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Everything posted by Remij

  1. With Twinblade's logic, the LEGO Star Wars games are big budget titles because they have the Star Wars license...
  2. Lmao... listen to MYSELF? Dude... it's the DEPONIA developers... this game has fuck all for budget... Its a game with GOLUM as the main character.... This is as budget as it gets who the fuck are you kidding? And no... game graphics are NOT EVEN CLOSE to peaking..🤣
  3. Thats not what you said. That isn't diminishing returns.... You're using a game by the developers of the... Deponia series... to back up your claim... How vast are the differences between high production value games and budget games this gen?? Quite a huge difference. Don't be expecting leading edge visuals from these devs. And don't be using cross gen games either... no shirt they aren't going to look worlds apart at first.
  4. Starving Sheep will take anything thrown at them at this point
  5. I'd say Gouko-sans friends... but no, he's got many!
  6. ... lol the game is going to look fine visually. I may suffer the risk of looking less impressive than it would have half way through the gen, since we're bound to see next gen games right away, but it's still got top of the line production values. The cutscenes will look amazing, but the gameplay I saw I will admit looked a bit janky.. especially in comparison to what they showed before.
  7. LMAO that's 5 times now he's admitted to not playing anything other than Animal Crossing bu buh but mah Nintendurr DURRRect Hello everyone... welcome to this years Nintendo direct... I'll be your host
  8. Except I said you were playing Animal Crossing.... and that's it... and you don't seem to be arguing it...
  9. ^this guy re-posts a novelization of his rape Memoirs of a Geishasan
  10. Damn, how obsessed do you have to be to buy the Ellie Collector's Edition and not even own a PS4?
  11. "Oh Jehurey, draw me like one of your french girls" - Goukosan
  12. Three admissions of not playing anything other than AC in a row, damn kid, your game drought is severe.... Yikes
  13. He admits he's played nothing but AC again
  14. And you not arguing that I put more time into that post than you have games that weren't Animal Crossing this year
  15. It is. It's one of my fav JRPGs released recently. But in his case, I think he's pretty much over traditional DQ games at this point. It won't hold his interest till the end.. I'm fairly sure.
  16. It is a beautiful game, that's for sure, very polished. I loved the game, but the gameplay is 100% traditional DQ. If you've had your fill of traditional DQ games, you'll find DQ11 boring. Also, I think you'd probably find the game too easy as well.. so I'd suggest passing on it, unless you get it really cheap.
  17. Yea, I probably put more time into it than you have playing games that aren't Animal Crossing this year
  18. A Diva dancing game and an old WiiU game that nobody gave a shit about... Holy shit
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