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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nobody cares. I'm simply stating that it will run the damn game at those settings and that's probably why it's there. It doesn't mean they all perform the same...
  2. Yes they do. We know they cared because they BENT THE FUCKING KNEE.. because they are DESPERATE to grow on PC. Soknee Playstation HD2 sold most on PC. They know exactly who the fuck is in charge here. You idiots are going to keep funding PC ports, and free PSN for us
  3. No. I'm suggesting A770 will play the game at high settings 1440p with XeSS.
  4. XeSS will likely allow it to hang around there
  5. Obviously there's never a reason to threaten someone ever.. but its funny that you bring up this CM... because someone told her MONTHS ago that this was going to be an issue and to get in front of it.. and they didn't.
  6. Sony absolutely caved because they KNOW THEY FUCKED UP. Bubub theyz gon canzel Bloodbornez and teh gamez are gon come even more laterz This is how desperate Sony is to be on PC. Bend the fucking knee
  7. I dunno what to believe honestly. It would be monumentally stupid for Drake to make a diss saying "we fed you the information and pics and daughter shit" if it was actually true and Kendrick could prove it. That would literally be the final nail in Drake's coffin lmfao. At the same time... if Drake's camp really was feeding them false info... they should have easily been able to show proof of them having planned to do it before hand.. but they didn't. We'll see what Kendrick responds with.. but if he's got actual receipts.. Drake is truly clowned. If Kendr
  8. PS fanboy's probably doing this to perpetuate their sentiments that Sony should stop PC ports.. LOL I bet one of them is yours
  9. Bubu I bet Sony iz goin to reverz courz and no moarz Bwudbworne for PC playerz YOU BIG MAD!!@@! JFC
  10. Yes, we know you know Sony fucked up... and are just trolling.. Dinglebehurey away
  11. Jerry can't figure out how to turn his PS5 on for the past 6 months... but can spend an entire day defending Playstation for their own obvious fuckup... to which you even admitted at the start of this... now you're dingleberrying him
  12. They actually think Sony is cancelling and changing their PC plans over this
  13. Yes they have... through an unforced error on their own part no less Biggest game they've released this year... first GaaS success and their inroads into the PC market.... completely tainted by their incompetence This game sold more on PC than PS5 ffs
  14. It must be embarrassing to release a game where hermslobs would rather not play it than do that
  15. I'm not angry at all. Sony fucked up the only good thing they had going on the PC side.. completely unnecessarily I have no issue adding my PSN. I've already discussed that here. Except that's not the issue. So regardless of what happens... Sony fucked up. Nobody gives a shit if they fuck off for forever from PC. Except... they wont. They're DESPERATE to grow in that market... and this isn't changing that... as much as you and Firetard hope it to
  16. They can't... until Sony adds them Refundy Playstation
  17. There's no need. I already said this isn't changing anything. Vocal minority... but it doesn't change the fact that Sony fucked up lmao. Meanwhile losers like Jederpy and Firetard are hoping and praying that Sony changes course and stops PC development
  18. Nah. It's coming. Will also require PSN to play online
  19. He talks about everything... and literally made the petition PS fanboy losers signed up to in droves OMFG you didn't even know who you were posting and pathetically tried to unload your sloppy fucking loser influencer on us... because Sony fucked up here too
  20. LOL these losers changed their tactic from "bloodborne was never coming" to "Bloodborne was coming... but not anymore"
  21. LMAO that's the guy that lead the charge against Sony's "censorship" of Stellar Blade He's a Sony PS fanboy leader... 75K petition starter... and we all saw with video evidence how fucking complete slobs a losers you guys are OMFG, you're getting owned here with every post
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