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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LMAO you lack basic understanding. No, they can't select a PSN store in their region. They aren't "picking a PSN store"... they're CREATING AN ACCOUNT FOR USE IN THAT COUNTRY. If you can't select your country from that list... it's not in a supported region
  2. Yea.. you see how that is not acceptable at all. No PC players are going to make multiple PSN accounts for different regions because Sony decides to suddenly add countries or change things... It absolutely is breaking their TOS. You're mistaking them "allowing you" to input any country/region during the creation process... If PSN doesn't exist in your REGION.. then you're falsifying information by choosing another region. Obviously they ALLOW you to do so... but it comes with all the fucked up shit that can happen as a result of it. They can't FORCE you to be truth
  3. Steam is refunding players who have hundreds of hours in the game... because they know this is a colossal fuck up on Sony's part
  4. And then you're lying about which region you're in... and Sony can ban you for that.. Words DO matter sweetie... those words specifically in the TOS And LOL Sony fucked up their entire PC initiative based entirely around a fact that they made a colossal fuck up
  5. No shit... but they clearly state they reserve the right to ban and remove those accounts created with false info. The problem isn't making a stupid account and lying about where you are.. it's that Sony is selling the game where PSN isn't offered officially. Buying games from Steam in your region, and then having a PSN from another region could cause issues in the future.. In your example, you create an account using Russia and get pushed to that store... that's FINE and dandy if you're only able to buy games from that store... but on PC that isn't the case.. This i
  6. I know that Sony sold a game in regions where PSN doesn't exist with the requirement that a PSN account is required... without an official way of creating an account without breaking their own TOS Sony have completely fucked up their entire PC initiative with this blunder And the funny thing is... that PS gamers are STILL going to lose all their games to PC
  7. Again moron.. you can buy the game directly from other stores and never EVER see that page And that doesn't even address the fact that Sony officially was selling the game in regions which couldn't create an account without breaking their own TOS.. LMFAO Bye Bloodborne.. nobody gives a shit
  8. Idiot... you buy the game and redeem the game... before seeing it's PSN requirement OMFG make it make sense Sony fucked up so badly LOL. Take your Bloodborne port and fuck off
  9. Reviewdivers 2 Go from having the most successful game of the year, to the biggest flop within a few days by making a completely unforced error
  10. You simply can't admit Sony fucked up by selling the game in regions where PSN does not officially exist.. and offering those players no official means with which to play the game after the requirement goes into effect... Make it make sense moron
  11. The game wasn't just sold on Steam dipshit.. it was also sold on official stores and directly through Sony... without listing it as a requirement. They also circumvented their own requirements to sell the same in all these regions. Yes, using false info IS against their TOS dipshit. LMFAO. We know Sony hasn't enforced it... because then their active monthly accounts would drop horribly But that doesn't mean that they couldn't in the future. This dude is literally claiming shit that you CAN do... ie lying... just like you can lie with an age restriction asking for your birthday
  12. Nope you're factually wrong about that. Hell, Sony even sells Steam keys for the game DIRECTLY on their site, without mention of requiring a PSN account https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc And yes, dipshit, creating an account with false info IS ABSOLUTELY against their TOS
  13. ^ It was made by the people who made the decision to go to PC... that is NOT changing. Jim Ryan followed it, and so will this new guy, who's even more intent on expanding Sony beyond the console Quite frankly.. you're simply wrong. They ARE dependent on this kind of growth. You keep thinking Sony has the ability to just scale back and things will be ok.... no sweetie.. the people who fund Sony demand more.. lmfao. LMAO it just shows how idiotic your fanboyism is for Sony. Sony will correct THEIR mistakes... this has nothing to do with PC gamers being whiny retard. Sony'
  14. Yea, now that we have a clear picture that this issue isn't about no damn account linking and is because Sony and Arrowhead truly fucked up here by selling this game in regions where PSN isn't legally supported. I understand completely why people are pissed off and this game is getting tanked. They sold the game for months in countries knowing that PSN wasn't available there. They literally circumvented their own requirements knowing that PSN was supposed to be required since day 1... and yet Sony kept selling the game in countries where there exists no PSN without breaking their
  15. dude... get real.. There's one side who already admitted "going to their house because they wont come to ours"... Sony has NO power and NO sway over the PC player base. They either accept it, or they fuck off... and PC gamers have no problem telling Sony to fuck off. Except... Sony wont... because they're DEPENDENT on PC for future growth prospects... and they've seen the potential already. Sony will learn a lesson that they can't allow people to buy a game for months, and then suddenly change something, making it no longer accessible to a large audience due to som
  16. They've been successful sure... but their margins are razor thin these days. They actually ARE in a desperate situation, because the cost of development and expectations for their games isn't going to stop. It takes 5-6 years for most of these games at least.. and it's getting harder and harder for them to satisfy their fanbase. You thinking that they can just lower the number of games they make... and coast... is exactly why they're desperate.. Because they can't just do that. Arrowhead have proven they can make great games. Sony doesn't own them (yet).. and I'm sure there ar
  17. This IP isn't shit without the developer and PC gamers, lets be honest. Sony aren't going to do anything regarding their PC initiative. You guys don't seem to understand who has all the power here. Sony are the ones who absolutely need PC for growth potential. That's just a simple fact. Sony is NOT going to change their plans for growth because of this. They're also not stupid in the fact that they know it's because they're doing this months after the game released. This isn't an issue because it's just asking for an account.. it's an issue because they're making it a requir
  18. This is the biggest unforced fuck up in recent times Like I said, they should have been well advised that you can't just change shit after the fact and expect it to go down smoothly. If it would have been like this from the start, nobody would have said shit. Problem is they knowingly sold the game in regions where it was impossible for people to make PSN accounts without breaking their TOS.. lmao. Now they've officially stopped selling the game in those regions, although I'm not sure if that was Sony's decision specifically, or whether Valve stepped in themselves.
  19. Kendrick dropped another one Haven't listened yet tho. edit: Ok I listened to it.. and I think it's trash. Terrible beat and just saying the same shit with that annoying ass voice he does a lot.
  20. ^lol fucking twerpy Anyway, from a dev on discord:
  21. lol ok so I listened to both of these new tracks.. and that shit is crazy If Drake actually has another child and Kendrick comes with the receipts... I mean, among the other allegations that he's clearly making.. He's getting completely bodied. Kendrick having a mole inside of Drake's camp is obviously plausible. And considering the photo that Kendrick has been using for his responses... god damn... If you look, it's still not fully revealed.. there's more to zoom out with yet.. Also, I was reading about the meaning behind 6:16
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