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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij

    Series S $299

    LMAO someone called it a baby monitor
  2. Remij

    Series S $299

    Yeah. It was obvious that Series S was going to be replacing the Xbox One consoles. They're supporting them for the market that's out there... but they're not going to be making them once these new consoles are out. I guess now we just have to see MS' pitch for this console. If it can offer solid 1080p/1440p next gen gaming.. it's very attractive at that price.
  3. Remij

    Series S $299

    This makes Series X at least $499 if not $599. Those are definitely the two prices they are bouncing between.. I think we can confidently say.
  4. Remij

    Series S $299

    Why the FUCK put that circle there though? Jesus christ
  5. Remij

    Series S $299

    Launch crowds do.. because there's a sizably chunk that just want the next thing. These consoles will sell fine... at launch. After that.. we'll see lol..
  6. Remij

    Series S $299

    LOL @ DynamiteCop btw.. I told him it was real
  7. Remij

    Series S $299

    There's some new 3rd party games that I'm sure will sell these consoles at launch. Like I said, the price is right. We'll see though, I could be completely wrong.
  8. Remij

    Series S $299

    Me too. A white cube half the size of the series X would have looked nice. This is just god awful
  9. Remij

    Series S $299

    Looks to be just as tall but maybe 1/3 of the thickness.
  10. Remij

    Series S $299

    Oh, I'm pretty sure it will be. It's probably a pretty powerful little box and is the right price. People might bite.. especially for gamepass.
  11. Remij

    Series S $299

    LOL I have no clue my man. Looks retarded like that... but I guess nobody is going to be mistaking an X for an S or vice versa
  12. Remij

    Series S $299

    Yes, it's 100% real.
  13. Remij

    Series S $299

    Honestly lmao it's ugly as fuck. Looks like a speaker lmao. I don't like the black cutout at all. Would be nicer in white.. but yea.
  14. 10.5% of Steam users polled are RTX owners... "No one" Tech Jesus isn't usually wrong about much, but he is this time. And those 10-series gamers are going to be flocking to the 30-series... with this launch RTX is going to take over Steam I was right about RTX I was right about DLSS I was right that these GPUs would be more than 40% faster than the previous gen I was right that the prices would come down I was right that Series X would be a mid range PC by launch And I'm going to be right with the 3060 that
  15. Flight Sim could REALLY get some help from DirectStorage and RTX I/O. The load times are incredibly long. Hopefully we see an update in the future for it. It's mostly CPU bound anyway though. I'm not sure exactly how well it will scale, but I'm interested in finding out.
  16. That's funny... since I distinctly remember people here shitting on me for talking about how MS' cloud computing would allow for never before done things in gaming... and people said it was bullshit and wouldn't work because a game like Crackdown didn't push it far. The fact is... that it's people like that who delay tech from truly progressing. "It gets one of those games every 10 or so years"... yea, it's almost like pushing technology in new directions is difficult. You have to be in a position where you can target a small fraction of the overall gaming market, and build an ex
  17. Remij

    Hitman 3 VR

    To be fair though, there's no mention of PCVR, so it seems this might be PSVR exclusive.. at least for a bit.
  18. Yea exactly. And it's the Xbox players that would be the ones mostly considering one or the other. I can't believe MS would price it at $600. That's probably just a high estimate based on the promotion. They have no idea what it's going to cost at this moment. I'm sure they're willing to hit $500 and possibly even $450 to undercut Sony if it came to that. They have to AT LEAST be the same price as Sony... not one dollar more. MS is the one that has to win back marketshare and mindshare. Hopefully we see some announcements soon. It kinda sucks as I feel 100% that
  19. The $500 3070 is Nvidia's "fuck you" to the consoles.. lmao
  20. I specifically said users contemplating UPGRADING their PC vs buying a new console... may choose to simply upgrade their GPU at $500 instead of buying an Xbox Series X at $600...
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