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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Thing is, they know they can get away with it. 1440p Ultrawides are the most common because it's really hard to drive 2160p Ultrawides. That's a HUGE difference in pixels. I'm gonna look into these monitors, they seem quite nice.
  2. Yea, as much as I'd love it to be, I don't think we'll see all that. I do believe though that Series X is the first full console designed under Phil..and whatever plans he has NEED to start coming into effect now. They need to present like as if there's been a shift... one that people can easily see. If his studios have better funding and backing than ever before, and more studios than ever before... then I expect to see it reflected in the quality. It starts with Halo. I think Halo is a franchise that people want to be great again, but just can't see the current MS
  3. It's true lol Both are true... there's tons that will double dip, and there's tons that have no problem waiting. The PC market is massive. There's a LOT of money to be made.
  4. It's what I think.. but who knows. And lol I think it's more than 4-5 years... I'm thinking 7-14 years from now... meaning not this coming gen, but the next one. This coming gen, I think Sony releases their games 2-3 years later, possibly sooner depending on the game and target market for that game. It's going to take a long time yet for streaming and whatever else to make any substantial inroads on physical devices, but it'll chip away. In the meantime, Sony will make smart decisions about which games to bring and how quick to bring them. Maximizing widespread appe
  5. We'll see. But I believe they're readying the fanboys for exactly that. It's going to get closer and closer all the time... and then Sony's going to look at the market they have with their console and PC gamers who they know will buy their games... and they're going to want to maximize their franchises potential and have massive launches for people who want to play their games anywhere they choose (PS console, PC, mobile) Sony will eventually want to become fully self sufficient.. and what I mean by that is that in the future, I see a "platform holder" meaning a streaming service
  6. I think it holds up incredibly well tbh. In a hypothetical scenario where MS actually nailed the designs of those games... what I would do if I was MS is have a healthy mix of their bigger franchises like Halo and Forza.. but with awesome new versions of franchises that people are fond of and would like kickass games of... like Fable and Perfect Dark. Hit the nostalgic notes, but actually surprise people with great versions of those games.. which would then hopefully begin to change peoples attitudes towards Xbox. I believe they have solid IP... they just have to go
  7. Sony will know and have the numbers. It's likely not as much as you'd think. If Sony was that worried about people not having to buy their console, they wouldn't be working on streaming services....
  8. I think a hypothetical solid MS lineup to counter Sony's show would be: Halo Infinite (don't underestimate this as a launch game) Hellblade 2 Banjo Threeie Perfect Dark Fable Kameo New IP from The Initiative Lost Odyssey Project Gotham Racing game Killer Instinct 2 1 vs 100 Conker sequel Plus some 3rd party stuff.
  9. Not me, but a lot of people would. Think about it.. Sony will be losing money on every PS5 sold. If I'm buying their games and paying a online sub fee on PC day1, they're laughing... because they're making all the money, without the cost of the console. THAT IS NOT TO SAY that they don't want to sell consoles... obviously you're right... but there's millions upon millions that simply don't give a shit about PC gaming in the first place and don't want to spend over $1000 on a gaming device. Those people will fill any huge void. I'm sure Sony is looking at the numbers and are rea
  10. I mean I think Sony are going to find a way to make people subscribe to their network, as in..to play their games online on PC and be a part of the network. Once enough content gets out there. They'll talk about how they need to do it to secure their network and provide the best experience. If you're Sony... and you have the greatest games on the biggest gaming network that pushes tons of hardware, then you figure out a way to make PC gamers pay into that. There will be blowblack... but Sony doesn't NEED PC... it's all about maximizing profitability of those who will undoubtedly buy and pl
  11. No... the people who brought it back are the ones who came back from Sidescrollers after Cooke went there and begged us to come back.... lmao. I think I handled being a mod pretty good... because I was the only one that actually did anything... I remember the tears when I was deleting and closing threads that were political on the main forum. LOTS of tears. I got tired of it... and look... others are getting tired of it too... because you and Jehurey make everything about politics. And I didn't say there's anything wrong with Sales threads... I said THATS ALL YOU FUCK
  12. When Sony is ready to bring their games day and date, they'll have PC gamers subscribed to something... believe that.
  13. No.. lol.. you simply have to look at what you guys post about. It's politics, sales, and politics in gaming. You don't make threads and talk about games often. You make threads talking about game/system sales every month without fail though. I don't even need to say anything... everyone knows it. It's fine... but it's fucked the forum up for sure. lol
  14. Yea it's far more than I was ever expecting. I honestly thought it would be a repeat of the PS4's first year where the launch basically had nothing. If all that comes out within the first year, they're doing good.
  15. Yea, you were alright, but you fucked up allowing so much political talk on this forum in the first place. It's all people like Jehurey and Goukosan want to talk about... politics and game sales... which is incidentally gaming politics
  16. $500-$600 consoles... lmao just buy a fucking PC at that point. It's not like the old days where consoles were actually specialized hardware and sold for $199 / $249
  17. A sternly written SW review should go a long way in teaching Naughty Dog that lesson. BAD BOY! SIT! OBEY! Goooooood boy
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