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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Motherfuckers had to cannibalize their Handheld market and merge it with their traditional market just to find success. It's quite clear Switch wouldn't be anywhere close to PS4 numbers, nor even Xbox One numbers if they hadn't completely merged their two markets together. People are literally ignoring that fact. If the Switch was just a traditional console... it'd be at like maybe 20-25 mil or so After the WiiU's pathetic 14M sales it's clear... Nintendo wasn't ever competing on the traditional market ever again, so they did what they had to do and combined it with
  2. Just playing Death Stranding and Horizon Zero PlayStation Both easily best on PC
  3. It runs pretty good actually. The only issue I have is the stutter when the quest UI updates. So weird and embarrassing that that made it through QA. At least it's on the list of stuff they know about and intend to fix. PC version does look a fair bit nicer in a few areas. LOD + draw distance, foliage physics, and water quality. Even being a lackluster port once they fix that quest UI updating stutter it'll be the best version by far.
  4. That's like leaving the scene of an accident because you fucks are high off your own shit Like I good responsible witness I'm sticking around and explaining what happened
  5. It looks and runs far better on PC, but for 4K you do need a powerful system.
  6. Keep circle jerking yourselves while everyone continues to leave this shithole
  7. Look how hurt YOU are And this place DOES deserve it.... LMAO you and Jehurey fucked up this forum big time. Nobody gives a shit about posting here anymore. It's garbage, and I'm treating it like the garbage it is. Stay mad LMAO no dude.... Cooke stopped giving a shit too... like the rest of the posters who have fucked off from this place. "bubu his posts weren't becoming of an admin " LOL according to who? You and Jehurey? Alphonse probably got tired of you guys whining constantly and just said fuck it. You and Jerry made everything abou
  8. "Now I’m stuck in a situation where I may be forced to deep discount on Switch, otherwise I literally cannot sell units on Switch. It’s heartbreaking, and it makes me really sad for the eShop."
  9. No. I'm telling the complete truth. If you had any control... you'd walk away. But you don't.... and YOU have been called out by mods for exactly that. You can't disagree with anyone and not "leave it alone".... and I'm simply doing that to you. Making it really obvious to everyone how annoying the fact that you always need the last word is... The ridiculous lengths you're willing to go to... like the time I had you replying to me for LITERAL hours typing post after post with me ONLY quoting you and putting two smiles. You have NO self cont
  10. Do you hear yourself? Goukid - "I'm sooo butthurt because Lemij is doing what my brother Jerry does" BIG MAD
  11. Sounds like PS4 owners had better games to play and Switch and Xbox gamers are starved for games
  12. I'm just doing what your bro is doing? Why so mad?
  13. I could have never imagined a Nintendo platform would have allowed any shit developer to dump their games on their shop... but it's obvious that allowing it was an unintended reaction to the success that they saw early on with the Switch being the "perfect indie machine" Not to mention being starved for content waiting for Nintendo's 1 or 2 games per year... it turned into a breeding ground. Like a virus it spread and Nintendo wasn't EVER intending on improving the eShop experience to filter through the garbage and make the store somewhat easier to use. Now it's to the point wher
  14. "I don't cause Jerry-go-rounds.... I just continue arguing with them in an endless loop if they say something I don't like and don't let things go"
  15. Yeah no shit. I told the shiip this before. eShop sucks and is flooded with garbage and now shit don't sell
  16. I heard it runs like shit on everything
  17. By allowing him to fuck up every thread. I'm just doing what he's doing... fucking up every thread. This place deserves it
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