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Everything posted by Remij

  1. They had a preview event in China and apparently well known people there are saying the game is "a miracle" and really incredible. The American event is on the 25th. They're playing on high spec Alienware PCs It's sounding like this game is gonna turn out incredible after all. With the delay, that should ensure that Nvidia's new GPUs are out in time for this games release
  2. Everything I saw happens in the game... in the context of the game it actually made it worse The story sucks... For it to work, you literally have to accept that these characters are STUPID AS SHIT. Every last one of them.
  3. Yea, those troubles are a distant memory now. They finally got the cache to work at optimal speeds.
  4. The cows ITT couldn't wait for me to be out so they could hate on me for not liking the game... that's why I'm not banned anymore
  5. You're the one having a cry dude Jesus christ hearing you talk about the game just has me rolling my fucking eyes
  6. They needed to save her, because they had to make us shocked that this unknown person who Joel JUST SAVED would kill him so brutally... When you take literally 1h between meeting Joel meeting a character and having her kill him... you've got to make the most of what little time you have. So Joel was so nice to her and saved her. She rode with Joel... because well... oh man, she struggled with realizing who this man was, and yet was riding with the very man who killed her father. OMG Neil you're so diabolical. And yea, the ridiculousness of Abby getting SO lucky.. lmao.. patrol
  7. Oh for fuck sakes You're LITERALLY explaining how those characters were USED to simply further Ellie's tale of revenge.... they were there to make Ellie (and you AS Ellie) feel BAD about continuing her path.. they were there to COST Ellie something for continuing on the path she was on... that's literally ALL those characters were used for. In the end... they meant NOTHING. Jessie literally DIES in the lamest way possible and is never spoken of again. Completely USELESS. The game is ATTEMPTING to make you feel bad about Ellie's treatment of characters that aren't even interes
  8. No sense it in. You've ALREADY decided that anything I think is due to me expecting things and having my "fantasies" not playing out as I want. I already knew this was going to be the case since the leaks anyway..
  9. Holy shit Alright well this conversation is done, because you guys are just going to dismiss any criticisms thrown at this game as "you wanted to hate it"
  10. So... uh.... are you going to post a quote where I say I shouldn't be banned or what? And look how SERIOUSLY you took that post How many of these do I need to put?
  11. Post where I tried to talk my way out of my ban.... lmao. I want to see that LOL Yea, I preordered it, because it's the sequel to one of my favorite Playstation games... Yea, I played it, because I give games a chance if I feel they warrent it... Yea, I played it through... because I wanted to know what they would do and how it would end OMFG Rem OWNED
  12. I correctly predicted IGN and GS scores And I called for a ban... that those in charge couldn't even see through Yea, I finished the game. Foreign concept to you I'm sure
  13. Oh where to begin with this game? First off... the premise that some no-name doctor Joel killed at the end of the first game had some daughter and that she... out of all the people Joel has crossed, decided to take revenge is just stupid. I hate it. I can't give a shit about this character because she was just so poorly conceived. If she had been Marlene's daughter or something that would have made more sense and given me more of a "oh shit" moment because Marlene was an important character from the first game... you understood her and her reasoning, you empathized with her because
  14. lmao you're so dumb. It's not just SOME game... it was one of my most anticipated games... I saw leaks which strongly suggested where things were going... I didn't see the entire game... or play it for myself... Why wouldn't I give the game a chance to redeem itself? Why wouldn't I give the game a chance to give context to what I saw? It's more like YOU took my hateful comments so seriously that you actually thought I wasn't going to play one of my most anticipated games of all time and give it the chance it deserved... LMAO... and
  15. Hey, do you only buy games you like? Have you ever bought a game you thought you'd like and then hated it? Have you ever had a game you anticipated greatly, which is the sequel to a game that you really like and then decided you didn't like the direction it went but because you anticipated it so much, you gave the game a chance anyway? No? Oh yea that's right, you gobble up any shit Nintendo shovels on your plate....
  16. You're trying to start one.... look... you keep trying And no... I'm the one laughing at you. You think me playing the game is some kind of ownage... lmao fucking STUPID Yea I played the game... because that's what I do to form a complete opinion on something. Again, it shows just how serious you take a lot of what is said here.
  17. Why would I do that? I already told you... you think I'm NOT going to give what was my most anticipated game a chance? You REALLY think that I wouldn't actually PLAY it? That's some stupid shit and goes to show just how seriously you take this stuff. I knew I wasn't going to like large parts about it... but that doesn't mean that I don't want to see just how much they fuck it up I like how you keep posting $70 like as if it's a lot.... or like I couldn't just trade this shit in if I wanted to.. Basically...you're trying REALLY hard to argue with me..
  18. God you're dumb as fuck -Can't wait for the game, hugely anticipated -Pre-orders game -see's spoilers for the game -I don't like the direction they went (this is where you start acting like an idiot and think that I wouldn't give what was one of my most anticipated games a chance despite not liking what I've seen) -I play the game and give the game a chance -don't like what they did and have lots to say about and here's you "durr you baht da gaem at fuwl prize cucuz u h8 it soh muzh righ??? " dumbass
  19. Spyro looks great, but so does this. Like I said though, if this game is really successful, then maybe they'll put a bit more budget into it in the future. Also, this seems like it's 60fps? Isn't Spyro only 30fps on consoles? That's a big upgrade.
  20. I like what they've done with Crash's character model Although one area where it's clearly worse is the shoe geometry. Would look a lot better if those laces were actually modeled lol. Hopefully this game does really well and they start putting more of a budget into Crash like Insomniac steadily has Ratchet and Clank. There's a lot of potential.
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