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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I think you of all people here actually probably know my feelings about TLOU and how much I liked the first one. I'm not going to just easily hate on a sequel unless I think something was actually wrong... which I do unfortunately. Same shit with FF7R... dude, you know how long and how much I anticipated that game... and I ended up not liking where they went with it. Naughty Dog gets no free pass from me. I don't like what I've seen.. but I'm giving the game a chance just like I do every other game that I'm interested in.
  2. That's right. Get it out of the way. Like a bad dream, I just want it to be over
  3. Gotta make use of this junky console I bought at some point, right?
  4. I purchased the game... found out about it... talked shit about what I found out... but I'm still going to play the game. I always had the intention of playing this game.
  5. He wouldn't know because he "apparently" hasn't seen shit. Talk about ignorance
  6. From parts all over the game.... And that's 10-15% more than you Hey... if I say what I know about the story... that's not spoiling much right? Just 10-15%??? Why would you get mad if I just spoil 10-15% of the story... there's still LOTS MORE for you to discover... right? Idiot
  7. I can hate the story and what they did, and still enjoy parts of the game. I've been anticipating this game for years... I'll always give a game it's fair shot. Just don't expect me to love what they've done with it
  8. So Cooke got cancelled Sounds like Alphonse got sick of the 3 stooges @'ing him all the time LOL
  9. Yea, it could be... which is why I'm going to play it. Yet that STILL WONT CHANGE what I dislike about the game lmao... What's funny to me is that you guys are the ones who are coming off as ignorant. If I had seen the leaks and LOVED what they did... and spoke about how amazing it was... none of you would have said shit about "hey maybe you should wait for proper context and play it all yourself".. you would have been like "omg NAUGHTy GOdz"
  10. Of course I'm going to. Just like I formulated my own opinion on the story based on what I know for a fact that the game is doing. Not everyone has to like everything Naughty Dog does... bubu youre jus a hater
  11. I don't need to play the game to know that I don't like where the story goes... lmao..
  12. Nope. -I don't NEED to play the game to know I don't like the direction they went WITH THE STORY.. and I KNOW the direction they go with the story... -And NO... I didn't READ spoilers... I WATCHED THEM.. there's no other context that I need to make up my mind about what I've seen lmao.. You're the one who keeps owning yourself. Keep posting more instances of the developers themselves saying people might not like it... while arguing with me about the fact that I know more about it than you do and I don't like it
  13. No way!! I said I disliked what they did with it and I was told I just didn't get it and I was a hater.....
  14. You should get this one: and shut the fuck up
  15. @Cookester15 I want to know what happened lol
  16. Yep. LOL Horizon ZD is gonna do some numbers too. Over 1M easily I'm betting... even if some people only buy it to make Sony realize there's a huge market there and that they should bring other games. They've been watching this stuff for a while now.. and they're not going to let MS tap into the PC market and just sit out... regardless of how well their games sell. There's MORE money to be made lol. Bloodborne is coming... and that game will do 2M+ easily on PC. In fact, I bet over 3M on PC if there isn't a PS5 version released with it.
  17. It reached 63K today BTW Steam of Thieves A 2 year old game, that's available on GamePass for $1, and purchasable on the Windows Store for 50% off ($20) is selling like crazy on Steam at $40. The game is a HUGE success for MS. It even was before the Steam release... but this just puts into perspective how much sales MS was leaving on the table by not releasing their games on Steam before. The game will eventually cross 1 million on Steam. With this release alone, they've probably made back the entire games' development costs and th
  18. The rest of us will too you stupid fuck... then we'll go back to playing any other game on our PC
  19. PC is still the forefront of cutting edge tech... lmao Again... you don't seem to understand the limiting factors are BUDGETS AND TIME... and again... in this world... where EVERYTHING is coming to EVERYTHING... it's because it simply doesn't make business SENSE to develop a PC exclusive game and not release it on consoles as well... because they're ALL RUNNING THE SAME FUCKING HARDWARD and generally capable of the same things Dude... I MISS the days when consoles were the forefront of hardware and cutting edge tech... They simply AREN'T anymore... they're mid ranged
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