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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Der8auer apparently said he's already being sent a 5950X.. so it seems like they might have a full lineup off the bat
  2. Starts at 9am Pacific/11am Central/12pm Eastern.. So roughly 1h45m from now. Should be a good event. Rumors put the performance faster than Intel's flagship 10900K in gaming.. which would be the first time AMD has had the fastest CPU for gaming in well over a decade.
  3. I made this one of HoboPass members warming themsevles up by the Series X
  4. There's air intake on the back as well. Idiots could just as easily block the exhaust on the other side The LEAST MS could have done... was at least make the stand bottom more attractive looking. Have it nice and soft rubberized. As the stand looks right now, it looks almost unfinished. It's circular... but the console doesn't swivel.. So why not just have 4 rubberized feet that stick out the same amount?
  5. Yea, that's ugly as fuck. Why couldn't they just do the same as Sony and have a screw that allows it to come off and a little cover you pop in? That way they could even potentially allow more air intake when it's on it's side. Makes no sense to me from what's been shown... but maybe there's some sort of reason I just can't think of.
  6. Well, Steve didn't rip into them like I thought he might, but he's playing the smarter cautionary role, which people in his position should until all the facts are out there. He just made a livestream going over the news and allegations late last night/early morning. Still though.. big tech launches are becoming ridiculous these days.
  7. At least the easy removable nature of the panels allows easy custom designs. I'm sure modders will have fun with the PS5.
  8. Yea, that is a MASSIVE heatsink lol... but honestly, I liked that teardown. The console is ugly as sin, but there's a lot of work that goes into designing how it all fits together. Seems like they're doing everything they can to keep noise down and the console cool.
  9. Just going to link the REEEEera thread about it, fuck it. https://www.resetera.com/threads/msi-got-caught-scalping-their-rtx-3080-and-3090-cards-on-ebay-heres-what-they-had-to-say.301949/ Can't wait for Tech Jesus to rip into these motherfuckers. MSI can go to hell...
  10. I thought The Medium was releasing on Series X/S at launch.. but I guess it's not? LOL I dunno then. I honestly haven't really been following which games are launching with it because I don't care lol If not... then yea I guess you're right.
  11. Then again though... not much point in laughing if I can't get one
  12. Nothing else that they are allowed to test. There ARE next gen games coming for launch
  13. Started Baldur's Gate 3. Visually it looks amazing for the kind of game this is.. but it's DEFINITELY early access at this point. There's glitches and things happening all over the place. They've already addressed that it's going to be improved immensely, and it still already looks so much better than their previous stuff. I'd say though, hold off on it until there's at least been a few patches. If you can wait until the games final release next year, all the better.. but I'm gonna give feedback as I go to help make it the best game it can be.
  14. DOF as an effect can be VERY taxing. They're not "hiding" ugly models... those are quite objectively the best looking crowd models I've ever seen for a game. Did you not watch the video I posted
  15. They're testing it because that's what the received the systems to test. And no... they're testing all sorts of games to see if there is an improvement, and how much.. if there is... because it's not a given. You didn't even know that Xbox One X loaded games faster than the One OG... and even if you did.. you most certainly didn't know by how much. Some games load faster... others don't. Which is why it isn't a given that all games load faster. ANNNNYYYway... Yes.. it's nice. As I said.. people WANT to know this information.
  16. No.. it's not a given... hence why you have people testing games..
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