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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That's what Sony's saying about the money Steam took from their account to refund players over their fuckup
  2. So you say that about Jonb... but what about me? I've supported this game since day 1 dude. That doesn't change the fact that they fucked up and know they did. The studio even acknowledges they did. And dude, just shut the fuck up... acting like PC gamers don't have games to play.... lmfao bitch ass hater who self admittedly "plays most on PC"
  3. The only action his steam account has gotten all year
  4. LMFAO Jerry's reading through Steam reviews Dude is HEAVILY invested in this...
  5. 75K loser petition from Sony fanboys about a piece of lace... that's what they'll be pointed to
  6. It really hurts you that the best game from last year sold best on PC... and the best game from this year that Sony will release.... sold best on PC The two biggest games this year so far... are biggest on PC. lmfao. And you're trying to say they're desperate for games... in a thread where your issue is that PC gamers don't even want to make an account to play it Make it make sense
  7. Yep. Tuckhurey ran with his tail between his legs
  8. Yes it did. Easily. We already know this through posts that Larian have made idiot
  9. It was the vast majority And yes, the PC version vastly outsold the PS5 version. Man, GOTY last year... and Sony's best game this year... both sold most on PC Palworld sold even more than that. The two best selling games this year are the PC versions specifically FF7 Stillbirth failed to meet expectations too Stellar Blade has a 75K person petition because of Sony too
  10. It's funny watching him fight so hard over this... but yet he can't turn his PS5 on and play it And he was so embarrassed by that fact.. that he hides his Trophies on PSN now. That's how you know how clowned that loser is
  11. Hell, even the best game from last year... the FAR AND AWAY GOTY WINNER.... absolutely sold the vast majority on PC. Jesus..
  12. I've already said everything that has to be said. The two best selling games this year, sold best on PC. And FF7 Stillbirth flopped in sales... below even FF16.. which puts the whole "PS5 install base being lower" excuse to bed Sony's biggest game this year... sold best on PC
  13. LMAO I don't need to name THE BIGGEST GAME RELEASE THIS YEAR... you already know what it is... and it's not available on Playstation
  14. lmao listen to how pathetic he sounds trying to make this work The two best selling versions of the two best selling games this year... are the PC versions FF7Stillbirth sold worse than FF16 FFS
  15. No need to mention what you already know I mean, you're in a thread showing that PC gamers aren't even desperate enough to make an account for Sony's games
  16. No it isn't. PC had a game that vastly outsold even Helldivers 2.... right before it FF7 REbirth AINT SHIT. And you didn't even play it
  17. Hey, what I want doesn't matter. It's what's happened, and what's happening. I've always supported this game... but they fucked up here. This particular case wasn't worth the hassle. They could have easily handled this instead of letting it fester for 3 months and then fucked people over. I think Sony will make it right.. one way or another. Either give people official communication on what to do in non PSN supported areas... at accept all that comes with that... or offer refunds to those who want them. I don't think this is going to change anything in regards to
  18. FF7 rebirth.. .which sold below expectations and we haven't heard a single update about since it launched Stellar Blade? The game 75K PS crybabies were petitioning against because of a costume The PS5 version.... couldn't even match the PC version.... Sony's BEST GAME THIS YEAR, BEST SELLING GAME THIS YEAR, 7th BEST SELLING GAME OF ALL TIME WITHIN 3 MONTHS... AND THEIR FIRST ACTUAL GAAS HIT... sold more, and was reviewed better on PC And they just fucking shot themselves in the foot due to their stupidity
  19. It outsold it on PC globally... by far. LMFAO. This entire games success... even on Playstation... is due to the hype from PC players Biggest self own of the year so far... lmfao and fake cow gamers like you are losing your minds hoping that Sony somehow stop supporting PC.. the literal desperation from you guys
  20. Nope. Of course we know you can make accounts in other countries than what you reside it... Doing so however violates their TOS and just because they haven't acted on it... doesn't mean they wont in the future... especially on PC. It's hilarious that you think Sony/Valve would stop selling the game.... if what you said was the case THEY. FUCKED. UP.
  21. The PC market.. where this game sold more than the PS5
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