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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Damn. The video game adaptation era is truly upon us now.
  2. It's a Dark Horse comic apparently. Dark Horse Comic retweeted them also saying "tomorrow", so nothing too exciting.
  3. Breaking mods isn't really "a bug" and neither is the game being locked to 60fps. Those are by Bethesda's shitty design And the ultrawide hud being stretched is classic Bethesda
  4. For real. With what I have in mind for the hardware's capabilities.. this is going to be an awesome handheld which will allow Nintendo to make some truly stunning games. I can just imagine what Nintendo, Monolith Soft (Xenoblade), and Next Level Games (Luigi's Mansion 3) will be able to do with this new hardware. It's going to be insane. Luigi's Mansion 3 absolutely holds its own along last gen/current gen games IMO. The Xenoblade games are extremely ambitious and technological marvels for the hardware.. and well... Nintendo is straight forward. They always bring high quality
  5. "Everyone's got a plan until you get punched in the face" Tyson would fold anyone here with one punch.. if not one punch, certainly with one combo.
  6. The hardware is truly dead. Just drop the console and make a PC handheld like the Deck and ROG Ally. Focus on PC, Switch 2, and PS5. Do your best to convert those old Xbox players to PC and keep them on your ecosystem. Cut your damn losses and then just focus on being the best 3rd party publisher out there.
  7. Seems like the input lag some players reported during the demo period has been improved for the day 1 patch. Seems like a well executed release.
  8. Yea. It's surprising to me that someone like Twinblade, who has so much commentary on all other current events, didn't really know of it. To me it's a well known distinction and I'm in central Canada. We've all seen videos of white people getting their asses whooped for saying that word.. and you know just how racist they are when they accentuate the r. It leaves ZERO room for misinterpretation. Oh well. Likely just a coincidence. Some people will see things where they want to see things.
  9. Who cares dude? This isn't the first year that they haven't had one...
  10. I dunno about that. I don't mind if there's some ugly women in games.. but they're definitely catering to a vocal minority of people who get offended and making them less attractive on purpose in SOME games. Like I say.. I don't really care.. I don't want every woman to be a super model.. but what does kind of annoy me is that these particular groups of people can never seem to accept it when a game wants to cater to people who want beautiful women in their games. Like.. there's room for both. This shouldn't be an issue when a game and the studio behind it wants to make a sexy g
  11. They also plan on increasing dividends paid to shareholders https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/news/html/e240425.html God damn, Capcom stay killing it Dragon's Dogma 2 being nice and successful. I wonder if SquareEnix will be announcing favorable Rebirth performance and increased dividends for their shareholders soon
  12. https://automaton-media.com/en/news/ps5-and-xbox-largely-unpopular-with-gen-z-in-japan-survey-shows/ Just a sign of the changing times. I remember reading a report from last year that said PC was more popular in Japan than Playstation but didn't believe it at the time. But PC has been growing rapidly in Japan since all the Japanese developers started supporting the platform. These younger kids mostly only care about mobile and portable hardware. The only reason why consoles are alive there at all is because the Switch can be used as one.
  13. This is insincere coming from a person who plays damn near every game that's released.. You have the time Twinblade. If these games were as good as you said they were, you'd have finished them up promptly. You're literally wasting your time playing games the way you are. New games aren't going anywhere... they'll be there when you finish the last one you started.
  14. Dude... if you're not willing to finish it... it's trash.
  15. You fucks spent all your time pretending it was completely terrible.... because if you didn't do that... then there'd be no reason for anyone to "pretend it was good"
  16. Not hurt at all. It's ok Gouko.. you can admit Starfield is a solid game.
  17. LMFAO he says this, right after he just admitted in another thread he's more willing to play ghetto 7 non-indie games because indie games have lower standards.... That means that Stellar Blades standards are lower than Starfield's was... FARRRRR lower in fact... which means the fact that it's scoring worse shows how bad it must be to him This "mid budget korean game" sure must have had lower standards than Starfield
  18. There's 3 people you guys consider lemmings on this site. I barely talked about Starfield. There was no massive hype here. Poor babies... 83 Starfield is HORRIBLE MASSIVE POS FLOP... 82 Stellar Blade is a solid banger.... no, it doesn't work like that. You guys just inadvertently admitted Starfield is a solid banger
  19. Starfield is an 85/83 meta. That's absolutely a solid banger by the metrics you guys use. It's certainly not the piece of shit you idiots made 300 threads about claiming it was Nobody is going to be making 300 threads about this game and the scores it got... so trust me.. we know who's hurt more :hest:
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