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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sure of course it is. Because you're specifically referencing the fact that iyo I didn't "fully" explain the deal. What else could it possibly mean?
  2. Nope. And YOU already know it's morally wrong when others do it..... so why aren't you holding them accountable too?? Where did I call for him to be unbanned? I asked WHY he was banned... and then you stated why... so then I question why he was when others weren't for the same thing. That's 100% what it was... You got your little bitch feelings hurt because I was calling out something unjust and you were trying to justify the mods banning one for something while not banning others for the same thing. You wanted nothing more for him to be banned
  3. Why aren't you telling him that? You yourself already know what he does... so why isn't he being held accountable for it?
  4. "I've argued with HS before "... lmfao.. You're melting down because I called out your post for what it was. You literally can't stand that I made another thread of value to this forum... and because you were butthurt by your idiotic misunderstanding of basic english words "free to keep" you made yourself look like an idiot and are embarrassed. All you can do now is attempt to troll and antagonize me. That was your goal here. I responded in a polite way.. explaining that your post was actually wrong, and that I gave more information than Wario64... and you lost your
  5. I didn't defend him. In fact... what I did was question why he got banned for saying the same thing others said within the last 24h and didn't get bans. See.. that's your problem. You're trying to put words in my mouth like I was defending him for saying "fa66ot" when really I was questioning why he's being treated different for saying the same word that others have said with no consequences. I didn't see you calling for Liquid or Ghostz or Lynux's posts saying that word... Nope.... you actually ONLY do that with specific posters. It's blatantly fucking
  6. How about you hold him accountable for once? How many threads does the guy have to fuck up before you idiots do something that will make him think twice about it in the future?
  7. You didn't melt down because this was my thread... and you wanted to antagonize ME. Why argue with Hot Sauce when you could argue with me. Arguing with him would just give ME more ammo to use against you... lmao idiot.. you're not fooling anyone. You could have posted "yeah I already got the deal"... but you didn't. You came into this thread to antagonize ME specifically by posting that Wario "fully" explained it to you... You don't come into threads to post the same information that's posted in the OP and nothing else... See that's your problem... you'
  8. YOU derailed the thread... and continued to do so arguing with Jon.. idiot. Think about it... you got mad because I posted a deal LOL... you literally got mad and tried to come into the thread and antagonize me for it That's LITERALLY what you did. You came into this thread... already aware of the deal... to just tell me that Wario explained it more fully than I did... and he says his intentions were pure Jer... you're a shitposter... all you do is attempt to start arguments and derail threads. Your shit always spills into multiple threads,
  9. I actually reacted to Hot Sauces post before you did... and had no reaction. You post was a clear attempt to antagonize... quite obviously. I mean.. you posted the same information that I posted in the OP... and claimed that he "fully" explained it to you earlier. Are you saying that wasn't an attempt to get a response out of me? Let's see how truthful you are. You're in my thread... the one you fucked up by being butthurt. You've got a problem of ruining threads. You don't like what you've caused... leave my thread.
  10. Wow... derailing another thread... this shit is getting so old.. @Cookester15 @Twinblade Why is it every thread Jehurey posts in goes to shit? What is going to be done about this? I can't post threads linking to deals anymore because Jehurey was too stupid to understand the definition of the phrase "free to keep" and thus is now bringing his butthurt into every single one of my threads?
  11. STOP being butthurt because I called out your shitty post for attempting to antagonize me. Your post didn't require a response, just like this thread didn't require yours. You got one... Deal with it. You're responding to me and ONLY posting in this thread because you are butthurt. Specifically for that reason in fact. Everyone knows it. Jehurey... you CLEARLY have a problem with antagonizing and derailing threads... with MULTIPLE posters. In fact, certain posters can't seem to post anything without you attempting to antagonize them and attem
  12. It's connected but takes place before Gears 4/5 iirc. You play as the father of Kait from 4 and 5. I think you're good. There's no need to play the others before this, if that's what you mean. It will probably be better to play Tactics, then 4 and 5. Or just Tactics and skip 4 and 5
  13. You just tried telling me that I didn't need to comment. Looks like you have an issue with telling people to stop doing things you don't like. Stop whining because I spoke about your comment. I'm not starting anything. You decided to post in this thread.. and antagonize me. I corrected a lie in your post.. and you're losing your shit. Your post in this thread wasn't necessary at all. The fact that you posted it makes it obvious to everyone what's going on here. I... once again provided a service to this forum.. and posted something USEFUL... and then you came in..
  14. Hypocrite... telling me I can't do it to you when you're trying to do it to me. He doesn't give you all the information. I did. In a very clear and concise way... both times. You clearly posted your little comment in an effort to antagonize me... because as you already stated... you heard about it earlier.. and apparently grabbed the game... which would mean that there was no reason for you to post in this thread. If you feel like you absolutely HAD to post what you did... well, that's where I call bullshit.. because your (fully) remark is obviously an attempt to sta
  15. Sure it is... people here get all the information in one place... like I've provided both times. I'm pretty sure nobody else here follows Wario64... so yea, nobody is going to be looking at his tweets period. I was nice enough to provide this thread and link the store page. I gave ALL the required info to let a person know how long the promotion lasts, and a direct link to the download. Seems like you're just butthurt. Because you really didn't need to comment in the first place. Instead you were trying to antagonize my.. with your (fully) comment and everyone knows
  16. Nah, he factually didn't. He gave no indication of when the promotion ends. I did. I'm not starting anything. If anything, you were trying to start something with your (fully) comment. I'm just pointing out that you were wrong.... again. Learn from this and don't get mad and make it a big thing. Just stop posting.
  17. Actually I gave more information in the title than he did... and we both posted the same link. So it would appear you just got notified earlier... nothing else. Congrats for understanding the tweet though
  18. Grab it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/201270/Total_War_SHOGUN_2/
  19. Nah, they confirmed it multiple times.
  20. Some benchmarks from PC gamer @ 1080p high Seems pretty solid. And another thing is that it's not really even imperative to run the game at 60. It's an RTS game.. Locking to 30 and playing it that way should be fine as well. That all depends on the player though.
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