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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Chris Dring left twitter because he was getting harassed by Goobs asking "what did you mean by 'FF7Rb just about beat DD2'?"
  2. LOL you're still butthurt days later Were you going around telling people you just about won that argument?
  3. Final Floppity Stillbirth Goes to show you how dead Playstation is in Japan. The only games that sell there are Final Fantasy games.. and they are an absolute shadow of their former selves. SquareEnix needs to just focus on Switch hardware in Japan. DQ12 should be a massive seller since it's likely to release on Switch 2.. so at least there's that. I mean, we're at the point where PIKMIN is vastly outselling Final Fantasy in Japan
  4. Get a life dude. This thread has nothing to do with Xbox. lmao Xbox on the mind 24/7. I feel sorry for you
  5. They're having an identity crisis. I'm a COW!! I SWEAR! It doesn't matter what Microsoft says I am!! Cowlings
  6. Yep. Worse in every way. I was hoping an intel based handheld would be able to compete, because the space needs competition for AMD.. but yea this definitely ain't it.
  7. Thing is a real POS apparently That's what happens when certain companies try to latch on to ideas made popular by other companies who actually give a shit about the product they put out.
  8. This isn't the "what are you buying thread" jk David ❤️
  9. Not from games they didn't... and that's a 14% drop from the year before and dude... GameStop is FUCKING DONE. Give me a break...
  10. Yea.. Warrior isn't for most people. It's very slow and like I said you basically have to commit hard to every swing. I maxed it out, and am going to switch to Archer when I get a chance to play again.
  11. lmao dummy.. there's no need to call you... each year the reports get worse. You'll understand it eventually.
  12. ^this is the post of someone trying to convince themselves. "If I say it enough times it will become true!!" Why don't you will your retardation to go away instead
  13. I don't back any console brand moron. However, I DO back a platform with no retail presence... it's called PC dipshit LOL this is how pathetic these idiots are. They can't argue the fact that physical just keeps declining... and so they try so hard to make it about the person stating as much and discredit them
  14. LOL these miserable fucks even made this thread about Xbox and Lemmings You guys seriously need help
  15. I'm well aware of the reasons people buy physical dumbass. Fact is...retail stores that sell games are dying. Consoles are beginning to offer purely digital only consoles. The fact that you're trying to act like you hang out at the local game shop and watch people deciding which games to buy by the cover is just hilarious and so mid 2000s It just doesn't happen anymore like that.
  16. Propping up your argument with one game.. lmao. 44%... in one region.... And it's Hogwarts... LOL.. it probably skewed more in favor of physical because people who hate JK Rowling but love Harry Potter wanted to play it and be able to trade it in GTA5 is also a stupid comparison because a huge amount of that games sales came from 360 and PS3.. which again would obviously would skew more towards physical in the early days.
  17. Dumb post. This isn't about Xbox at all. It's about the numbers.. which as you admitted... show Physical declining year after year. You're going to be weeded out eventually son
  18. lmao dude, you're delusional. It's declining year after year. The writing is on the wall. Like I said... the majority of those physical buyers... WILL be converted to digital. Publishers will simply say enough is enough and not want to pay retail fees anymore.
  19. lmao... look at you. FF7Stillbirth lost to DD2 in both Europe and the UK Now I suggest you leave Zhuge alone for posting that FF7 has only sold half of what Remake did and that it's tail will be worse... and just get on with your life. Go try Sea of Thieves.
  20. Physical games are dying bro. Of that 10%... you have maybe 2% which are diehards and who will stop gaming when the companies decide to stop altogether with physical games. The other 8% will convert to digital.
  21. And.... have you not been watching as those stores close before your eyes and/or morph from video game retailer to gaming/misc junk merchandise retailer? You already see the writing on the wall dude... I know you do. You saying 10% of gamers is still millions of people, and that it doesn't mean physical is dead...... is like me saying 10% of sales are on Xbox and it doesn't mean it's dead... It's DEAD AND DYING bro. I get it.. you like to have a disc and be able to resell your games... but as a game delivery system it's outdated as fuck.
  22. I didn't make any mistake. And if you had one ounce of brain in you, you'd realize that BOTH the UK and Europe had DD2 over FF7Rb in the first 2 weeks.
  23. He didn't "clear anything up"... because he was never making that comparison to begin with. YOU idiot butthurt fuckheads made it about that. And you can just imagine the amount of tweets and hate he got from people like you trying to discredit him because he didn't make that exact comparison... to where he said "oh yea that's a good comparison... but that costs money" Run along dude.. today ain't your day.
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