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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I already told you... he was banned for posting a slur.... not posting spoilers bitch.... That was a byproduct of him being banned. I never defended that at all. And I never called for him to be unbanned.... You attempted to change the argument and I called your bitch ass out for it. You entire narrative falls apart because you cant accept the fact that I was calling out unfair behavior of mods... and you even defended them saying "life's unfair"... You KNOW they were being unfair. Then you changed to "bubut the spoilerz he deservz it "... but that wasn't why he was
  2. I love how you even admit it in the post you made That's right... unfairly moderated.... not "innocent"....
  3. Nope... it was defending my position that mods should do their job equally for all. I didn't call for him to be unbanned at all. You keep omitting that fact. My posts were about what the MODS were doing... and not what Dynamite did... because that's all you wanted to talk about. What I was talking about is why people who did similar things using that word... weren't banned. And you know that... which is why you tried the "equivalency" argument... As I said.. .you have selective morality... Certain people saying certain things rubs you the wrong way more
  4. I did speak to the mods... I spoke to Twinblade and asked why he was banned. The only response I got was you whining... I defended my position that the mods should act fairly... just because I was responding to you... doesn't mean my posts weren't meant for them.... I specifically called out Cooke for apparently not doing his job well.
  5. Nobody can disagree with you without posting 40 posts you fuckhead... because you incessantly try to argue in circles with people.
  6. You questioned my intentions idiot... I spoke directly to mods... and none of them responded... YOU on the other hand tried to paint me as defending him and being a "bigot sympathizer" I defended my position... and it remains the same as it does today. Your intentions are CLEAR Jehurey. You hate DynamiteCop... you hate lemmings... you hate Xbox... you hate me... and you're selectively moral when it suits you. The fact that you're arguing that one use of the word "fa66ot" is more acceptable than another is one thing... but purposely misconstruing what he said to make
  7. Nope. It wasn't relevant to my argument against the mod team. You're the one trying to advocate for different levels of hate speech... lmao. I called out all people using the word. You got stuck up on DynamiteCop because you're biased against him. It's that simple. My point of view is that the word shouldn't be used... by anyone. Yours is that your friends can use it... but Dynamite can't. The fact that you're blatantly misconstruing the meaning of his post shows just how far you'll go to get him, and keep him, banned. Again... you have "selectively mo
  8. There was no front idiot. I'm calling for the same thing today as I did yesterday You're actually getting mad because I could have defended him in this way yesterday... had I wanted to. Except I didn't... and I didn't call for him to be unbanned.... I called for fair treatment. Which goes against what you claim I was doing yesterday. Nothing I've typed today changes what I said yesterday. You act like calling out other people for using the same word is the same as what I just did to defend him now.... except you know there's a difference... because you're ACTUAL
  9. Nope. Yesterday I did not defend him as I did today... because as I said... my point wasn't to defend him. It was calling out the unfair treatment of certain poster over others for doing the same thing. I never... and am still not calling for him to be unbanned.... some defense there eh I'm currently calling YOU out for your selective understanding and selective bias when it comes to morality... You're a punk who stokes fires and selectively get your feelings hurt and choose to misunderstand things to create arguments and defense for your friends. "fa66
  10. Why are you responding to someone who's banned?
  11. Of course I believe the same things today as I did yesterday. I'm consistent. You're the one "currently" acting morally superior. I didn't defend him yesterday... because I wasn't defending him... I was asking the mods to be consistent and do their job equally. What you're saying to me right now... is that it's ok to say "fa66ot" as long as it's in a context you find acceptable... or by one of your friends... is that right?
  12. Every post with "fa66ot" is hate speech. I posted a bunch of them. You are picking and choosing. And being honest, you're actually trying to flip around what he said. "fa66ots" in his post wasn't referring to gay people.... it was referring to people who don't understand the concept he was talking about. He can't believe people that couldn't understand that concept exist... not that "fa66ots" aren't real people. There's me defending him. Except.. I didn't say that. I called out the mod team for not doing their job... since one was apparently so much wor
  13. Nope. I called out the mod team fool. Stop being disingenuous. Every sentence with "fa66ot" in it is hate speech. You're picking and choosing... That's not me defending him... that's me calling you out. Quite clearly all racism and hate speech should be banned. Imagine if the mods treated everyone equal. See... here you are.. at this very moment... saying one is worse than the other... when the fact is that both are against the rules and should result in a ban. Where's the bans for those other posters? Why just lemming posters? And where did I say wh
  14. Nope.. I didn't defend him. I questioned why he was being held accountable to the same thing that others weren't. You're trying so hard to interpret that as defending him... because you hate him so much.. lmao. If I had disregarded the morality of what he was doing, I wouldn't have called out others for doing the same thing... It's about mods being consistent more than it's about him. I never called for him to be unbanned. I asked questions of the moderation team... and conveniently you got a conscience and argued in their defense... saying that life is unfair sometimes. You
  15. I'm adding "There's no need for any more conversation." alongside "free to keep" as basic language you clearly don't understand Do I need Wario64 to post it to make it clearer for you?
  16. Nope. It was unjust... in the fact that others weren't banned for it... you're response was that "life is unfair." I never called for him to be unbanned... and you know it. I love how you know that... and are trying to change the argument in an attempt to make me look bad. You said you didn't care... but you do. You can't stop arguing with me about it because you care about it THAT much. Think about that. You're the one with the problem here. Let me guess... you "currently have a conscience" but didn't the 24h before Dynamite deci
  17. No I didn't. I asked why other posters weren't subject to the same... I never once called for him to be unbanned. And no... You seemed to have made it your problem when you argued about it with me. Seems like you do care... lmao.. if you didn't you wouldn't respond to me. Seems like it's more your problem than mine... and you seem to have problems with everyone... which does actually make it the forums problem. But that's on YOU. I'm going to call out your hypocrisy every time I see it. And there's nothing you can do about it
  18. You clearly wanted to start something by insinuating that I (again) didn't explain in the most efficient way possible (omfg imagine being lame enough to do that) The ENTIRE point of your post... was to call me out for how I posted the information. You just admitted it. There's no need for any more conversation. You lost, and I was right to call you out. My first response to you was perfectly polite.. and you couldn't stand that.. because it was meant to antagonize me.. so then you continued posting and arguing... as you do And there's nothing you can do
  19. lmao yea @Twinblade there's the answer. Get XCOM, and then use GP for Gears Tactics if you want. XCOM is pretty cheap right now, while Gears is full price unless you own 4/5 on Steam already, then you get a discount. (but I know you don't so) Might as well do it that way and play both.
  20. So... you said that to clarify that he said it more efficiently that I did.... lmao.. you JUST admitted to putting that word in there specifically to call me out for NOT using the most efficient word in your opinion. LMFAO.... If your intention WASN'T to do that... you wouldn't have included the word.. But we all know precisely that it was. The entire point of your post was to start something. Which was OBVIOUS because of the previous thread
  21. Nope. I've already made my case. You're very selective in who you want the rules to apply to apparently. Me calling out one person getting banned for saying that word while others don't has nothing to do with defending the use of that word... it's about defending the equality here. You tried putting words in my mouth and saying I was defending the use of the word and him being a bigot... but that's simply bullshit. You don't like him... and that's why you don't say anything when your friends do it, but defend the mods being unfair when it's someone you don't like.
  22. Respond to the question. What else could it's inclusion have possibly meant?
  23. God what a fucking mess. I'm not responding to any of that. You wanted him banned because you hate him... over anything else. Next time, if you don't want to be a fucking hypocrite... call out your friends for doing the same shit.
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