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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Like I said though... you can literally see the game having issues in many of the cuts in the trailers. Yea yea, it's a game in development... but I don't think it's a baseless claim. I mean, we know for a fact that Dusk knows people there.. I don't see him claiming Capcom is having an issue that they wouldn't really be having.. the guy isn't out there to hurt Capcom's credibility...
  2. Well, we can see it chugging in trailers lmao. So there's a good chance it could be downgraded because of PS5.. to "run fine"
  3. You've been waiting since Ori 1. And I said what the developer said... LOL And IDGAF about Xbox. You keep fighting that battle dude
  4. LMAO my point was never about who waited longer.... My point was that you said Sheep waited 15min for the game... and I pointed out you were wrong. Gouko's been waiting FAR longer than that... LMAO Did you REALLY think you were that smart dude? You can't even keep track of your own shit... this is also part of the reason why you think you win arguments
  5. No.. I'm not. You've been waiting for this game since Ori 1 dude. You loved Ori 1, and you were waiting for it to come to Switch. It's not a big deal... you like Xbox games. It's ok bro
  6. You've been waiting since Ori 1 Switch dude
  7. You've been waiting for this day since the first one on Switch I don't need to say anything more than that... because we all know it. It's OK BRO!
  8. Yea... you were waiting. Just wait Rem.. it's coming. Just wait Rem, it'll run better. You've been wanting and expecting Ori 2 on Switch since the first one... "It will come"... It's ok to admit you were waiting for an Xbox game bro.
  9. Gouko's been waiting since the first one on Switch... so you're wrong... on every account.
  10. Ori 2 flopped? And nah, you're desperately trying to create the only narrative where you can claim that I'm owned... it's REALLY apparent That's the Steam version... not the Xbox version... chump
  11. No.. you're forgetting I game on PC. I played at much higher framerates and resolution than your Nintendo version. LOL no HDR either.. I got the best version day 1.. Sheep and their squabbles with lemmings
  12. You've been waiting for them since 2017 for some of those games!!! ROFL.. every Direct hoping and praying this will be the one where you see Bayo 3 You've been waiting for ports of Mario games... and Nintendo gave you some emulated games for $60 You've been waiting for a Switch Pro for years now too
  13. and you STILL ARE You see... I game on PC. I played Ori 2 day 1 at over 120fps.. so I don't give a shit about Xbox's problems And you're whole post was a lie to begin with.... Goukosan has been waiting for Ori 2 on Switch since the first game release
  14. You've had some of them in your future since 2017 LMAO
  15. How long have the Sheep been keep waiting for Bayo 3, Metroid Prime 4, SMT5, BOTW2 since they were announced?
  16. You were saying? Stop fucking with my thread bitches
  17. I've never seen anything like this for a GPU ever before.. that I can remember anyway. Still feeling good about my 3090 FE though
  18. Yea.... he's the director of the game... there's a reason why he said it... and thus the reason why I repeated it. Look how pompous you are acting by getting lucky He was surprised the team managed it... and I am too. bubu you believed the developer, how stoopid Remi
  19. Both are best on PC.. who cares? Enjoy.. I guess... when you get them
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