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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Then you say it's a terrible version of the game. You don't say it's a terrible port. When you say the word PORT... you are referring to the quality of the porting process.
  2. Nah, it simply turned out that what I speculated wasn't what it was. Nothing changed.. except Sheeps level of butthurt towards me
  3. It's not a terrible port. They literally did the best they could. Switch just sucks
  4. Yea, it was speculation. I never said it was definitely happening. Like you said I did. LOL
  5. I speculated that it COULD be that. I never said I thought it was definitely that. I never used the word definitely. That's your word. That's some sheep butthurt shit
  6. bubu I definitely said it was happening Nope.... I said it was possible and I THOUGHT that it MAY BE that. Never said it was "definitely happening" Idiot Sheeps butts puckered up tight in that thread though.. butthurt little faggots
  7. You said I "definitely said it was happening" You've been using the words "thought" "think" "may be" when describing what I said though.. Backpeddlesan
  8. If they used her arrangement, she should be credited. But I mean, it's a cover of a cover.. Not sure if she has a legal ground to stand on. Naughty Dog probably knows she doesn't which is why they did it I'm guessing.
  9. I realized I posted a different board. So I edited those pics out. Nothing wrong with liking MSI, but for one, my options are limited right now because most boards are out of stock and/or extremely over priced as I said earlier, and the fact that I personally will never buy a high end motherboard again. The luxury shit is stuff that I don't need, so I'd rather save money on the motherboard and put it into other things like the GPU, or peripherals and whatever else. Eh, the UEFI is fine on the new Gigabyte boards. Nobody gave a shit about AM3+ lmao, Intel was complete
  10. I've never used software from motherboard manufacturers to control shit like the fans or whatever else. That shit is garbage no matter which you go with.
  11. What software? I don't use chipset bloatware shit to control my board, so I doubt that would be an issue. Like I said... I'm not spending huge amounts on a higher end motherboard. The MSI MEG x570 boards are...... $1000 in Canada right now
  12. Got the best VRMs in this range. What's wrong with it?
  13. I'm looking forward to Gouko's "bubut Switch had more good games in 2020 than the other platforms " thread
  14. "I think" "may be" "you said they definitiely are " - Goofusan
  15. The Sheep if they buy it, and MS if they don't
  16. This is the version Goukosan and Jehurey are gonna be playing... and if it sells good on Switch, you know they're going to be talking bout dem SALES
  17. Crysis 3 and Mirror's Edge Catalyst are also on Steam now too. I mean, they all still require Origin though lol..
  18. Definitely getting this. Should be on Steam too when it releases
  19. Nvidia's Geforce Now cloud service is also coming to STEAM. Good shit. xCloud and Gamepass will come at some point too I'm sure. And they're releasing more games on Steam today
  20. "I think" "may be" = definitely LMAO Gouko owning himself Here's one for you.. "I think Goukosan may be losing his shit"
  21. Look how mad he it cause I called him out. XbaWKZ, DEeNo, SloW JAHNNY, LeMIj Only 235 more times until you meet your quota for today
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