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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No I didn't... you're absolutely creating that shit up in your head. There's no retconning anything... because I never said that at all. LOL Jehurey... sweetie... if you had proof of me saying that all games on PS5 are having issues... you'd do it... but you can't... because I never did. And that's all I have to say. Run along.
  2. lmao you guys are so fucking dumb. 2 games from a launch performing better on PS5 does not mean that Dusk Golem is wrong... it doesn't mean what I said was wrong... Jesus fucking christ..
  3. Dusk Golem said that dude... What I said was "hmm, what to believe?" since the reports that we've been hearing have been conflicting
  4. Dusk Golem IS credible... a LOT more than you. And the devs developing RE8 are those devs specifically and don't speak for everyone... I love how you guys are trying to make my specific comments into blanket statements and are applying it as being wrong because of a couple of games at launch performing on one console better than the other
  5. I didn't fight for months defending it. Me making posts about PS5 having issues doesn't mean that I'm saying Series X isn't having issue or isn't similar... omfg That's how much of a fucked fanboy mentality you guys have. If I say PS5 has issues... it means that Xbox doesn't... and that I'm directly comparing them... apparently.
  6. Guess what... it IS having trouble running games... LOL COD is 120fps and drops... at 1080p.... AC:V is fucking 1440p most of the time... and drops lower... RT performance is lower than Series X... (and you guys claimed Series X had no RT because RNDA1.5 ) PS5 performing slightly better in a couple of games than Series X currently does NOT mean that it isn't having issues or that certain devs on certain engines aren't having issues... jfc
  7. I post news about a leak.... "remi is begging for ports " LMAO you guys are fucking TRASH
  8. I already did. This thread is proof LOL... right from your very first post... and no amount of jerry-go-round is going to change that.
  9. God you're fucking dumb... you came into this thread to talk about me and not the subject... because you HAVEN'T spoke about the subject of the thread.. only me.. right from the first post. Idiot. bubu you're stalling
  10. You obviously cant understand sarcasm when it smacks you in the face
  11. Again... just because some games are doesn't mean that others aren't..
  12. No.. lmfao. You're literally ignoring the other shit that I've said.. about there not being much difference between the two consoles... LOL.. your attempt to move the goalposts isn't working. The fact is that developers can be having issues with PS5... AND it can perform better in some titles than Series X... they aren't mutually exclusive. And in fact... the point I made about PS5 having troubles running games in 4K by 3rd parties seems to be holding true. We're literally getting 1440p-1620p last gen games.. like AC Valhalla... Not many games are native 4K and mos
  13. But the proof is literally there. You came in... to speak about me. The first post you made was literally making a comment about me, in response to someone else making a comment about me. I never said you brought me up as the subject... I'm saying you specifically joined in this thread to comment on me... and that's factual by the fact that it's the first thing you did. So uh... you're definitely butthurt... and you definitely lost this thread
  14. Uh... are you going somewhere with that? That's what Jeff Grubb said... now what did I say? Oh that's right.... "what to believe.. since we're hearing conflicting reports" Try again Gouko..
  15. I literally said "what to believe?" and make no claims about it being factual Jesus christ man...
  16. "I didn't come into this thread to talk about you" "I just came into this thread not to talk about the subject but to laugh at you" LOL.. dumbhurey And to top it off he's not speaking to me directly... but to other members... who are no longer here... but no..... it's not about me at all.. nope OMFG
  17. You already failed to post where I said what you just claimed I did. You and Gouko seem to have a problem with making claims and not proving them... much like you do regarding other things Man... can't even post evidence of what he's saying... he's literally just wasting my time at this point
  18. LMAO more pretentious fgtry from Fgthurey LOL you came into this thread specifically to laugh at me.... YOU LITERALLY JUST ADMITTED IT... again OMFG and this guy thinks he's clever too!
  19. Uh link to where I said PS5 dev is in worse condition across the board ah you don't have any? That's too bad LOL more bullshit from my groupies
  20. Like I said... it's what a pretentious fgt would do because that's what he thinks... you actually thought it was. You're the one literally fulfilling the stereotype of a pretentious forum fgt... congrats again LOL And you came into this thread specifically to quote someone talking about me... because THAT'S all you wanted to talk about... as evidenced by the rest of your posts I was already in this thread talking about the subject... until you wanted to make it about me. You never came into this thread to talk about the subject of the thread
  21. Are you going to quote where I said what you just claimed or not? Stop spewing bullshit man lmao.. I've said I expect both consoles to perform similarly.. especially in the beginning... and they are.
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