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Everything posted by Remij

  1. His point is you're hiding behind PC right now and are going to change your name back to green when Series X comes.
  2. Holy shit https://streamable.com/7qc45y
  3. After all this hype though about "content that can only be done on PS5" and "clear generations" the pressure is on for Sony to show games that simply couldn't be done anywhere else. Should be interesting for sure
  4. Latency timings and memory speed is important for Ryzen. But it IS slightly less important for Ryzen 7 than it is for Ryzen 9 because Ryzen 7 basically has all the cores active on a single CCX, whereas the Ryzen 9 has 2 CCX each with a core deactivated (on the 3900x anyway) Still, if you get 3200mhz ram, I'd make sure it has a low CL.
  5. Cool. Now that you mention that I do remember you saying that for a while now lol. Good idea to go all brand new. You'll essentially have to anyway if your motherboard isn't compatible with the new processors. What kind of build are you thinking of going with? I have a feeling a lot of us here are going to be Ryzen 3X00x CPUs with 16/32GB and an Nvidia 3000 series GPU lol. And yea, try with the license.. you may be able to just transfer that one over with the upgrade. I did that with an old laptop of mine that was busted and had no issues. I could only
  6. Prices are ridiculous right now on everything lmao. Are you building a new PC?
  7. Yea, that'd be amazing wouldn't it? I realized that I'm getting my new PC parts tomorrow and I'd be downloading 45GB+ just to have to redownload it right again after. I'm still down for Wed after I get everything set up... and I'm gonna hold you to this little post of yours mocking me
  8. TLHBR Good thing Sony are bringing their games to PC. Horizon 2 a couple years from now with the DLC included best on PC
  9. It's true, as stated before. PS5's advantage will not present itself in multiplat games outside of maybe a couple seconds faster loading initially. In the case of Sony's first party, it's going to help them by reducing the pressure and need to design around lower bandwidth storage. In the end, you're not going to see things capable on one that aren't capable on the other... it's going to be that Sony's devs simply have a much easier time developing their games than they did in the past.
  10. The visuals are amazing for the most part, but Wanderer is a sore spot. That's all I'm saying. His lack of facial emotions, unexpressive animations take a lot from the game imo. ICO and SOTC had very exaggerated character animations because it's an important part of creating character for characters who don't speak for the most part. Imagine Demon's Souls, but with lame animations? That would detract from the game big time imo. But that said, I don't think they're going to fuck it up. I think they're going to do an amazing job with it... but like already stated...
  11. The model was horrible, and the lack of any expression from animations in the original was completely lost. Overall, it was very good, but the character model was a sore spot.
  12. Demon's Souls remake is what I'm most hyped to see. Hopefully Bluepoint pulls off a faithful yet improved version of the original without fucking with it too much. I don't want another Wanderer model mishap to happen
  13. Eh, it's Atlus... expectations are low A credible insider WAS saying they heard something about a Person 4 Golden PC version coming... and honestly, if it's that, I'll be happy.. because P4 shits on P5 Royal or otherwise But P5R would be cow rape.. so hopefully it's that too
  14. I'm not pretending others haven't praised the SSD. Praising the SSD is one thing... saying games on Xbox might need elevator rides and loading screens mid-game is another And LOL the rest of what you said
  15. Backwards compatibility, xCloud, and HoloLens... Lynux's 3 favorite things... better believe this guy!!
  16. Yours are streaming faster than the PS5 SSD
  17. You're the one posting quotes from a nobody who didn't even develop games but worked on BC and xCloud
  18. Ah, so two projects in which have nothing to do with the hardware and don't stress the storage capability at all.... gotcha Search for this motherfucker on Google... and nothing comes up
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