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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Show me which region poland belongs to. Show me right now where you select the region.... if the "region" isn't........ Poland
  2. And this is exactly it.... Sony are trying hard to get into this market.. and their newest CEO stated that they're going to push harder to get in this market... Well.... goodluck
  3. Sony has destroyed whatever goodwill they had with PC gamers.... because they fucked up and sold their game with the requirement of a PSN account in countries where it doesn't exist You're so stupid to not be able to understand that because you're suck a massive fanboy cocksucker
  4. Yes we do. Sony is desperate for other platforms He's actually admitted it
  5. No.. because you're not selecting a region.. you're selecting a country Country=region in this case.. moron. You don't have any way to see which region your country belongs to..... and you're falsifying information, which they reserve the right to ban you for My god, the stupidity
  6. LMFAO Sony running to other platforms for growth.. Yes, we know that derpy Sony fucked up so bad and blew up their 7th biggest game by revenue (just 3 months after it lauched) which it entirely owes to PC They're so fucking stupid. They could have handled this 10000x better and got the same result with no issue... but instead they fucked up their biggest game this year... their first GaaS hit from their entire GaaS incentive... and pissed off the PC community for no reason People will study this monumental unnecessary fuck up for years to come
  7. @jehurey If the EULA was there on the Steam page requiring a PSN account to play... why were Sony selling the game where PSN isn't supported? If the team disabled the requirement due to "issues" then why continue to sell the game in those regions? Why not block it there and then? The fuuuuuuuucked up
  8. The CEO of Arrowhead Jesus fucking christ.. they know they fucked up BAAAAAD.
  9. Maybe because sales were popping off and if they didn't disable it, sales would have dropped completely.......... since they were selling the game in regions where PSN isn't supported
  10. Yea, Sony needs to go to other platforms.. with more customers LMFAO this is where he's at Jesus, since you're so full of hopium you better hope the dev team isn't so pissed off about Sony fucking up their success like this that they'll go find another publisher and release the spiritual successor to Helldivers 2 on Steam and Switch 2 in the future
  11. They're down to hoping that Sony expands to Switch now God damn, if that doesn't show you how desperate Sony is at the moment, I don't know what else does
  12. Sure they can. They're engaging right now with Sony
  13. Dude, you're full of shit. The facts of this issue are clear. Stop being a clown fuck and defending Sony for something that is very clearly their own mistake. The fumbled the biggest bag they've got all year, and nobody pushed them
  14. Sure. And PC gamers will engage with Playstation on their own terms.
  15. Yes.. they do. Which is why they're doing it It's also why every sales analyst out there has been saying uh yeah, get used to this because it's not changing
  16. Shows how much of a clown you are that you don't realize the issue here. It's not about making a fake fucking account moron... it's that Sony knowingly sold the game in places where you can't officially make an account without "making a fake account". Jesus christ how stupid can you be
  17. LOL sales have dropped out of the top 5, where it was before this mess... to 18th Reality indeed
  18. Sony 100% needs the PC for growth. LOL are you a fucking idiot? Not following the industry at all? LMAO.. It's going to be amazingly fun prodding you idiots as to why Sony isn't dropping the PC
  19. Jerry was so sure that PC gamers were so desperate for this game.................................. ................. but it turns out not desperate enough to create a PSN account to play it
  20. -Sony's 7th biggest game of all time, thanks to PC specifically -Sold better on PC than it did on Playstation -Only successful game they've had all year And they fucking blew it by making a huge colossal mistake Loser PS console fanboys on the side screaming "Sony should stop porting games"... lmfao get the fuck out of our house bitch
  21. ^ this is the dream world he's living in. He's hoping SO HARD right now
  22. The regions ARE the countries in this case... These are the countries with stores where they can legally sell their products. By being in another country/region.. you're claiming that you're from another region and they can't "officially" sell to you there. That is using false information to create an account and buy games where you shouldn't be.. If it was truly "region" based.. then they would also list the regions each country belongs to and advise you to choose the region closest to you. We know Sony aren't going to do shit.. but at the same time PC gamers aren't about t
  23. I can't wait for Sony Japan leadership to see that Playstation fucked up and blew all the goodwill they built up with this game since launch in a matter of a few days
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