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Everything posted by Remij

  1. bubu the glory days Dude, listen to yourself... You're living in a world where THERES NO XBOX EXCLUSIVES anymore, and SONY EXCLUSIVE GAMES ARE COMING TO PC.... The FACT... is that games cost too much to make... and if you're going to make a game for PC... you might as well make it for consoles as well. How fucking stupid can you be? Remember when consoles used to have bespoke hardware and were ACTUALLY DIFFERENT from each other and PCs? Now they are "soul-less" mid ranged PCs at best which can't and don't do anything unique. Still taking visual tech
  2. It wasn't an 8 month drought, it's been 3 months.. actually no... since the last AAAe game... it's been less than a month https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/if-found-review-call-me-by-my-name/1900-6417471/
  3. btw, EmberLab are the people who made this: They're extremely talented lol
  4. No shit... I never said they can't make good looking games... Are you trying to say there's no good looking games on PC that weren't once console exclusives? You're specifically comparing PC games to studios like Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games... You posted a gif with Drake and a very realistic looking animation... you think anyone can do that animation?? What sets studios apart dude? Do you realize the work that goes into making drakes cheek push in while he rubs his hand over it??? Cmon dude.... I'm not the one saying Sony's devs are un
  5. Within the past year isn't recent to you? Look out, we got a badass over here
  6. Didn't you get Twinblades warning message saying that we can't talk about trannies or golf on the site until TLOU2 has released and people have played it?
  7. Crysis came to be because new rendering techniques came into existence, coupled with huge open world levels not possible because of memory limitations on consoles, which PC didn't have... Those are what made it a stand out game. It didn't need the biggest budget ever to stand out at that time..
  8. @Twinblade Like dude... think about it.. If devs had unlimited time and budget... and didn't have to worry about a certain install base... you could get these visuals on PC.. Look at that shit... the rocks... that DEMOLISHES anything on consoles.... Why?? Because to build a game with assets like that, and which animates equally as well, and is voice acted and motion captured... costs TIME AND MONEY... Any developer would have a problem reaching those visuals for a AAA game.... It's not realistic yet. That's why you have AAA games c
  9. I'm pretty sure PS5 will have VRS. It's not going to be used in every game.. especially at the start. A lot of devs already have their own temporal upscaling methods and will stick with that in the beginning. I wouldn't look too much into it just yet.
  10. They would look the same....... BECAUSE THEY ARE CONSTRAINED BY BUDGETS YOU DUMB FUCK...
  11. Remij


    Dude is legit mad because people spend their money on stuff that doesn't concern him
  12. Says the fuckhead who says bubu diminishing returnz Sounds like you should be worried about Sony not being able to better themselves much past their competition... since you believe that's a thing
  13. You sound like a fucking fanboy kid LITERALLY... THAT'S why I love seeing games like Horizon announced for PC... it literally fucking makes you sob because "PC cannat has gfx liek dis oderwiez " Tons of 3rd party games compete with Sony's games... .and dude... no fucking shit... developers that are owned, and games that cost MILLIONS which are created to sell hardware look the best... err no shit
  14. 3 months ago for a AAA isn't recent? LOL... I guess Cows are still waiting because TLOU2 isn't
  15. Oh for fuck sakes Twinkypoo... why aren't more multiplat PS4 games of that animation quality?
  16. Oh fuck off. You know damn well that the thing holding visuals back is BUDGETS AND TIME.... You're the fuckhead going on about diminishing returns too You're asking if there's PC games that look better than this?
  17. Games are games... the experience of using the console should feel improved, unique and different. But w/e it doesn't affect me at all lol
  18. Because it would provide a fresh experience. Series X, and what they're doing with keeping the same UI... is essentially a PC upgrade. You get all new components, but your OS is the same. As awesome as upgrading a PC is, you never get that completely fresh experience, unless it's along with a new edition of Windows that you've never seen/used before. Being a PC guy is EXACTLY why I can say this with confidence. I've been wanting Steam to change for A LONG TIME dude... lol. This recent update to the Library is nice. I like it... but now they've got to finish changin
  19. Yea, because it was a high scoring well received PC exclusive game... if it hadn't been... there was no console version.. All Xbox exclusives are day 1 already... that's one down, and now Sony games like Death Stranding, Horizon Zero Dawn and Bloodborne as well as others are coming to PC... who gives a shit if it's a year or 2 or 3 later... it's not like there isn't a metric shit ton of games to play in the meantime.. Are you really a kid that needs to pway hiz gaem firzt reweezce or it dun couhnt
  20. Oh no? Just recently we got Disco Elysium - 10/10 Half Life Alyx - 9/10
  21. While that's true... they really should have come with a completely new experience. But that's just my opinion.
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