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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It does. They literally shot the best thing they had going in the foot And the funniest thing is... they don't own the developers at this point... and this developer could EASILY just find a new publisher and make the same game again but better... and never have to deal with Sony's bullshit on PC ever again
  2. That's because there isn't one. You either live in one of those countries, and can make an account there without violating their TOS.... or you can't. This is not a PC player comprehension issue... When you make an account they don't list which region (NA, EU, Asia, ect) they list which country... which in this case Country=Region.. You idiots know EXACTLY why they do this....
  3. The only people this hurts are Sony you fucking clowns. It hurts their own prospects of building a fanbase on PC... which is what they're desperate to do. Sony fucked themselves.. and you know it. Sony's biggest game this year, and what is already their 7th biggest game of all time after just 3 months... is built on the back of PC gamers... and they just fucked it You FUCKING IDIOTS thinking Sony is just going to run away from that market.... is hilariously cute... because it shows how fucking hopeful you are for it.
  4. Game dropped from top 5 on Steam globally to 18th They just completely fucked themselves with how they handled this.. All that GaaS momentum and goodwill on PC... gone, due to their incompetence. They could have just made some free content for people who add their PSN accounts and everyone playing would have just done it...
  5. Nope, you don't know for a fact who stopped the sales. If Valve did... that's even worse... because they know the issue here. That means Valve's going OVER SONY... lmfao. THAT is a colossal fuck up indeed
  6. OMFG so Valve just stopped selling Sony's game for no reaon??? Is that what you're trying to say here?
  7. You lacking basic comprehension and posting images isn't helping you win this argument clown. You've lost every talking point... And again, you can't respond to basic questions like "Why did Sony stop sales in all those countries/regions... if the solution is to just make an account" ?? He literally can't answer that simple question
  8. Nope. I asked you why Sony isn't referring them to that page... or giving them any information on region related issues. Because Sony knows they fucked up dumbass.... The game wasn't only sold on Steam store. If there's no problem, and people can just make accounts claiming they are from other countries/regions, then why doesn't Sony simply tell them, "tell the players to make their accounts using another region"? Except.. they aren't doing that. Because that breaks their TOS and they know it.
  9. Nope. Nobody is saying that if you make an account lying about your country/region that they will ban you... They're saying that if you do, you're breaking Sony's TOS.. and that they COULD ban you. Big difference. Regardless of what the players can or can't do.... Sony will literally be asking players to break their TOS to play this game in unsupported regions. That's simply a fact... and that's why Sony hasn't told the developer what to do yet... and that's why they've literally stopped selling the game in all those countries... You idiots R
  10. The studio doesn't make the store page sweetie. Sony handles the publishing 😉 And Sony KNOW THEY FUCKED UP
  11. So where exactly are those listed in the Country/Region menu bitch? OMFG
  12. ^ this clown keeps missing the point, jesus christ
  13. The big question Jederpy isn't answering is... if it's so simple... why isn't Sony telling the studio and simply relaying that information to their customers in affected countries? Why would they have to chase Sony for more info... if the solution is just.... make an account in a different region/country?
  14. Sony is selling keys on stores which don't match the requirements listed on Steam's store. Steam has nothing to do with that. That's on Sony. Once the key is redeemed, Sony is liable.
  15. You've lost that one already, multiple times. Country = Region sweetie.
  16. You're missing the word "or" Yes, it does ask you to choose your country.. and you're lying about it when you make an account for other regions where you are not officially residing. My god you've lost every single fucking point this entire day
  17. Nope. The point of sale was made before. Steam discloses everything they need to... but the point of sale already happened before that... and Steam isn't liable for that. Sony... and their official retailers are liable for listing the requirements.
  18. You're the lying fuckwad here. If your country isn't listed in that list... you're breaking the TOS by lying about where you are. That's literally why not all countries are listed there dipshit And they reserve the right to ban you for creating accounts if you aren't in one of those countries.. Just because they haven't yet.. doesn't mean that they wont. And you're literally suggesting Sony tell people to break their TOS to do so
  19. Again, you're missing the point retard. It's not the fact that good guy Sony isn't banning or blocking people from lying and making accounts in places where they don't reside.... It's that they can and do reserve the right to do so. You simply can't sell games in regions which don't support the requirements you're setting for the game.. lmfao.
  20. Just because it's on Steam's store does not mean people see it. They can't enforce that rule unless people actually bought it specifically from Steam's store. If they bought a key from an official site, and then were only informed of the requirement after the fact.. then they're within their rights to a refund. Except... many people bought the game, added the key... and played.. due to them circumventing their own requirement... never knowing that a PSN was required to play... and it was like that for 3 months... They NEEDED to list that requirement EVERYWHERE..
  21. If this issue was so easily adverted... Sony would simply tell the studio to have their players in unsupported regions make accounts from elsewhere.... except........ They're not telling the studio anything... because they know they have a monumental fuck up on their hands... One of two things is going to happen here... either Sony OFFICIALLY instruct people to choose a separate country/region from those affected places... or they refund everyone affected. Plain and fucking simple.
  22. Yes, like intentionally buy games from a country from which you do not reside OMFG
  23. From the client... not from the store dipshit. LOL You don't see the store page at all when redeeming game keys.... because you've already visited a store page which is supposed to list the requirements Look at how stupid he's realizing he is right now
  24. Gonna play Ghost of Tsushima in a couple weeks Going to play any others too... no shitty PS5 required And nah... you've got it wrong. This will just cement Sony's realization that they need to hit day and date to get ANY sales from PC.
  25. But they reserve the right to Indeed... quite big
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