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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No... if I was super fanboyish, I'd be defending this game blindly like you are, and/or lying to myself that I liked what I saw when it reality I didn't. But with that comment about "people" I was mostly referring to Journalists. You're basically blaming me and that it's my fault I don't like the game. The game is bad... not because it's bad... but because I made it bad by spoiling it... that's your argument against me right now. That's some fanboy shit. You've ALREADY decided that people who don't like the game are incels, emotional fanboys, or lemming
  2. You act like I'm WANTING to hate this game And I can quite honestly say that I've seen enough (1.5h of this game) to know I hate the direction they went with it. I hate the very BASIS of this game's story.... It's lame. I know enough that I don't care about how it ends. You can stop trying to defend the game to me. I REALLY hope you enjoy it though... but I don't trust most people out there to be honest with themselves and admit it even if they don't like it. Naughty Dog can do no wrong after all.
  3. Dude... not everything needs context.... but as I said... there's PLENTY out there. If you don't know and haven't spoiled the game for yourself who the hell are you to say there isn't
  4. Oh fuck off with the emotional shit. I read and watched the leaked shit... and I don't like it. It's that simple. I don't like the entire basis of what this game is built off of. It's stupid. And quite simply... I won't lie to myself about it. I'm just being honest. This was one of my most anticipated games, and much like FF7R for me, they fucked it up. It is what it is.
  5. How about it being so bad that you don't even care what the ending is?
  6. Yea, but you're going to be disappointed too.. when you play the game and realize what they've done is trash
  7. Even the Windows Store version is like the Xbox version in that it's lacking the options lol... yet the Steam version has them all plus more.
  8. Possibly Elden Ring? And yea, people are speculating that CP2077 will be there.
  9. Fuck off... the game looks great This is how Square treats FF6 these days... and you're saying a remake with Octopath quality visuals would be insulting? Sorry man.... but I'm not waiting another 10+ years for them to trickle out FF6 in 4 or 5 parts which they'll just fuck up trying to make it an action game. Remake it like Octopath, remake it like the PS1 FF games... or don't.
  10. I think they'll try something with FF6 eventually.. and again, Octopath style for that game would be amazing. Though I'm sure an FF6 remake would be similar in style to FF7 remake, or like this Trials of Mana remake. Not every "remake" needs to be a lavish full 3d production with insane cinematics and stuff like that. Rather like we seem to be wanting here...remakes in a style such as Octopath Traveler where you get beautiful pixel art style with the modern advances in technology... widescreen support, new redesigned UIs and improved CGI cutscenes. THAT is what I'm wanting these
  11. If it was done properly, in that form, it could possibly dethrone FF7 as my top RPG of all time. But SquareEnix undoubtedly would fuck up the game no matter what graphical style it has... so I hope they leave it alone.
  12. Yep, I really love mine. And yea, I love the Nintendo Switch Pro controller so much... but the d-pad issues unfortunately ruin it from being essentially perfect. I'm really surprised they haven't released a revised model which fixes the issue.
  13. My sticks haven't started drifting yet, but on one of my Xbox One controllers the d-pad is beginning to double register down presses... which sucks. I still have 3 other perfectly fine working XO controllers though, and an Elite Series 2. That said though... the very first 2 XO controllers I had both developed drifting analog sticks.. so it's definitely an issue. I've actually been using my 8bitdo SN30 PRO, for every 2D game lately. I fucking love it.. and it's fully compatible with any game because it's got all the buttons a PS4/XO controller has. It's so nice for RPGs and rea
  14. I can't wait for the Abby character DLC for Mortal Kombat 11
  15. I thought the last Inside Xbox was much better. The different "from home" style was better and they didn't have all the annoying banter that they try to shoehorn into it normally. Glad we'll see some games though.
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