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Everything posted by Remij

  1. What a clusterassfuck PS5 is. From the hardware being variable frequency.. to their fucked up anti consumer practices...to their 'next gen' games being cross gen.. and now their bullshit lies about backwards compatibility. Sony are god damn lucky that their games and franchises are popular.. its the only thing carrying them through. This is CLEARLY not the same team that was running PS back when the PS4 was launched.
  2. I'm gonna be honest.. in VR, you really don't want more buttons than that. It can quickly become a chore figuring out which button your finger is over to press it sometimes. Anything more than two main buttons on either controller would be too much to handle in the heat of VR gaming. That's my opinion of course, but it seems like they understand it. I like how theirs a big main button, and a smaller button below it which will help the player differentiate by feel alone. Triggers and finger tracking are far more important... and it looks like this will have an interesting setup.
  3. It's a great controller.. probably my favorite if the D-Pad was better. The Switch Pro controller with either the SNES/NES D-Pad or the WiiU Pro controller D-pad would be perfect. It feels so nice in the hands, and I love how the buttons feel. Actually no, also give it 2-stage trigger buttons. THEN it's the GOAT.
  4. Ah so you were right, it was Doom. Oh well, that's pretty bad ass.. but expected after the Bethesda announcement. Tons of games coming to gamepass.. damn.
  5. Sony will have to fuck up quite a bit for any tide to really turn. MS is the one that needs to keep hitting those consumer friendly marks. If they can build up a decent user base quick enough with gamepass until they can start releasing some of the bigger games they have in the works. If Halo would have actually been awesome, and ready for launch... MS would have been in a pretty nice position. Still can't believe they fucked that up. Hopefully it all turns out good for them.
  6. Damn, that controller being a Switch Pro controller rip-off could be a blessing in disguise. I might buy one to see how it works.
  7. Yea, I've watched the trailer probably like 20 times already. I'm really liking it. Fuck the music is godly too. When the FF theme kicks in.. goosebumps
  8. It's so funny how opposite this is from last gen. MS needs to keep hammering home all their pro-consumer things while highlighting every time Sony misses the mark. That.. along with better games hitting at a more reasonable cadence is the only way they'll ever hope to gain any ground.
  9. Huh? No... this is a remake of the first Nier on PS3/360..
  10. I think I'm good lmao. I want to go with either go with the FE, or an Asus/EVGA. I really wanted to get one at launch, because despite already being marked up.. it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. At this rate, I'm probably going to wait until early next year. Maybe Nvidia is stocking up to have a big drop when AMD launches their card/s? Maybe I'll try to grab one then... but I'm not going to be obsessively scrambling to get one. If one falls into my lap one day, that's fine and I'll grab it.. but I can wait till things become less fucked.
  11. Oh... this is going to be fucking amazing
  12. They're all fucked. I've actually had multiple cards in my carts across the various sites, but none will let me proceed through checkout. They've REALLY got to rethink and improve these launches for the future.
  13. I'd be fine with even that to be honest. Just let me place my order and backorder it to whenever for fuck sakes. I just don't want to be doing this fucking refresh shit all the time and checking in on stock all the time to try to finally secure one. Nvidia really did fuck this launch. Probably wanted to beat AMD to the punch and rushed it with barely any fucking stock. I mean, how do you release a $699 flagship GPU which destroys the previous $1200 card.... and NOT expect orders to be insane? And this fuckery is going to continue well into the future because next mo
  14. I thought you already had ordered a 3080? I just tried getting anything.. either the 3090 or 3080 and I wasn't able to. Site took ages to load and was automatically out of stock. Same with Newegg and Amazon.. both the Canadian and US sites. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait.
  15. With PS5 you'll need just as expensive of one. PS5 will likely have about 650-700GB usable.
  16. It was a 3 year old port, but also arrived kinda broken. Steam reviews can make a pretty big difference. Would have done a million if the port would have been better at launch.
  17. Yea, that's too much imo.. considering it's essentially just a PCIe Gen 3 SSD. Should have been $150 max. The one very nice thing about it is that it's hot swappable. The console can be on and you can just pull it out and put in a different one or whatever and it'll be instantly accessible. PS5 on the other hand will likely require you to shut down the system, open up the console, and screw it down just like any other NVMe SSD. MS would almost be smart to introduce a $99 500GB version. At that price, people would probably buy multiple of them throughout the generati
  18. Helllllll yea. Pure game design/puzzle mastercraft. Could you imagine how hard it would have been to design that game?
  19. Yep. My DS4 and Switch controllers work excellently with BT, as do my 8bitdo controllers. The only controllers I have that drop inputs/connection over BT are the Xbox ones.. and I have enough of them to know it's not a specific controller issue. It's a shitty RT radio. Even the expensive ass Elite V2 still has a shitty RT radio and will drop inputs. With the wireless adapter.. 100% perfect. Any Xbox One controllers and Series S/X controllers will work with MS's Xbox wireless adapter. You can buy a new Series S/X controller that comes with the adapter,
  20. Funny how Bluetooth was an issue and nobody uses it on PC when it was about emulation... but now.. your motherboard has it and you want the controller to have Bluetooth! lmao, The Elite V2 supports bluetooth, but I would NOT recommend it with Xbox controllers. I don't know if the BT radio inside the controllers are just shit or what, but Xbox controllers can sometimes drop inputs over BT. ALWAYS use the 2.4GHz wireless adapter. If you don't have one, then buy a controller that does. You'll thank me. I'm getting a Robot White Series S controller when they're a
  21. Been lots of good indie titles lately.
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