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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Alex always does an awesome job at explaining and visualizing the technical stuff.
  2. Well, I guess Nintendo has spoken about how they're expecting a long lifecycle for the Switch, and the game is being developed for 2 years out, so they probably just figure PS5 and Series X and Switch will be the main consoles everyone is focusing on by that time. Nintendo could have new hardware out by then.. so they're likely just clarifying that messaging so people understand a bit better their intentions.
  3. It's interesting they're restricting themselves to next gen consoles only though. Nothing appears to be out of the realm of current gen hardware. Seems a bit odd to me... not that I'm upset about it or anything.
  4. https://nintendoeverything.com/eiyuden-chronicle-dev-clarifies-plans-for-nintendo-consoles/ Basically the game wont be done for a couple years yet, and they don't know where Nintendo will be at that point. If they have new hardware, it'll be on that... if not.. they'll downgrade it for the Switch.
  5. I mean, I know the hardware is obviously capable.. but Halo man.. wtf happened? Take a look at the trailer again. Notice how NONE of the grass or trees move at all. It's all static. Nothing bends when driving the warthog through it.. it literally just clips through. There's no physics on the grass or trees at all. There's no life to the scene. It's kind of shocking.. once I noticed that I was like wtf.. Halo has had reactive foliage for ages now.. And then there's the fact that RT is coming in a post launch patch... that doesn't inspire confidence that
  6. Dude, you gotta admit it's bad/weird that were seeing PC versions of these games so close to launch. I'm not saying they wont have shit sorted, but if the initial software doesn't run as well as it should, then it's going to have a negative impact. One that MS can't really afford since they're focusing on the "power" angle. I liked what I saw of Halo Infinite but graphically it's definitely less than I was expecting. I thought that was the game that was going to show extremely detailed visuals. The game looks great to me, more Halo in the vein of the classics.. I'm a
  7. I'm really surprised they're mixing up their messaging as well regarding the whole "2 years of cross gen content"... because now they're saying devs can do what they want, and at the show it was mostly "Series X and PC" and they're now removing Xbox One from some games. I thought messaging was the one thing that MS was doing better so far with than even Sony for this coming gen... but that's pretty much out the window now. Maybe they saw Sony's event and was like.. nah maybe we should rethink this? I dunno
  8. Got around to playing Sayonara Wildhearts and man, what a gorgeous game. It looks so sublime at 4K 165fps. Gonna play some more Halo 3 and Death Stranding today
  9. Apparently the latest revisions of the dev kits have fixed the problems but it's not clear if many devs have received them yet or have had enough time to get everything fully running on the new kits in time. Jesus fucking christ
  10. I remember you talking like this when you were sure that overclocking CPUs increased IPC
  11. You did... because you quoted him first. Damn, that ointment didn't help much did it. Yea, I'd get to the doctor quick if I were you
  12. Thanks for proving my point. "If Demon's Souls is at launch" We don't know yet..
  13. LOL you're a good friend... giving Jehurey something to quote so he can run away from my posts
  14. dude is so butthurt he can't even think of a comeback
  15. Pretty dumb of them to look so unready. We don't really even know what Sony is releasing with yet definitively at this point. They should probably delay both consoles 6 months or so
  16. Talking about running away.... aren't you going for your next break yet?
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