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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This franchise is a perfect fit for turn based strategy. Also.. the cutscene quality is unparalleled for this style of game. It's like a AAA production. I have some issues with controls at the moment. I think the UI could be a bit better and easier to understand... but the game loop is great. I love this shit. It's already better than Gears 4 and 5.. and that's not a lie
  2. They are. It's undeniable. The games production values are off the charts... but come on... anyone can see that they're boxy and pretty bland designs. They try to "set dress" it to make it look a bit prettier, but in many cases you literally are in just a square room lol.
  3. They could literally just upscale the old game, release it, and it would review in the 8's at least. These changes/improvements will put it in 9 category.
  4. To make it the 9/10 game it always was KGB and APG Certified™
  5. VA's for the main characters are staying the same Laura Bailey I hope they keep the intro the same though.
  6. It would be funny... if it wasn't just so fucking obvious what they're doing. At this point it's just sad.
  7. I'm so happy this is likely a timed exclusive. That means there's a time limit on how long you're going to enjoy this game for, before it gets taken away from you... like candy from a baby. I call that a "Lovely Premonition"
  8. Will be nice to get that out of the way and prepare for the full launch a bit later on.
  9. Uh... it kinda has been for a while now...
  10. Plain and simple... Dynamite was banned for a slur... a slur that many others used within that same day... and had no consequence. What he did after is irrelevant. I wasn't calling for him to be unbanned. I was calling out that other people were NOT banned in the first place for using that word. Your entire argument is shit Jehurey. You argued tooth and nail... because it doesn't matter the reason why he was banned.. it doesn't matter to you that everyone is treated equal... you simply wanted him banned because you hate him.
  11. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not... it's what you admitted I was attempting to do... which certainly doesn't fit with your narrative now LOLOLOL
  12. I already told you... he was banned for posting a slur.... not posting spoilers bitch.... That was a byproduct of him being banned. I never defended that at all. And I never called for him to be unbanned.... You attempted to change the argument and I called your bitch ass out for it. You entire narrative falls apart because you cant accept the fact that I was calling out unfair behavior of mods... and you even defended them saying "life's unfair"... You KNOW they were being unfair. Then you changed to "bubut the spoilerz he deservz it "... but that wasn't why he was
  13. I love how you even admit it in the post you made That's right... unfairly moderated.... not "innocent"....
  14. Nope... it was defending my position that mods should do their job equally for all. I didn't call for him to be unbanned at all. You keep omitting that fact. My posts were about what the MODS were doing... and not what Dynamite did... because that's all you wanted to talk about. What I was talking about is why people who did similar things using that word... weren't banned. And you know that... which is why you tried the "equivalency" argument... As I said.. .you have selective morality... Certain people saying certain things rubs you the wrong way more
  15. I did speak to the mods... I spoke to Twinblade and asked why he was banned. The only response I got was you whining... I defended my position that the mods should act fairly... just because I was responding to you... doesn't mean my posts weren't meant for them.... I specifically called out Cooke for apparently not doing his job well.
  16. Nobody can disagree with you without posting 40 posts you fuckhead... because you incessantly try to argue in circles with people.
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