on PS5... as a basis to say that Dusk is wrong... means that you're actually the one applying the blanket opinion to developers.
  15. Nope, sorry sweetie.. you absolutely ARE creating it. I never said every dev is having trouble with PS5 development He didn't post proof of what you're claiming... and you can't either... because it's bullshit. You guys create the conflict in your heads because me saying anything negative about PS5 automatically means I'm saying the opposite is true of MS... All in your fucking heads
  16. I've said the same thing I've always said. PS5 IS having issues with RE8 I believe Dusk is telling the truth PS5 performing better in a couple of launch games does not mean anything in the past I've said has changed You guys are literally trying your hardest to put words in my mouth I've said both consoles will perform similarly... and they are.
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