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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Firetard is in here trying to talk shit about an old PS port coming to PC..... and yet he's RABID about PS5 Pro getting enhancements for all these same games Sony are literally remastering PS4 games for PS5 and Pro... oh and PC too
  2. Didn't wait 2 years I played the game.. and did exactly what I said I was going to do And look at how RABID you clowns are because I made a thread that the game has improved an annoying feature of the original which GD just very recently talked about. My GOD.. But then again, someone with the twitter account that you have literally LIVES AND BREATHS defending PS to the death
  3. LMAO you literally just recently came into a thread and responded to DynamiteCop about shit he said ages ago LMAO you bloody hypocrite POS... this is EXACTLY what you do... Say some stupid shit at one point... leave for a few months.. then come back when someone brings it up and try to act above it all and that you don't care when you get called out.. LOL If you don't care.. just piss off
  4. You care, you respond to everything I say lmfao.. "wahhh bubu rem say FF16 PC is bad. Jus say it!! " And now you care because I said Ragnarok is best on PC.. I even told you back then I'd play the PS4 version, ain't buying no fucking POS5 to play it, and then sell it, and buy the PC version when it comes... and that's exactly what I did LMAO your strategy of saying stupid shit to me and then attempting to act like you're above being called out "srs bizz guiz " just isn't ever going to work clown.
  5. The guy that doesn't care about anything but comes into every thread about everything with a chip on his shoulder
  6. I told you then that it wasn't worth buying a PS5 for dumbass. The one with the chip on his shoulder is the one who couldn't simply accept that.. lmao pure clownery.. bubu pleb PS4.. LMAO shut the fuck up
  7. I remember you guys laughing at me for not buying a PS5 to play this game in some higher resolution and slightly better visuals
  8. @-GD-X Game releases tomorrow.. though I don't expect it to do that great because there's so much other this to play at this point. 🤷
  9. Indeed But actually, we know these games use dynamic resolution scaling, so some pics will show a bigger difference than others.
  10. lol it's coming to PC too? Unless there's some substantial changes, this shit is DOA on PC for sure.
  11. Bullshit dude.. lmao post with some consistency and then I wouldn't dismiss you and bring up your lack of it with other people to you You guys are the type of guys to take a post or thread I made, and attempt to tell me what my intentions were with it... like fuck right off if you don't want to accept my answer.. lmao You're literally on my case in this thread...........because I didn't say FF16s ccus was terrible... because I'm acting like they were great? Lol please..
  12. Never said it was amazing at all. Never said it was good or great. Lying sack of shit. Have an honest argument for once dude. Bubu 28 playerz Jesus christ dude, have some self respect
  13. Oh somehow posting a tweet that Chris Dring made about Astrobot's sales is "teh worst available" but Firetard screenshotting some schmuck on twitter posting a Steamdb screenshot of 28 players at the moment the game released is a-ok Dude, have some consistency for crying out loud.. it's embarrassing. There was no L for me to take.. because I made the damn thread and used words like "seems like it might not be selling well" and "(?)", and "I hope it does solid in NA and Japan".... and yet you felt the need to jump on me because you PS fuckheads can't seem to simply say, "oh yea p
  14. lmfao you call me out for making stupid threads with too early to tell data... but don't say shit to him Wonder why you feel the need to let him do him but me doing me warrants arguments?
  15. Context matters bro.. 3M for this game on PS was a failure. Where the hell did I ever say that 16K was amazing? Where did I say it was great or even good? What I said was................................ it's not nearly as much of a failure as that dipshit Firetard posted in the OP with 28 ccus Why aren't any of you guys shitting on him for making this thread and posting those numbers like THAT was how badly the game was performing? Some consistency sure would be nice eh? The game will easily sell more than a couple hundred thousand. FF7 Remake has sold around
  16. Sales of the PS5 version dramatically dropped off after that 3M was announced. The game was never reported on again and fell off the charts completely. It's objectively a failure on PS5. If you want to shit on the PC numbers to feel better about yourselves than go ahead.. No PC gamers ever said FF was going to do better on PC than it did on consoles.. The only things I've ever said has been that launching on PC day and date would get far more PC sales... and they have to do that if they want to grow the series on PC. Literally look at any other Japanese series which changed from later re
  17. The 2nd highest CCUs for a mainline SP FF game on Steam. It's already doing better than FF7 Remake. Nobody is here saying the game is doing amazingly... but it certainly isn't flopping like this epic backfire of a thread suggested And where do you guys get this idea that SquareEnix expects PC to be a life saver? They know damn well what releasing first on a singular platform for decades does. Has there ever been a day and date original FF game on PC? Nope.. and that's exactly why the franchise hasn't grown substantially on PC. If day and date releases don't change anything
  18. ^jesus.. what the fuck kind of pent up emotional damage do you have FF16 DID flop on PS. Deal with it
  19. Playing this right now and loving it. Still early in, but it's very cute and charming. The presentation is gorgeous and it runs silky smooth even at 8K.
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