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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nah. They did the best they could. It's just a shitty version of the game.
  2. Eh... just because visceral isn't around doesn't mean anything either.
  3. Very likely true. Dead Space as well as Silent Hill and Resident Evil is asking too much lol.
  4. Like I said, a couple tweaks and you're at 4K 60. Still better than console settings too.
  5. 650w SHOULD be fine.. but I was reading today that Nvidia's new GPUs might actually be quite power hungry because they are apparently massive. So I dunno.. You should be good though. Nothing stopping you from getting one in the future if its not sufficient. BTW, I'm up and running. Got windows installed and am currently updating and installing stuff. B)
  6. Everything is overpriced right now.. and likely will be for months. It's a mid range board.. nothing fancy.. but it has good VRMs which is important to me.. So I went for it. You should really keep an eye on the 550 boards if you want something cheaper. Catch them at release and you should be able to get them for MSRP before they are price hiked.
  7. Got my motherboard finally. Gonna build in a bit
  8. P4G shits on P5. But make no mistake... P5 is coming
  9. The best version of Persona 4 no longer shackled to Vita. Best on PC, where it belongs
  10. Well, So there's that.... and then this: Yes! The best Persona game 3 is coming as well they said. No word on P5 though
  11. With Destiny 2 some of the settings have a huge impact on performance with very little visual return. Lowering a couple of the settings nets huge performance gains. Shadow Quality Console is like medium DOF on highest is wasteful too. With small tweaks you can easily claw back 20+fps in this game.
  12. Sony is gonna get me again with Demon's Souls Remake. (and probably Silent Hill) I can't say no to those games as much as I just want to forget consoles
  13. LMAO Jon Jon's said numerous times that his PC can't do X or Y, or beat his Xbox One X... but it's so obvious that he's never tried it I've told him he could downsample because he only has a 1080p monitor, but he doesn't even want to try. But shit, if he's getting excited for next gen because of 60fps Destiny 2.... let him be
  14. RE8 is supposed to be called: Resident Evil: ViIIage with the Vill obviously turning into VIII for 8. Yesterday I noticed Capcom went through and renamed all the RE games on Steam so that they follow the same naming convention Pretty obvious they are gearing up for the next game to be revealed. Switcluded
  15. It was a tech demo for the SSD specifically. They can make those exact same visuals and scenes using far less resources. They simply "brute forced" it to demonstrate that the PS5's SSD can do it. Realistically, games will not even closely be designed that way. They will be far more optimized on every level, and AAA next gen games will make that tech demo look like shit.. easily.
  16. It's completely transparent to the developer lmao. They literally have a dedicated chip inside the PS5 that handles memory management.... That said, for the majority of games, it's absolutely true that they aren't going to be utilizing the extra throughput that the PS5 has over Series X. The good news is that Series X is no slouch either and 2.5GB/s of raw throughput is a MASSIVE increase over last gen consoles. What I see is Sony developers making use of no loading and that extra bandwidth providing a much easier and less stressful development environment for them to
  17. Sheep fucks are already talking about this like: "I hope if P5R is announced for PC they have the common sense to release it for Switch as well " Sheep beggars by proxy
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