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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lol... MS literally just pushed the industry forward with Flight Sim 2020.. their cloud streaming technology is the beginning of some next level shit. This stuff can be scaled.. so you can imagine huge data sets being scanned and textures streamed in over the internet while you play. Azure can also be scaled up or down to suit their needs. They have physics streaming technology as well. Crackdown 3 was a disappointing game for sure, but the tech despite not being scaled very high for that particular game is absolutely real and already working. Now take a game like flight sim but combat o
  2. Just like with any other rendering technology.. the more devs you have working with it, the more optimized and integrated it becomes. Major game engines are incorporating the functionality at a base level and developers can build off that. That's what Sony is going to do for PS5 developers too. Build libraries which improve the functionality and performance of ray-tracing, while making it as easy as possible for developers to implement. Nvidia does this for their hardware through their SDKs, AMD will do it as well for RDNA2, and MS has been doing this with DXR as well.
  3. Shitty load times? It loads in like 2 seconds for me lol
  4. Who said they were gonna start pumping out 6.0 filler?
  5. It's not... when you were never expecting to get them in the first place.
  6. Nah. It would really suck being a console fanboy and knowing that your games are just gonna go to PC eventually anyway. The irony being of course that 1/3 of the people that buy the PC versions of those games already bought and played the console version. That tells you that people want better versions with better visuals and framerates. Twinky, I really think you're misunderstanding the dynamic here. Nobody is just sitting around waiting for first party console games... PC gamers are PC gamers for a reason.. These games coming to our platform mean the world to you
  7. No shit. Like I said.. they want to be self sufficient and have a mass of studios putting out content consistently all year. I would not be surprised to see Sony copy Gamepass but with all but their newest new games. Sonys games are more popular and they know they can build subscribers more quickly than MS.
  8. https://www.resetera.com/threads/sony-will-explore-expanding-their-1st-party-titles-to-the-pc-platform.276791/
  9. Which was just the stupidest thing ever lmao. You don't have a massively popular franchise like Monster Hunter, with multiple iterations on Nintendo devices, then expand and build up the series to be even more popular, and then throw away an entire segment of your fanbase... lol There was ZERO chance that Capcom would not make a Monster Hunter for the Switch. It could be something completely new or another more traditional entry in the series.. but it was always going to happen. Nintendo is killing it right now with the Switch... and you have the "portable factor" as well... A
  10. That beat is so fucking terrible I like Wayne though.
  11. The game is doing well on all platforms. Steam, Gamepass, and Xbox. Like Phil has said... Gamepass is more about expanding the potential market than it is replacing the market... at this point anyway. It's nice as a try 'before you buy' type service, which makes it really easy to try out games you normally wouldn't.
  12. I knew GT7 would for sure. RT is the final piece of the puzzle that driving games need to actually push the true photo realism thing. But yea, they're not going crazy with it or anything for now. They're using it where it makes sense depending on the scene. It's all very early too. Demon's Souls was the surprise for me. I was not expecting that to have RT effects. It looks incredible though.
  13. Thanks. But it's kinda like what I've said before when I was talking about ray tracing and all that stuff. A lot of the reflections and lighting you see in games now is SOOOO wrong. Like... completely wrong in most cases. But we've had "approximations" for so long now that even something that doesn't look natural, but has more "pop" to it, will have people claiming it looks good enough or whatever.. For a lot of people, it absolutely is good enough, but if you understand how the technologies work, and you can understand the limitations and how much work is put in to faking everything.. i
  14. I'm gonna do an entire Ys series playthrough at some point. I love them. Godly series.
  15. Is it bad or something? Speaking of patches though, I went back and checked out Disco Elysium since there's been some patches since I played it... and god damn is it a lot better now. Loads faster, runs better, tons of quality of life improvements. What I'm trying to say more than anything is that the devs have been doing a good job continually improving the game in how it both plays and runs/looks. You might be on to something waiting a few months for patches.. but not all devs continue supporting their products the same after launch. Overall thoug
  16. I wrote this yesterday on another forum because people were saying it was downgraded.. He literally said some of the same exact things in the video Portal transitions look better too. There's just a very tiny stutter now and a couple elements like reflections pop a bit as they change and the color grading kinda shifts slightly, but that kind of stuff is to be expected for the moment and it looks even better than before. It has nothing to do with the SSD either, it's just engine design stuff at the moment.. As time goes on the engines will be improved a
  17. Yea it looks great. Its not even downgraded. Somethings are different... like certain objects.. but equally as impressive as they were before. The lighting has changed a bit. Looks like improved volumetric quality as well as just being different for aesthetical reasons. Reflections look improved in some instances as well using better SSR.
  18. No. Not downgraded at all.
  19. It looks nice. But god why the fuck do they just have that spin tray at the bottom there like that. Allow people who want to put the console horizontally to remove it
  20. Looks really impressive. The sheer amount of particles and physics going on at times is super impressive, and not even as technically demanding as you'd think with the new architectures of RDNA and Turing/Ampere
  21. So I guess it's not really a Perfect Dark game per-se.. The guy just completely contradicted himself.. he said before "It's Perfect Dark" and now he's like "It's not Perfect Dark".... That's good though. Ok so a new IP which takes elements from that universe. That's workable
  22. Joeseph coming back is literally the greatest thing that could happen to this game.. so there's that.
  23. Would have been better if it was a new IP.. but let's see how it turns out.
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