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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Dude has turned into a complete fuckhead recently lmao.. I think he's been testing some of Trumps homemade Corna remedies and this is what we're left with.
  2. Fuck off with this.... Your argument is somehow that those same physics would somehow be better if you played them on a 2D flat screen God damn you're an idiot... and to say they're not improved over HL2... but actually worse... tells me all I need to fucking know. What kinda set were you even playing on
  3. Sorry, but it's more of an impressive game than HL3 could ever have hoped to be. LMAO 2D pew pews
  4. Pretty sure it's a completely new IP... but who knows. Perfect Dark would be an awesome IP to bring back so it's all good either way. They've been getting a lot of Naughty Dog talent joining the studio. They just recently got one of the animators on Uncharted 4.
  5. Yea, that was maybe an issue 1.5 years ago.. I've played the entire game on PC and didn't experience any save issues. The only issue I had actually was that I never wanted to play the Switch version ever again
  6. Best on PC. 100+fps 4K and any controller you want
  7. "You're a bitch rem" "Complete bitch" "You're mad rem" I think you're the one that's mad that you got checked dude. You asked a stupid question which was answered in the title. I responded politely... you kept doubling down on stupid, trying to make excuses... and here we are. The Jerry-go-round of butthurt... where you put more effort into arguing your way out of an argument than you ever have avoiding one in the first place. Basic forum etiquette dictates you read the title and OP before responding to it... that way you reduce the chance of saying stupid things o
  8. Nobody has put this much effort into defending asking a stupid question this much in the history of this site. Even the people calling hospitals asking about injecting disinfectant to treat Covid19 would be like... you know what... that was a stupid question and people are right to ridicule me. It's OBVIOUS you shouldn't do that.
  9. It's not that you asked a question sweetie... People ask questions all the time, but they don't ask stupid questions with obvious answers to said questions in the thread title. Whining because you're being called out for doing so, and then doubling down on it while putting in much more effort than would have been required to avoid the situation in the first place is why you're being treated the way you are. Jehurey with the victim complex "Rem is picking on me" "You can't dictate how stupid my questions are!"
  10. Again... put as much effort into understanding painfully obvious thread titles and a little bit of effort into checking the link provided to you in the OP instead of asking stupid questions and arguing in circles about them. Your question was stupid since the very start... and I never said it wasn't. I said I didn't respond to you in a confrontational manner until you DOUBLED DOWN on that stupidity. The rest of your posts are "you're being mean to me " Put some effort into not being stupid and asking stupid questions requiring people to explain shit that you should ha
  11. It was all stupid you fuckhead. When you doubled down on your stupidity, that's when I started treating you like a bitch and my demeanor changed. You didn't catch shit.. and putting it in red doesn't make it more true you fucking pleb. Bubut rem... there's "free weekends" "free for a limited time" "free to play until" No shit... notice the lack of "weekends" "limited time" "to play until" and instead the words "to keep" which signifies... to keep..... YOU FUCKING IDIOT
  12. You starting going on about stupid shit... so then you got called stupid. When was the last time you were told a game was free to keep, but then expired 2 weeks later You see where the stupid comes in? I gave you a response that was not attacking you in any way. I said I thought it was obvious from the title.. and instead of accepting that... you doubled down on stupid shit like "the digital licence" from which point on I knew that you're just going to say more stupid shit in an attempt to get out of looking stupid in the first place. You're not fooling
  13. Except.. you know.. my first response to you was completely fine. I told you I thought it was pretty obvious by the title. Then instead of simply accepting that fact... you kept trying to go on about how you were confused... which is then why I started to ridicule you and call you stupid. I didn't COME looking for that. You brought it upon yourself... because you simply cant accept ridicule. Again... you were the only person who tried to turn something painfully obvious.. into something that you could argue about. And then you changed course to whine abou
  14. If only I could put understanding inside of your head. You know... like using the words "to keep" in the thread title to signify that you get to keep the game. I wish I would have done that in retrospect so that you would have understoo-- wait.. I DID do that. And now you're trying to flame your way out by calling me a bitch. Dude, I wouldn't have said anything... if you weren't stupid. That's on YOU. The fact that you're hurt by it, and put more effort into trying to make excuses for it, shows me that you're either literally stupid... or that you're too
  15. "You're being mean to me... I'm not stupid ... let's argue about it for forever now! I couldn't be asked to put one ounce of effort into understanding the thread or checking the OP before I asked my stupid question.. but I sure can argue about it all night because you're being mean to me!!"
  16. If only you put as much effort into not asking stupid questions that you do in trying to argue yourself out of them... we could avoid a lot of this. Asking me to be nicer to you doesn't work for me. You need to be aware of how stupid the shit you ask and say is.
  17. His answer was... because you know why? He actually wasn't a lazy retard like you and before he would think to ask a stupid question, he would find the answer himself. He said he guesses, because he's responding to you... He's being polite. That's him... I'm not him.. you asked a stupid question... and as the maker of this thread... I'm calling out that stupidity.
  18. Listening you to continually try to make excuses for your stupidity is so boring
  19. I already told you... you come in and ask stupid questions with painfully obvious answers... I'm going to call you out on it. That's not an ulterior motive... I didn't make the thread in the hope that some idiot like you would be confused and ask a stupid question. You just happened to do exactly that... thus my response. I haven't spoken to you at all today in any thread, so it's not like I had some animosity towards you already. You asked something stupid and obvious... and I commented. And then after that you're now trying to make excuses like I'm picking on you.. I'd point
  20. Uses the phrase "free to keep" in the title... "bubut you didn't make it obvious" I had no motive in this thread. I posted something, and made it extremely obvious from the title and the OP to what it referred. You came in and asked a stupid question that was already answered... that's why I'm treating you this way. Ask stupid questions with painfully obvious answers and I'll point it out... especially when I'm the person who made the thread.
  21. That's probably because they weren't the ones who made it painfully obvious by using the word "keep" in the title. It's not my fault you ask stupid questions to things made painfully obvious aside from the fact that you're too lazy, or dumb, to click the link in the OP before asking your stupid question. All of this could have been avoided if you would have read the title and OP. But it's only YOU who asks the stupid questions here... because it was obvious to everyone else.
  22. Except no. It's a stupid question... because I wouldn't say keep if it was only free to play. Free to keep, implies that you get to keep the game. It's obvious to anyone reading the title that they would get to keep the game, as long as they grabbed it before that date. And then barring all that... you very well could have just clicked the link I provided in the OP, which UNDOUBTEDLY clarifies any possible misunderstanding you may have had. Because realize... that you're the first person in the thread to ask that stupid question that was already answered.
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