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Everything posted by Remij

  1. CONSOLES.... handhelds are different. Although... MAYBE you could call the WiiU a mid gen Wii refresh
  2. No. When game prices increase.. it sets the new standard of acceptability. The consumer decides what is ultimately acceptable. There's no set time when these things "take effect"... it happens during a next gen transition because it gives them an excuse... and thus makes it "more acceptable"... If pubs decide $70 works... they can charge $70 where they want. We'll see if they do on Switch or not.
  3. Before Sony and MS released their "pro" consoles... was it easy to find examples of mid-gen refreshes before Now look... Nintendo's doing it too
  4. I just gave you an example of it happening right before your eyes... Games are games... if $70 becomes accepted on some platforms, publishers will charge that everywhere they release their games. It's a new standard. 3rd parties can do it if they want.. which was my entire point. I said it was possible.. and uncertain what they would do with regards to Switch. The only thing I said definitively is that they have the choice. So... I guess we're done here.
  5. Nintendo MAY NOT raise their price... because their games don't really drop in price the same way the others do. But that doesn't change the fact that it's still a possibility that 3rd parties could do it if they wanted to
  6. We're LITERALLY seeing it right now. Publishers are deciding on their own, to raise their next gen game prices to $70.. whether MS or Sony follows suit or not... lmao
  7. MSRP is irrelevant. I already told you.. publishers can do what they want. $60 is a suggested price. If 3rd parties want to make bigger games on Switch, they could do so and charge more. MSRP is a suggested acceptable price... but pubs can charge whatever they feel people will pay. Up until now... that was $60 for standard games... but with this coming gen, that's changing. If making bigger and better Switch games requires more costly carts.. or for whatever reason... publishers can charge that.. if they feel people will pay for it.
  8. See.. you already went back on your argument. Glad to see you know that I'm right... and since you've probably looked it up, now have a better understanding of what MSRP means.. and who decides game prices. Glad I could inform you. And yes... I'm sure you'll be waiting for the next time you can start a losing argument with me... just to argue... all night long... like it hasn't happened a million times before.
  9. Eh.. I had a PS2 launch day I remember thinking... god damn there's absolutely nothing to play. It wasn't even a good launch.. it was garbage. I remember being relieved when ZOE released because it had the amazing MGS2 demo... SSX was the only cool launch title.
  10. No... you were very much talking about Forza not being ready for launch. See... this DOES show that you're mad. I made an honest point about what you said... and you got upset and waived it off. Don't be mad sweetie.
  11. No... if a publisher says a game is $10 more... then they are charging over the MSRP... If Sony's MSRP for games is $60.. and some 3rd party ships a $70 game... it's not MSRP...
  12. Well it's funny... you were bitching before that they release one every year.. and said they just copy and paste them... but when they actually go out and develop new tech, new models, and change up the game.... you're claiming they're 'taking time off'... lmao They can't win with you. Why put the onus on Forza? That has been the studio that's propped up a lot of MS' failings in the past.. they deserve the extra time for once. 343i is who failed MS this time around.. and it's MS' fault that none of their other studios had anything ready either.
  13. PS2 launch was terrible. What amazing title launched with the PS2? Mind you Sony demoed MGS2.. which was enough to make anyone say "omfg this is amazing".. so they had that at least.
  14. Sorry but MSRP means what it means... I don't have to argue anything with you. You already lost this debate. And you're even madder now.
  15. Uh... No. Jesus christ.. you don't even know what MSRP means... which is hilarious considering you're trying to buy a GPU right now.. And YES lmao Store DID raise prices of Ringfit
  16. Yep. They really fucked up the whole thing. Halo should have been amazing and day 1. They were really banking on that it seems. I kind of respect them for delaying it though. That must have been a tough decision hoenstly... but the right one. They should have had multiple games ready for the launch window.. but all their games seem quite far out yet. I think they're banking on the Gamepass value thing now to get them through the first year until some of this new stuff can be shown and released.
  17. The MSRP doesn't have to change for Switch. Developers could do what they want... If developers wanted to make a game for Switch with the biggest cart they have, and charge $10 more for it, because of the added value it brings... they can do that. Why are you so MAD about the fact that I said it's a possibility? LOL
  18. Clearly you're mad dude. I've been calling you out in this thread and you're MAD about it. You're mad because you saw some oder freds whur jawnb wus attacing Switchipoo and you just HAD to come in here and set him straight. NO WAY you were gonna stand for him asking about Switch games... no SIR!
  19. It's a suggested price you fuckwit.... They can do WHATEVER they want.
  20. Look how mad you're getting at the simple concept that it's a possibility. You're LITERALLY MAD about it... and are willing to spend your entire night arguing about it. This is where the forum is at with you... and then your little sidekick Gouko eggs it on as well. Because you two simply can't enter a thread and stick to a subject without going full sjw and wanting to cancel Lemmings
  21. They can charge whatever they want for their games.
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