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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Well.. I'm off to play Horizon Zero Dawn... on PC Good chats boys <3
  2. Damn... that makes PS4 and Xbox's numbers even better. Hey, you said it. Like I told you... you can't compare them. One device serves two markets... the others serve one
  3. I'm not saying it's not a success... I'm saying it's not THE success that you guys like to think it is... because it's essentially taken over Nintendo's market. When you guys compare it to traditional consoles like PS4 and XO.... you're comparing a product that serves a much larger overall market of gamers. And it's that reason why a lot of people call it the "me too" sidekick console... If Nintendo was TRULY successful they would be selling 50M consoles and about 50M handheld's at this point. They didn't GROW the market.. they basically just folded them into one anot
  4. Whenever Sony = consoles Nintendo = handheld MS = PC Seems... like destiny
  5. Except you missed the post where I agree with him. MS should ditch everything and just focus on PC
  6. That serves 2 markets very well. Thus the success.
  7. They did fail the handheld market.... ONE product... ONE market Nintendo is ONE product... TWO markets... It's HILARIOUS how hard you want to ignore that fact.
  8. It's a game that is easily playable on the go... it serves that market nicely......
  9. Yes. Nintendo had to give up making a device for each market. They did so because they could no longer compete in the traditional market...... Nobody bought a WiiU and it was the failure that made Nintendo realize there was no point in making a device specifically for that market anymore. Nintendo failed.
  10. It is. Thanks to the handheld market. Portable "me too" gaming device.
  11. AC games always sell amazingly. I never said it sold that way because of the pandemic. I said it helped it break records. These are the kinds of games that sell well to Nintendo's bread and butter... the handheld market. My whole fucking point... is those 60M Switches out there... are because of the handheld market. That market is propping up the Switch numbers to make it look more impressive than it actually is. As ONE product serving TWO markets... fuck, it should be selling even better.
  12. Switch serves 2 markets. Games are selling like crazy right now. Their sales records are down to those facts. As a traditional console... the Switch would be fraction of what it is right now. A failure by any reasonable measure. It wouldn't even be close to XO numbers. Nintendo saw their traditional market evaporate with the WiiU... and they decided that the best course of action was to pool their resources into one product that could serve both markets. Nobody's saying it's not smart....they were flopping hard in the traditional market... just t
  13. As a traditional Nintendo console... it would fail. It's being propped up by the handheld market. Call it what you want... just recognize the facts... it's a sidekick "me too" console
  14. Switch = ONE console TWO markets PS/XO = ONE console ONE market Nintendo has ALWAYS had control of the handheld market. It was by far their biggest market.. outside of when the Wii was popular. WiiU flopped like shit.. literally only sold 14M Nintendo folded the handheld market into the traditional market... and thus Switch is successful. But it's success is based on the fact that it's serving TWO markets. If it was a traditional console only... there would be no 60M Switches sold at this point... NOT EVEN CLOSE. Deal with the facts
  15. Nope. Nintendo's product serves 2 markets... Sony's serves one. Switch IS a perceived success.... it's being compared to other products which only serve ONE market. They aren't directly comparable.. Breaking records.... because of a pandemic
  16. No They're one in the same market for Nintendo now.... LMAO Talk about completely missing the point
  17. Nintendo is ripping off gamers by selling handheld games for $60 now. Handheld gaming fans are forced to buy into Switch at this point. Nintendo knows this and is taking advantage of them. They consolidated their markets and are able to sell games at higher prices due to the fact that the console can be played traditionally as well as portably. And again... handheld Animal Crossing games weren't sold during a world wide pandemic... Sorry, but the facts COMPLETELY support my theory. Nintendo's handheld market-base is what's buying and propping
  18. Resources =/= market dumbass. Sony combined all their resources to serve ONE market with ONE product. Nintendo combined all their resources to serve TWO markets with ONE product.
  19. Except the reason why Switch is breaking sales records is because it's serving two markets. And Nintendo's handheld market was the big money maker for them. The WiiU flopped like the shit garbage it was, and the Switch wouldn't be much better if it wasn't for the handheld aspect combining both markets into one. You're dumb Jehurey... but you're not THAT dumb. You KNOW that's the only reason it's reached the sales numbers it has at this point. And appealing to handheld gamers along with games meant to penetrate a large of a demographic as possible with games like Ring
  20. Obviously they moved to Switch... Lmao @ you not even mentioning the most obvious answer. Makes Switches numbers even more inflated
  21. They can't even argue this shit. It's #facts Idiot shiip
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