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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Oh god, any day of the week. 4K native is nice... but it's wasteful in a lot of ways. That's not to say that there aren't games that really shine with 4K+ resolution.. but when we're talking about geometric detail and texture detail and shading... they are all far more impactful. Like I've said before, for me myself, 1800p is the sweet spot... but DLSS has made me realize that resolution really wont mean anything anymore.
  2. lol Horizon 2 looks soooo good. I love all the geometric detail with the pebbles/sand. That's what I'm expecting from next gen that will take it to the next level. All those micro geometric details. Things like hair and "peach fuzz" and stuff like that which will make the visuals far more detailed over all.
  3. No. The whole idea of a "flop" is that the game is not scored the way it is expected to score... An 8 game is not a bad game. It's a good game. An 8 Naughty Dog game.... is a FLOP
  4. @The Mother Fucker I broke 560 and 9200 https://valid.x86.fr/a1zhh2 And I'm really gimped by my GPU in Forza Horizon 4 lol 120fps at 4K though
  5. Dude is losing it.. holy shit bubbut MS MS MS MS MS Xbaaarrkkk xbarrrrkk Xbaaarrkkk xbarrrrkk!
  6. Biggest launch month... and it fell off a cliff dude. Remember when you said DQ11 on Switch was gonna be NPD top 10 or whatever and it didn't make it, then you said it would be there the next month... and it wasn't And dude.... I LOVE DQ11... .....but DQ11 isn't a "BIG game" in the west... it's also not even a Sony game But hey.... Sony deserves credit for it
  7. It sold like shit here... A YEAR AFTER THE JAPAN RELEASE which is where it sold millions... so then I guess it doesn't count in your shitty little between GoW and now list And yea, Forgettable-man was just that... You didn't even play it Dumbosan
  8. FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 8/10. The same score as Sea of Thieves This is where Jehurey gets more upset about a game he's not going to play
  9. LOL acting like DQ11 was some big release.... and I forgot about Spider-man... lmao hilarious since the trailer for Spidey Miles was so forgettable too Dumbosan.... FF7R, TLO2, and GOT within 3 months of each other... all games 5+ years in development Great planning
  10. Multiple delays for both TLOU2 and GoT, both releasing within a monthof each other Yea, TLOU2 was done earlier but Sony held it for the big send off. AMAZING SONY
  11. There was nothing between God of War 2018... and these releases... LMAO Days Gone for all of 2019 Just shut the fuck up dude. These games were delayed not because Sony planned it all out.... but because shit took longer than expected for many of them. 4-7years of development...
  12. Yea, all these games were delayed multiple times on purpose.... great planning!
  13. It was all planned Read Aza's cocksucking OP again. "It's support like this that makes them great" These are the types of "can do no wrong" fanboys that overrate reviews of games like TLOU2.. that's who we're dealing with
  14. The ban starts on the release day you fuckwit
  15. This is the building it was based off of
  16. We're talking about Sony deserving credit... because a bunch of games they have had announced for 4-7 years just happened to all be delayed to the last year of the console before the PS5 launch... Sorry dude, you can talk about MS all you want... Sony can deserve credit for making great games.... but acting like they did some favor and planned this massive send off.... no
  17. Yea, those multiple delays sure were properly planned And then he goes on about MS... Hey, want to talk about MS go make a thread about MS... try staying on the subject of Sony for once.
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