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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I love that your defense is "other people have been treated unfairly too" You said he was banned for saying a slur. That's what I'm referring to... and you're trying hard to ignore that fact. I'm not defending what he did after... but I'm defending him from being banned for saying "fa66ot" because others just said it in the last 24h and nothing was said or done. As I said.. I'm not biased in this matter. You're trying to change the matter from what he was being banned for... to whether he should stay banned or not due to what he did after. I'm talking abou
  2. I'm gonna be honest... I read the entire plot synopsis/spoiler.. and if it's true... I'm not impressed. They really are just pandering at this point...and it feels so forced. Also, all the talk about people on the dev team hoping the game is a failure so ND will change how they run their company. They've been losing talent all over as well. I honestly don't really even care anymore. It's not even the leaks and shit, but I'm just losing hype for this game altogether.. with all the delays and all the other shit happening in the world. There's more interesting stuff coming up lik
  3. I'm actually NOT being biased. I'm the one calling out the fact that other people have said the word before, and weren't banned for it. You seem to be conveniently ignoring that little point and saying it doesn't matter when it does. Dyno changed his name to "I can't post for 2 days"... before he changed it to the spoiler. I'm presuming he was banned because he said "faggot"... after that... that's on him. But it doesn't change the fact that none of that would have happened if he wasn't banned for saying a word other people used just today, and weren't banned for...
  4. Oh for fuck sakes.. I wasn't even talking to you.. I asked Twinblade something and you chimed in... probably taking the position opposite of me because you hate me I don't need to provide you shit. I said if he got banned for saying faggot then wow... look other people have too.. Double standards... because you know... lemming and all.
  5. HUUUUUGE spoilers....... (it's an image) check at your own risk
  6. It does matter. He said it just as multiple others have... this very day. And yet, they weren't banned. Seems unfair. Also seems like you maybe acknowledge that it was unfair... but that you don't like him and thus are glad he's banned. You don't like being banned unfairly... do you?
  7. I'm not defending him putting spoilers in his name. But what lead to that point? Him being banned for saying something other posters say liberally and never face any consequences? You never said anything when it was Remy posting that word... unsurprisingly... but anytime a lemming does... you want action? Yea, that pattern is noticeable alright.
  8. Well that's besides the point... isn't it? If he said the f word and got banned for it and went on a tantrum... well, maybe it's because other people are saying it with no consequences....
  9. It's the same shit... the point is you're viewing something on a flat 2d screen.. Notice in the 3d augmented reality they have a headset on??? Monitors, tvs, phones... it's all flat... ie 2d. The only way to perceive images in 3d with actual perceived depth is with 2 viewports, one for each eye. 3d monitors like 3DS, and 3dTVs provide the illusion of depth... but it's not immersive.. because you aren't the camera.. you can look anywhere and the illusion breaks. In VR it doesn't....
  10. Seems like Cooke has done a shitty job enforcing his rule then...
  11. Nope.. sorry... but in VR you perceive that depth... because there's an image for each of your eyes, and it occupies your entire view frustum... as I've already said multiple times. Depth and immersion. How can you be that fucking stupid? Who the fuck said it wasn't an illusion? Who the fuck said it was new? On a traditional monitor... you're not perceiving the 3d depth of the image... you're getting the illusion of 3d because everything in the image is relative to everything else.. you can move in X/Y/Z coordinates... that's what gives the ILLUSION of
  12. The illusion... not the perception. It's not 3d. I don't perceive that thing ACTUALLY coming toward me... I know it's flat on the screen. Just because my brain knows something in the screen is farther away relative to something else in the screen doesn't make it immersive. Nope. Sorry. I don't need to convince anyone. There's absolutely NO immersion in that video... and you still can't seem to understand the simple reason why that is... I've literally been dangling it in front of you this entire time.
  13. lmao... there's no immersion in that video. You posted an illusion. There's no immersion, because you cannot enter in that space.... jfc.. And you're arguing about "the main accomplishment"... who the fuck cares what the main accomplishment is? None of the other stuff wouldn't have happened if stereoscopic images didn't trick our eyes into perceiving depth... so yes.. that is the most important part. You're going on about that shit when we were arguing about VR vs traditional monitors... lmao
  14. No there isn't lmao... Rasterization.. literally rendering the game.. is the act of literally taking data that defines the objects in a scene, and determining where they are in the scene and what pixels to shade. It's literally taking that 3d data.. and converting it to a flat image that displays on your monitor...
  15. You're not even talking about the subject but rather how "burdened" they are... and you say WE'RE the ones talking about silly things
  16. Not immersive at all. Literally not at all. There's nothing immersive about looking at that. You can't reach and grab any of those targets. You can't look behind those targets. All the other shit you're talking about is you trying REALLY HARD to make some argument... but it's not working. People wear glasses on their faces every day. And you know what your brain notices more than LEDs right in front of your eyes? How immersive the game is... and how you can look anywhere and you're actually surrounded by that environment. Nobody in VR thinks about how close the L
  17. They're 2d. There's no actual depth to screens... lmao dude...
  18. It's not immersive at all. You know you're looking at a flat image on a monitor. It's moving the camera relative to your head... but it's not immersive at all because you literally cannot see behind it... It's a window.. like I said. Looking through my window outside from inside my house isn't immersive is it? I don't feel like I'm immersed in the environment outside... I feel like I'm looking through a window. That's what traditional 2D gaming is... because your eyes cannot perceive real world depth to those images. We know that there's things farther away, and things obscured like tre
  19. But... we all perceive that image on a flad 2d plane called a monitor
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